Surely every mother has visited a pediatrician with her baby. Even after discharge from the maternity hospital, the local nurse comes to the house on the same or the next day, and then the doctor. This way you can get to know the person who will look after your child until they reach adolescence. The first illness, weighing, some questions - the first thing mommy runs to the pediatrician to get answers to all her questions.
A little later, the mother and child will go for examinations and to other specialists to assess the baby's he alth and identify any problems in his development, if any. The baby is examined by an ophthalmologist - a vision specialist, a neuropathologist - a doctor who treats diseases of the nervous system, an otorhinolaryngologist. "Who is it?" - you ask. A specialist who examines the ears, throat and nose of a child. He is also called an ENT doctor.

What does a doctor do?
In the people, the specialist received the playful name "ear-nose-throat". He is engaged in the examination of these human organs. They turn to him when the baby fell ill with pharyngitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, he developedrunny nose or cough. He is also visited for preventive examination. In some cases, an otorhinolaryngologist (who we have already found out) performs operations to remove the tonsils, corrects the nasal septum.
He treats all diseases that are associated with the nose, larynx, ears. Proper treatment plays a big role in the patient's life, thanks to effective actions, he will be able to quickly recover and forget about the disease. A pediatric otorhinolaryngologist performs all the same actions as an adult, only his patients are small children. A qualified specialist will conduct a thorough examination using the necessary medical instruments, assess the condition of the organs, and prescribe treatment, if necessary.

Otolaryngologist - what kind of doctor is this?
In the specialist's office, diseases such as sinusitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, frontal sinusitis, adenoiditis are successfully treated. The doctor can do an ultrasound for the child, prescribe laboratory tests, sinus multislice tomography.
To the question: "Doctor - otorhinolaryngologist, who is this?" - you can now answer with confidence.

How is the examination going?
Unfortunately, despite the fact that the ENT doctor does everything possible to cure the patient, in some cases he is powerless without special equipment. If your hearing is in a state of decline, then it is difficult for a doctor to identify it. Then he resorts to audiological research. With it, you can set the level of hearing at the moment,determine the presence of tinnitus and even pick up a hearing aid. An examination of stuffy ears, the condition of the auditory tube is also carried out.
If you are still wondering who the otorhinolaryngologist is, then just remember that this name and ENT are one and the same.
To cure children's diseases of the ears, throat, nose, contact a pediatrician who will conduct the necessary examination and prescribe treatment.
Be he althy!