Guideline - what is it? Guideline in medicine

Guideline - what is it? Guideline in medicine
Guideline - what is it? Guideline in medicine

Guideline - what is it? Recently, this term has become increasingly used in everyday life. When literally translated from English, guideline means "line indicator, guide, guide." Most often, this word means a collection of medical recommendations or rules for creating, using a brand name or logo.

Brandbook in design and advertising

guideline what is it
guideline what is it

A brand book is an internal corporate document that contains sections devoted to explaining the meaning of a brand for a particular company and its practical tasks for it. This is a kind of passport of standards regarding the use of the brand. The brand book necessarily includes the Logobook section, which spells out the principles for creating and using brand elements. Its basic components are color, font, symbol, graphic inscription. The standards passport contains data that is equated to a trade secret, and must be labeled "Top Secret" (or Top Secret, TS).

As a rule, the first section of the brand book contains a description of the main idea of the brand, the second is devoted to the rules for creating and using a brand, and the third substantiates the canons of applicationbrand names on advertising media.

Guideline as an integral part of modern design

guideline and brand book
guideline and brand book

A guideline is a guide that indicates the boundaries and possibilities of using visual elements of a corporate brand or style, their conceptual possibilities. It should contain a section with a clearly marked slogan, logo, details, advertising message. It is especially important to consider the significance of this section in the field of design.

Main tasks of the guideline

Guideline contains detailed instructions on how to use corporate logo options, color panel; the structure of building a brand name block, font options, style elements. It includes sections covering, for example, corporate record keeping, uniform style, promotional marketing, use of corporate items, company merchandise.

The central place in this part of the corporate identity passport is given to the criteria for combining the company's logo and motto, slogan, contact information. Mandatory sections describing the rules for placing a corporate logo on documentation, attributes, uniforms, transport.

The guideline and brand book are unique in each version. They can never be repeated in two different companies, even if they work in the same field, because they have different corporate identity standards and goals.

Medicine guideline

medical guideline
medical guideline

Learn about the algorithm of the doctor's actions regarding the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, as well as about newit is the guideline that will help the achievements of medicine. What is it? This is the name given to special clinical guidelines for he althcare professionals. They are regularly updated and published in specialized catalogs issued by official international medical associations.

Get a guide to action, recommend doctors a proven and effective scheme for diagnosing and treating a disease, only the official guideline can. Medicine of the XXI century should focus only on them.

Guidelines in various fields of medicine

Treatment recommendations are created for each area of medicine. For example, a cardiology guide contains information on the treatment of heart disease, the prevention of ailments, and statistics on the effectiveness of drugs. Clinical guidelines relating to cardiovascular therapy can be viewed in the catalogs of international medical associations (European Society of Cardiology, European Congress of Cardiology). The guideline is designed to help create a successful and cost-effective treatment regimen for the patient.

Urology also has its own clinical guidelines, the purpose of which is to analyze the symptoms and prescribe effective treatment. These documents can be viewed in the catalogs of the same specialized world medical communities, such as the European Association of Urology (EAU), the European Society of Urology Residents (ESRU).

cardiology guideline
cardiology guideline

The historical aspect of creating medical guidelines

Guideline - what is it and how was it actually created? Firstclinical guidelines were written primarily to confirm and justify evidence-based medicine in the early twentieth century. Prior to this, each doctor used a treatment regimen, focusing only on his opinion and experience. In the 80s. The world medical community has developed the concept of evidence-based medicine (in English - evidence-based medicine). Its supporters Susan and Robert Fletcher (mainly involved in clinical epidemiology) formulated the definition of this term.

Evidence-based medicine is the practice of medicine, which will be based strictly on the results of clinical studies of a particular disease. Everything that the doctor was guided by before (experience, traditions, opinion of colleagues) has already ceased to be authoritative.

guideline urology
guideline urology

British epidemiologist Archie Cochran in 1972 first suggested that medical reviews be compiled and published on the effectiveness of different treatment regimens for diseases. They should be based on a systematic collection and analysis of medical facts. Guidelines describe the relationship between treatment and outcome, the cost-effectiveness of the use of certain drugs.

Modern medical guidelines - what is it? Now you know the answer to the question. He will acquaint not only with an overview of a proven treatment regimen, but also with general recommendations for doctors, protocols for treatment and surgery. Manuals can be found in special printed publications.
