Are elastic bands for weaving bracelets dangerous? What threatens your favorite childhood hobby?

Are elastic bands for weaving bracelets dangerous? What threatens your favorite childhood hobby?
Are elastic bands for weaving bracelets dangerous? What threatens your favorite childhood hobby?

The whole world has been swept by a craze for weaving from colorful rubber bands "Fanny Lum". It is not surprising that parents of girls and boys who like to show off their new fashionable "baubles" to friends and classmates ask the same question: are rubber bands dangerous for weaving bracelets? The answer, unfortunately, is ambiguous. While the real "Fanny Lum", produced under the appropriate brand, does not cause any harm to the he alth of little craftsmen and craftswomen, the modern Russian market is replete with fakes and cheap analogues of the famous rubber bands. Can it be argued that they are also harmless?

Are elastic bands for weaving bracelets dangerous?
Are elastic bands for weaving bracelets dangerous?

Research results

It's not just family members who are concerned about the dangers of Chinese bangle bands. British scientists initiated a series of studies on the composition of the famous "Fanny Lum" and came to disappointing results.conclusions. Among the official batches of goods coming directly from China, you can always find several series of fake rubber bands and accessories for needlework. The so-called "charms" (colorful plastic pendants for baubles) turned out to be particularly dangerous: scientists have found that the permissible content of phthalates in these simple-looking accessories not only exceeds the permissible limit, but also reaches potentially deadly values.

Poisonous plastic

Are Chinese elastic bands for weaving bracelets dangerous?
Are Chinese elastic bands for weaving bracelets dangerous?

Are elastic bands for weaving bracelets dangerous? Unfortunately, yes, if they contain high levels of phthalates, chemicals widely used by Chinese factories in their manufacturing process. These chemicals usually contribute not only to improving the quality of plastic, but also to its disposal. At an unacceptable concentration, however, phthalates turn into powerful carcinogens - it is for this reason that their use in the factory production of toys is strictly regulated by regulatory legal acts. Especially risky is the use of these chemicals in the production of children's things that can end up in the mouth of an unintelligent child.

If you are wondering if the elastic bands for weaving bracelets that you have already bought your baby as a gift for a significant holiday are dangerous, examine the packaging. "Fanny Lum" must be produced by an official supplier. These "irises" contain no more than the legal limit of 0.1% phthalates based on the weight of pure plastic.

British scientists who decidedto find out if rubber bands are dangerous for weaving bracelets, we studied the composition of not only official batches, but also boxes with packages of cheaper Fanny Lum counterparts. In each individual sample, the content of phthalates significantly exceeded the norm of 0.1%, and rubber bands and pendants were found in two of the sixteen packages, in which there were more than 50% harmful chemicals.

How to avoid risk

Are elastic bands for weaving bracelets dangerous?
Are elastic bands for weaving bracelets dangerous?

If you are seriously concerned about the he alth of your child and do not know how to understand if the elastic bands for weaving bracelets sold in a local store are dangerous, do not hesitate to ask consultants questions. Packages bearing the "CE" mark indicate the safety of the product. If you order Fanny Lum online, choose only the most reputable sellers.

It makes no sense to give up the cognitive hobby, but vigilance will never hurt you.
