ELISA for helminths: doctor's appointment, preparation, rules for delivery and interpretation of the analysis

ELISA for helminths: doctor's appointment, preparation, rules for delivery and interpretation of the analysis
ELISA for helminths: doctor's appointment, preparation, rules for delivery and interpretation of the analysis

Even in today's world, the risk of helminth infection remains extremely high. This is due to insufficient heat treatment of food, poor hygiene, frequent contact with pets, etc. Helminths or worms are parasites that, in the course of their life in the body, can provoke the development of serious pathologies that pose a danger not only to he alth, but also to human life. Currently, there are several methods for detecting invasion. The most informative is the enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for helminths.

The essence of the method
The essence of the method

The essence of the method

He belongs to the laboratory research group. Its essence lies in the identification of protein protective factors (antibodies) to pathogenic microorganisms (antigens). They are formed when pathogenic agents enter the body, when the immune system starts the process of neurohumoral reactions.

Specific antibodiesproduced against each type of helminths. Then they bind to antigens, forming a kind of complex. After that, this compound is neutralized and excreted from the body. Information about certain complexes helps to determine the type of pathogen and draw up the most effective treatment regimen for the patient. In medicine, immunoglobulins IgM, IgG, IgA have the greatest clinical significance.


A blood test ELISA for helminths is prescribed if a person is suspected of having a helminthic invasion. The following signs are considered alarming:

  1. Pain in the abdomen. However, their nature and localization may be different.
  2. Itching in the anus. As a rule, its severity increases at night.
  3. Weakness in muscle tissue and joints.
  4. Loss or, conversely, increased appetite. In the latter case, the person has excessive saliva production.
  5. Frequent episodes of diarrhea or constipation.
  6. Change in color of feces.
  7. Permanent state of apathy.
  8. Dizziness.
  9. Pale skin.
  10. Sleep disorders.
  11. Psycho-emotional instability.
  12. Rash on the skin.
  13. Episodes of urinary incontinence.
  14. Irregular menstruation.

If ELISA for helminths reveals the presence of helminthic invasion in the body, a person will need to see a doctor and undergo a course of treatment. In most cases, the prognosis is favorable.

What allows you to discover

Worm infestation
Worm infestation

With the help of enzyme immunoassay it is possible to detect the following pathogens:

  1. Pinworms (carry out their vital activity in the small intestine).
  2. Ascaris (parasite larvae can infect the liver and lungs).
  3. Trichinella (live in the small intestine).
  4. Beef tapeworm (introduced into the body with insufficiently processed fish and meat).
  5. Echinococcus (source is eggs).
  6. Pork tapeworm (carry out their vital activity in the eyes, heart and brain).
  7. Alveococcus (considered the most dangerous helminths, infection with them can be fatal).
  8. Giardia (affects the gallbladder, pancreas and large intestine).
  9. Toxocar.

Thus, ELISA for helminths is a modern diagnostic method with which it is possible to detect helminthic invasion.


In order for the result of the analysis to be as informative as possible, it is necessary to follow the recommendations listed below for some time before the delivery of the biomaterial.

Antibodies and antigens
Antibodies and antigens
  1. Medication must be avoided within 24 hours. If this is not possible for he alth reasons, it is important to notify the attending physician about this. In addition, during the same time it is necessary to abandon the use of alcoholic beverages. Smoked and fried foods, as well as foods containing a large amount of sugar, should be excluded from the menu.
  2. EIA of blood for helminths is carried out only if the patienthanded over the biomaterial on an empty stomach. Before the study, it is not recommended to eat and drink various drinks for 8 hours.

If a person responsibly complied with all the rules of preparation, ELISA for helminths will be as reliable as possible, that is, the study will reveal helminthic invasion at any stage of its development.

Biomaterial sampling algorithm

Blood test
Blood test

During blood donation, a person can take a sitting or lying position. If the subject is under emotional stress, it is recommended to postpone the procedure for 10-15 minutes. During this time period, a person needs to calm down. This need is due to the fact that being in a stressful situation can affect the results of the study.

An ELISA test for helminths involves taking venous blood. As a rule, the following vessels are used for this purpose: ulnar, radial, median and external superficial. In overweight people, the veins are often invisible. In such situations, blood is taken from vessels located on the back of the hand.

After choosing a vein, the specialist proceeds directly to the procedure.

  1. A tourniquet is placed on the patient's shoulder. After that, a person is recommended to squeeze and unclench his fist several times. Vessels fill with blood, so the doctor can choose the vein from which blood will be taken.
  2. The place of the alleged puncture is treated with alcohol wipes. After that, the blood vessel stops being probed.
  3. The doctor inserts the needle into the vein about a third of its lumen. After that, he removes the tourniquet.
  4. As soon as the syringe is filled with enough biomaterial, the needle is removed. A few seconds before this, the doctor should press the puncture site with a tissue treated with an antiseptic.
  5. The patient needs to bend the arm. It is important to press the tissue against the skin to avoid bruising.

Venous blood sampling for ELISA diagnostics of helminths is a safe procedure, but on condition that the doctor complies with all the rules and regulations. In some cases, complications may develop.

Features of the procedure in children

If it is necessary to take blood from a child, parents need to take responsibility for the preparation. The day before the biomaterial is taken, it is necessary to exclude fatty and fried foods, as well as sweets from the baby's menu. Children of the first year of life are allowed not to eat for 4 hours. An older child is already able to donate blood on an empty stomach, after a break of 8 hours. It is allowed to drink pure non-carbonated water, it is advisable to refrain from juices and compotes.

It is very important to psychologically set up the child. Blood sampling in children is carried out from the cubital vein or from a vessel located on the back of the hand. You do not need to assure the baby that the procedure is painless. It is better to emphasize that after a quick procedure, the child will receive encouragement in the form of toys, sweets, entertainment.

Interpretation of results

Blood sampling
Blood sampling

Deciphering the ELISA analysis for helminths is done by a therapist, pediatrician or infectious disease specialist. The doctor examines the conclusion issued inlaboratories, and, if necessary, develops an effective treatment regimen.

Deciphering the results of ELISA for helminths:

  1. Giardia. A score of less than 1.0 means no helminthic invasion. A value of 1, 0 or more indicates the presence of parasites in the body.
  2. Ascarids. A result less than 0.85 is considered negative, more than 1.15 is considered positive. The intermediate value is doubtful, that is, it is necessary to re-donate blood for ELISA for the presence of worms.
  3. Trichinella. The norms are the same as in the case of roundworms.

In relation to both the above and other types of helminths, the specification of the class of detected antibodies is also applied.

Transcript of results:

  1. IgM "-", IgG "-", IgA "-". All indicators are negative. This means no immunity to infection.
  2. IgM "-", IgG "+", IgA "-". These results are indicative of post-infection immunity.
  3. IgM "+", IgG "+/-", IgA "+/-". The presence in the body of an infectious process of an acute nature.
  4. IgM "+", IgG "+", IgA "+". The result indicates an exacerbation of the existing infection.
  5. IgM "-", IgG "+/-", IgA "+/-". The presence of a chronic infection.
  6. IgM "-". This result indicates a complete recovery.

With the help of the ELISA method, the doctor can detect the presence of helminthic invasion even at the earliest stage of its development. If parasites are found, the specialist draws up the most effective treatment regimen.

What to do if helminths are detected

What do worms look like
What do worms look like

Worm infestation requires an integrated approach in therapy. Treatment consists of 3 stages. The first is preparatory. It means following a diet. Adjustment of the diet is necessary in order to reduce the burden on the gastrointestinal tract. The patient should be excluded from the menu fatty, fried, smoked, s alty and spicy dishes. In addition, enterosorbents are indicated during this period.

The second stage is the treatment itself. Deworming involves taking medications whose active substances are capable of destroying parasites. Drugs can be narrow or broad spectrum. They are available in the form of suspensions and tablets. Most often, doctors prescribe the following drugs: Pirantel, Nemozol, Albendazole, Levamisole, Macmiror.

Treatment of helminthiasis
Treatment of helminthiasis

The final stage is restorative. It involves carrying out activities aimed at normalizing the work of organs and systems that have been affected by helminths. At this stage, hepatoprotectors, choleretic agents, vitamins, sorbents are indicated.

Where to return

Sampling of biomaterial for analysis is carried out both in public and private medical institutions. To clarify information regarding the availability of this service, you must contact the registry directly.


The price of the analysis depends on the region and the policy of the medical institution. In the clinic at the place of residence, blood can be donated free of charge if you have an insurance policy. In private institutions, the cost of analysisfor one type of parasite is, on average, 250 rubles. A standard ELISA study for helminths (4 indicators: giardia, roundworm, toxocara, pinworms) costs about 1000 rubles. The price of advanced analysis is about 2500 rubles.

In closing

ELISA is a laboratory test that can detect the presence of pathogens at the earliest stage of the development of the pathological process. Currently, the method allows you to detect any kind of helminths. The biological material is venous blood. As a rule, its sampling is carried out from a vessel located on the elbow bend. The therapist, pediatrician or infectious disease specialist is engaged in deciphering the result. When a helminthic invasion is detected, the specialist draws up a phased treatment regimen.
