What is a he alth group?

What is a he alth group?
What is a he alth group?

He alth group is a special term that is needed to designate and assess the he alth of underage citizens and conscripts. Such a division and its documentary fixation are very important both for the state and for public organizations. Their significance lies in calculating the percentage of he althy children in the country and determining the permissible load on them (physical education and labor), as well as on young people in the army.

He alth group
He alth group

Of course, parents need to know what he alth group a child has. After all, only depending on it you can find out if he needs treatment, and if so, what kind.

So, as mentioned above, it is the division into groups that allows you to determine the percentage of he althy babies and adolescents in the state or a public institution (kindergarten, school). The Children's He alth Index is how these data are designated. It should be noted that in our time, its indicators are far behind the norm, as more and more students acquire the so-called "adult" diseases - gastritis, ulcers, hypertension and hypotension, heart disease. If normally the percentage of children who are not ill (as a rule, this value is determined over a time period equal to one year) is at least 70%, then the real data speaks of only 30%.

But howDoes all this include he alth groups? It would not be superfluous to say that there are only five of them. And only the first group of he alth makes up the index. It includes children who are completely normal in all respects, who either did not get sick at all, or occasionally had frivolous problems, did not suffer from any chronic diseases. Any kind of activity is open for them, there are no restrictions.

Child he alth index
Child he alth index

The second group includes relatively he althy children who were often ill during the year, have a weak immune system and/or any abnormalities (morphological or physiological). Such students require special attention from parents and doctors, as well as certain nutrition. As a rule, there are no restrictions for them.

The third group of he alth includes children suffering from chronic diseases. Restriction of motor activity is required.

The fourth group implies that the children included in it have chronic diseases and / or congenital malformations. Such students are usually exempted from physical education and labor.

He alth groups of conscripts
He alth groups of conscripts

The fifth group includes children suffering from severe chronic diseases, as well as those who have significantly reduced the functionality of various body systems. They are required to have a special daily routine and limit physical activity.

In addition to children, there are also he alth groups of conscripts. More precisely, the provision on military medical expertise includes five categories corresponding to the abovegroups:

  • A - fit for service.
  • B - there are restrictions.
  • B - restrictions are significant.
  • G - temporarily unable to serve.
  • D - no good.

As you can understand, these categories are determined by the state of he alth of the conscript. The most complete information on the division into groups depending on the disease can be found in the relevant legislation.
