Indicators of pulse and blood pressure characterize the work of the heart and blood vessels. It must be said right away that it is impossible to clearly define their norm, since both the pressure and the pulse of a person have an individual character and depend on age, lifestyle or occupation. You can only indicate their average values.

Thus, normal blood pressure averages 120/80. If the blood pressure is more than 140/90 during the measurement, then we can already talk about mild hypertension.
If we talk about the pulse, then in a he althy person it should be 60-80 beats / min. In this case, measurements should be carried out at rest. It is necessary to take into account not only the frequency of pulsations of the vessels, but also such characteristics of the pulse as rhythm, filling and tension.
It is worth noting that a person's pulse is not a constant indicator, since it depends on many factors. So, in newborns, the heart rate corresponds to the pulse rate and is 140 beats / min. With age, this figure falls - after 15 years it is 60-80beats / min, as in adults, and in older people it may not reach these figures, but this is considered the norm.

An interesting fact is that the heart rate depends on height - tall people have a lower heart rate. Even gravitational factors have a certain influence on this indicator. In addition, women's hearts beat faster than men's. The rate of contraction of the heart is affected by physical activity, which provokes tachycardia - a rapid heartbeat, which corresponds to an accelerated pulse. The presence of certain pathologies in the body, in which organs and tissues require more intensive blood supply and more oxygen, can also affect the pulse rate. It should also indicate the role of stress and various experiences on the work of the heart.
Since the human pulse is a periodic expansion of the blood vessels, which takes place synchronously with the contraction of the heart, the detection of certain violations of it allows timely detection of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
Most often, the pulse count is carried out in the base of the hand on the outside above the radius or in the temples. In this case, the number of pulsations of blood vessels in one minute is counted. It is important to pay attention to the rhythm of these pulsations, since different intervals between them indicate disturbances in the work of the heart or in the conduction system.

Arrhythmias are often diagnosed in violation of the pulse. At the same time, a pulse deficit is recorded - its indicators are smaller,than the heart rate, and the time interval between two pulse waves is different. The identification of such patterns becomes an important reason for a more thorough examination using sphygmography, which makes it possible to confirm the presence of arrhythmic contraction of the heart and prescribe appropriate treatment in a timely manner.
It should be noted that a person's pulse, as well as the blood pressure at the outlet of the heart, depends on the state of the vessels (their tone and elasticity of the walls). A change in the values of the pulse or pressure more or less than the norm does not always indicate a severe lesion of the heart. Although it should be remembered that only a specialist can judge what a person’s normal pressure or pulse is. These concepts are very relative, so in any case, if abnormalities are found, you should consult a doctor.