In the article, consider the composition of DTP vaccinations.
It is done by administering a pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine to the patient, which contains dead pertussis microbes and tetanus and diphtheria toxoids, which are sorbed on an aluminum hydroxide gel.
It should be noted that toxoids are drugs that are obtained from toxins, while they are devoid of clearly manifested toxic properties.
The composition of the Russian-made DTP vaccine is of interest to many.

Such substances help the body produce antibodies to the toxin of the original type. Toxoids are obtained by keeping the toxins for a long time in a dilute and warm formalin solution.
There are several types: adsorbed tetanus liquid DTP; "Tetrakok"; "Pentax"; "Infanrix"; Bubo Kok.
The composition of DTP vaccinations is approximately the same for all varieties.
What diseases are DTP treated for?
What is the purpose of the DPT vaccine? The vaccine includes components against three dangerous bacterial infections: tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough. Therefore, its abbreviationstands for: adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine.
The composition of DTP is described in the instructions.
Whooping cough is a rapidly spreading infection, dangerous mainly for children. It is very difficult for breastfeeding. It is characterized by complications in the form of lesions of the respiratory system, with pulmonary inflammation, convulsions and severe cough. Whooping cough was a very common cause of death among children in the first half of the 20th century.
Diphtheria. A disease of a bacterial type that provokes a severe inflammatory process of the upper respiratory tract. Films and fibrinous effusions form in the trachea and larynx, which can cause suffocation and death.
Tetanus is a soil infection, the patient becomes infected when the bacteria enter the skin wounds. Manifested by a defect in muscle innervation and convulsions. High probability of death without specific therapy.
The first vaccines were administered to young patients in the 1940s. Currently, several products are allowed for use in Russia.
The instructions and composition of the DTP vaccine will be discussed below. First, let's analyze the characteristics of the domestic drug.
Domestic drug
It is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical manufacturer FSUE NPO Microgen.
DTP vaccines (per 1 ml) contain:
- 20 billion microbial pertussis cells.
- 30 flocculating units of diphtheria toxoid.
- 10 antitoxin-binding units of tetanus toxoid.
What is usedas a preservative? As a preservative in the composition of the domestic DTP vaccine, thiomersal (merthiolate), which is an organometallic compound of mercury, is used. It is used against fungus as an antiseptic, and is also added to ophthalmic preparations, nasal sprays, soaps, etc. Merthiolate is toxic, it is a carcinogen, teratogen, mutagen and allergen. The substance is especially dangerous if it enters the body with inhalation, through the skin and with food. 66mg/kg injected under the skin would be lethal for children.
The composition of DTP vaccinations in Russia has not changed for many years. One vaccination dose (0.5 ml standard) contains 0.05 mg merthiolate. The half-life after vaccination in newborns is from three days to a week. When a month passes, the degree of content of mercury compounds in the body decreases to the original. Many are surprised that mercury is present in the DTP vaccine.
In the USA, the European Union and a number of other countries, Thiomersal is banned as a component of a vaccine for children. Although, according to the results of the studies, it was determined that the rejection of funds that include merthiolate did not in any way affect the incidence of autism. At the same time, it was argued that there is a direct relationship between the appearance of this disease and the introduction of mercury compounds to children in the form of a vaccine preservative.
WHO approves DTP vaccination, the vaccine contains intact and dead infectious cells.

It should be noted that the vaccine is only available up to 3 years 11 months 29 days. usedafter four years and up to five years 11 months 29 days "ADS-anatoxin". Children over six years of age are injected with ADS-m-anatoxin.
There is another composition of the domestic DTP vaccine. The Russian enterprise "Combiotech" has created and produces the "Bubo-Kok" product, one vaccination dosage of which contains:
- 10 billion pertussis germs Bordetella pertussis killed by formalin.
- 5 EU tetanus toxoid.
- 15 PhU of diphtheria toxoid.
- 5 µg of the main surface antigen of the causative agent of hepatitis B HBS-protein.
- Methiolate 0.01% is used as a preservative.
The composition of domestic DTP is unique. Next, find out what imported drugs contain.
Belgian vaccines
INFANRIX™ (Infanrix by GlaxoSmithKline J07A X) 0.5 ml (single dose) DTP vaccine contains:
- at least 40 MIU of Clostridium tetani tetanus toxoid;
- at least 30 MIE diphtheria toxoid from Corynebacterium diphteriae;
- pertussis purified antigens;
- 25mcg Pertussis Toxin Detoxified from Bordetella pertussis;
- 25 mcg filamentous haemagglutinin;
- 8 mcg outer membrane protein pertactin.
Toxoids purified and inactivated.
Other ingredients in DTP:
- aluminum phosphate and hydroxide - the first is needed to neutralize hydrochloric acid, the second enhances the body's immune response;
- ethylene glycol monophenyl ether - 2-phenoxyethanol in large quantities affects the central nervoussystem;
- formaldehyde is a preservative that is carcinogenic to animals, possibly also to humans;
- table s alt sodium chloride;
- low toxicity emulsifier polysorbate 80;
- injectable water.
INFANRIX™ IPV ("Infanrix IPV") additionally includes strains and inactivated polio viruses in DPT:
- Mahoney (type 1);
- MEF-1 (type 2);
- Saukett (type 3).
Infanrix™ HEXA ("Infanrix™ HEXA"), in addition to polio strains, includes hepatitis B surface antigen.
Vaccination from France
French company SanofiAventis Pasteur launches its analogue of the DTP vaccine - Pentaxim ("Pentaxim").
The purpose of the drug is to protect the child not only from whooping cough with diphtheria and tetanus, but also from Haemophilus influenzae and polio. Haemophilus influenzae affects the respiratory organs, the central nervous system, and can become sources of purulent foci in the child's body.
DTP vaccination prevents all this.
The composition of the vaccine and the dosage in terms of pertussis antigen and toxoids (tetanus and diphtheria) is similar to Infanrix from Belgium.
In addition, Pentaxima has an inactivated polio virus:
- 40 units type 1;
- 8 units 2 types;
- 32 units 3 types.
Also, the DPT vaccine contains excipients:

- 12.5 mcg formaldehyde;
- 0.3 mg aluminum hydroxide;
- 0, 05 ml - 199 - Hank's medium - a two-component complex mixture of amino acids(M 199 media and Hanks media);
- red phenol is excluded from DTP preparations;
- 2, 5 µl phenoxyethanol - is a carcinogen that adversely affects the reproductive system and central nervous system;
- up to 0.5ml injection water;
- 7, 3 - up to pH 6, 8 - acetic acid (can be sodium hydroxide).
Also includes:
- Haemophilus influenzae type b polysaccharide 10mcg;
- sucrose - 42.5 mg;
- antiacidemic agent trometamol 0.6 mg.
Let's continue the description of DTP. Another French version of the vaccine is Tetracoccus (manufactured by Pasteur Mérier Sirom & Waxin), one dose of which includes at least:
- Bordetella pertussis 4 IU;
- tetanus toxoid purified 60 IU;
- diphtheria purified toxoid 30 IU.
In addition, it contains an inactivated polio vaccine (strain types 1, 2, 3). As auxiliary substances are used: 2-phenolethanol, formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide.
The problem of complementarity and interchangeability of drugs
The DTP vaccine is given for the first time to a person at the age of three months. After that, it is repeated two more times with a break of one and a half months. Then the vaccination is given at one and a half years, at six or seven, fourteen and, finally, for adults - anti-tetanus and anti-diphtheria revaccination of ADS-M is carried out. Given the fact that there are differences in the composition of the vaccine from different manufacturers, it is very important to keep in mind which diseases to prevent.this or that remedy is intended, as well as vaccination schemes against certain infections.
Specific vaccination schedule
When is DPT done? The National Immunization Schedule indicates the following vaccination schedule for this type of vaccination:
- DTP vaccine is given to children three times at three, four and a half months and six months.
- The interval between vaccinations should range from a month to 45 days, when the first vaccination is missed for any reason, start from now, observing intervals of one and a half months.
- After four years of age, children are vaccinated without the pertussis component.
The maximum interval between vaccines is a period of 45 days, however, if the administration of the drug is missed for any reason, the second and third vaccinations are given as far as possible - no need to do extra vaccinations.
Revaccination is carried out in the following terms: at the age of one and a half years in a year. If the first injection of DTP was carried out later than three months, revaccination is done one year after the third injection.
DTP-vaccination is given to adults only when they have not been vaccinated earlier in childhood. A course is being conducted, which includes three injections, with an interval of one and a half months.
Children at the age of seven and fourteen are revaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus using the ADS-M vaccine or its analogues. Such revaccinations are needed to maintain immunity and the amount of antibodies at the required level.
Revaccination against diphtheria and tetanus for adults is carried outevery ten years.
Consider the instructions for the DTP vaccine (Russia).
Instructions for use
DPT vaccination is essentially a yellowish or white suspension packaged in ampoules. Packed ampoules of ten pieces in cardboard boxes.
In accordance with the instructions for use, the drug is intended to create immunity to diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough in children. Children under four years of age should receive four doses of the vaccine. If children have already been ill with whooping cough, that is, they have natural immunity to the disease, they receive the ADS-M, ADS vaccine (without the pertussis component).
Where is the DPT vaccine administered? It is given intramuscularly in the thigh (quadriceps muscle), older patients are injected into the shoulder. IV DPT vaccine is not permitted.
DTP vaccine can be combined with other vaccinations from the calendar by injecting into different parts of the body. There is only one exception - the BCG vaccine, which is given separately, a certain break is observed.
What else does the instructions for use for DTP for children tell us?

Contraindications for vaccination
What are the contraindications for DTP vaccination, in which case is the vaccine prohibited? The list of restrictions is quite extensive.
- Any disease that is accompanied by fever, including respiratory. Is it allowed to put a DTP vaccine with a cold, when there is no temperature? At the same time, they are guided by the condition of the baby as a whole. If snot alsoaccompanied by a number of symptoms - a rash, watery eyes, the appearance of a slight cough, vaccination should be postponed. In the absence of other signs and a constant runny nose in a child, good appetite and general well-being, you can be vaccinated.
- Child had a history of convulsions or seizures not triggered by fever.
- Strong reaction to the introduction of the vaccine before - extensive hyperemia and swelling in the injection area, temperature over 40 degrees, systemic allergy to DTP, neurological complications.
- Intolerance to the composition of the vaccine, including the preservative merthiolate and other compounds containing mercury.
- Immune diseases or use of immunosuppressants.
Very often ask the question, is it allowed to be vaccinated when the baby's teeth erupt? Yes, it is not dangerous for the child and does not affect the development of immunity. The only exception is the accompaniment of teething by an increase in temperature. In this case, the vaccination is postponed until the state of the body returns to normal.
Features of preparing a baby for DTP vaccination
Since DTP vaccination can cause many post-vaccination complications and reactions, it requires a very careful attitude from doctors and parents. The rules for preparing a child for vaccination are as follows:
- At the time of vaccination, the child must be examined by all necessary doctors and not have a medical challenge from them.
- The patient must be he althy, with good blood test results. Is surrender required?tests before the DTP vaccine? The answer is yes. In addition, the pediatrician should fully examine the baby and ask the parents about complaints.
- If a child has a predisposition to allergies - rashes, diathesis - a medical consultation is required. In this case, most often the vaccine is carried out against the background of the preventive administration of antihistamine-type drugs (doctors often prescribe Fenistil DTP before vaccination). The remedy and dosage are set by a specialist, it is forbidden to give the baby medicine on his own.
Preparation of parents in the DPT vaccination immediately before it includes the following items:
- The day before the vaccine or on this day, the child must go to the great need. If there was no intestinal emptying, you need to give him a mild laxative, for example, Dufalac.
- Vaccinated on an empty stomach. When vaccination is done late, you can not feed the child an hour before the vaccination, but give him dietary food in the morning. You should also avoid unfamiliar foods and new complementary foods.
- Don't dress baby too warm. If the child sweats upon arrival at the children's clinic, you need to undress him, sit in the corridor for 15-20 minutes and let him "cool down".
- Take water with you, it is allowed to give it unlimitedly. Before and immediately after the vaccine, the child can be drunk.
- Should I give the baby before the DTP vaccination "Suprastin"? Without medical prescription, it is forbidden to give any drugs. Despite the fact that their use does not affect the production of immunity, children, on the recommendation of WHOno need to give antihistamines before preparing for vaccines.

Specific post-vaccination care
What are the rules for caring for a child after a DTP vaccine? This question is most often asked by parents.
Is it necessary to give him antipyretics after vaccination? Yes, doctors advise doing this for prevention, without waiting for the temperature to rise. They can be used in the form of suppositories, tablets or syrup. It is best to put a suppository with ibuprofen at night for a child.
Are walks allowed after the DTP vaccine? There are no restrictions on being outdoors. It is necessary to sit in the corridor for a while after the vaccination, in case of a strong allergic reaction. Then you can take a short walk. Walking is prohibited only when a temperature or other general reaction to the vaccine is formed.
On the day of vaccination, it is better to refrain from swimming. In the early days, try not to wet the injection area, however, it won’t be bad if water gets on the wound - you can’t wash it with soap and rub it with a washcloth.
Can I get a massage after the DTP vaccine? There are no direct contraindications, but massage therapists usually advise to refrain from sessions for two to three days. It is best to either move the course or postpone the vaccination for a few days until the massage is over.
On the day of the vaccine and three days after that, it is necessary to carefully monitor the child's he alth, if necessary, the temperature is measured.
Possible reactions to DTP vaccination
From 30 to 50% of babies, according to various sources, one way or another respond to the composition of the Russian-made DTP vaccination. What is normal and how to help the baby cope with the reaction? Most of all signs occur on the first day after the vaccine, but the reaction can be observed within three days. It must be said that if the symptoms appeared later than this period (ARI, diarrhea, temperature), then this will no longer be a reaction to the vaccine, but an independent infection, and, unfortunately, it is easy to pick up after a visit to the clinic.
There is a general and local reaction to the DTP vaccine. Local symptoms are changes in the subcutaneous tissues and skin at the injection site.
Slight redness appears in the injection area after DTP vaccination. How to be? With a small spot size, do not worry. Such a reaction is typical with the introduction of a foreign agent. The redness will disappear in a day or a little later.
It is also a normal reaction to have induration after a DTP vaccine. What actions are taken in this case? To speed up resorption, the swelling is lubricated with Troxevasin gel. The bump and seal should resolve within 10-14 days. A bump may form at the injection site when part of the vaccine was erroneously injected into the subcutaneous tissue. The absorption of the vaccine in this case will be slower, however, this will not affect the formation of immunity and the he alth of the child.

The baby often feels sore at the injection site. It is expressed weakly or strongly, depending on the individualsensitivity. Therefore, sometimes after the DTP vaccine, the baby is lame, because it protects the sore leg. The condition of the child will help facilitate the application of ice to the injection site. If the pain does not go away for a long time, you should consult a doctor.
Common reactions are systemic manifestations, including allergic symptoms.
A common reaction to the composition of the DPT vaccine from a Russian manufacturer is cases in which the temperature rises after it. Do I need to lower the temperature? All doctors say unequivocally: fever after the vaccine should be brought down with antipyretic drugs. In this case, there will be no benefit from it, but it will affect the baby’s well-being in a negative way. If the temperature is not corrected with antipyretics, you need to contact a specialist.
Child is prescribed antipyretic drugs based on ibuprofen and paracetamol. Children should not be given acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin). Give rectal suppositories, syrups or tablets. The first dose of the drug can be given as a preventive measure at night. Then give an antipyretic if the temperature is elevated. You should observe a break between doses and do not exceed the dosage indicated in the instructions. When using a previously defined drug, you must use it, do not purchase a new remedy.
How long does the temperature last after the DTP vaccine? High fever usually lasts one to two days. It can rise on the day of the vaccine or the next day after it. DTP is not characterized by an increase in temperature in a laterperiod, usually due to other reasons.
After the DTP vaccine, the rash is a temporary immune reaction and does not cause any consequences. When the vaccine is given later, there is no such reaction.
After vaccination, there may be diarrhea - a short-term slight violation of the stool. It is caused more by the stress experienced by the baby than the composition of the vaccine.
After the DTP vaccination, there is usually no vomiting, it is provoked by the baby's nervousness or fever. A single vomiting does not require the intervention of a doctor, the child should be given plenty of fluids.
As a reaction to the pertussis component, a cough develops and appears throughout the day. It does not require medical treatment to eliminate it, it passes quickly.
Other reactions to the DPT shot are decreased appetite, drowsiness, moodiness, nervousness and restless behavior.
Allergic reactions and fever are more likely to develop in response to repeated administration of DTP vaccination, in which the body is already familiar with antigens. That is why how the second vaccine is tolerated can be judged by how the baby will tolerate further vaccinations. In case of allergies or severe reactions, replace DPT with lighter analogues or do not administer the pertussis component at all.
What is part of DTP is now clear. Consider possible complications.
Typical reactions to DPT disappear without a trace for several days. But the side effects and complications differ in that they need treatment and can harm the he alth of the baby. What is dangerous inin this regard, the DTP vaccine?
If the drug was administered in violation of aseptic rules, then "dirt" can penetrate into the wound - numerous microorganisms that cause suppuration and inflammation in the subcutaneous tissue. After DTP, an abscess forms. A painful red swelling appears on the skin, sometimes hot. In this case, surgical intervention is necessary - an abscess is cut, the wound is cleaned of dead tissue and pus, and treated with an open method using antiseptic solutions, powders or ointments.
Among the side effects in children on the composition of the Russian DTP, the most dangerous is the neurological reaction, which is typical for the whooping cough component. Its result is shock, encephalopathy, impaired consciousness, twitching, convulsions. The direct connection of these deviations with the whooping cough component has not been established, but such reactions are observed in only one child out of a hundred thousand.
After a severe reaction to DPT (shock, convulsions, too high a temperature), encephalopathy (characterized by mental retardation) can also occur.
There is another dangerous complication that occurs very rarely on the composition of the DTP vaccine. This is a syndrome of hypotension and NHE (lack of response). It develops in children under two years of age for two days after vaccination. At first, fever sets in, then the child becomes lethargic, falls into a state of drowsiness. Breathing shallow, pale skin. The reaction may last up to six hours, however, the condition of the children returns to normal, although the symptoms seem to be threatening.
DTP is not characterized by anaphylactic shock, edemaQuincke, urticaria, allergic reactions, however, very rarely they can still occur.

DTP vaccination is most often discussed by parents of babies. For and against this vaccine, hundreds of thousands of mothers and fathers speak on Internet sites. Some of them tell stories about how the child developed a high fever after vaccination, others say that the baby had no reaction to the introduction of a biological drug.
As with any preventive measure, vaccination with adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine requires some preparation and readiness of parents for possible problems. However, they can be overcome if the algorithm of actions is followed.
First of all, parents should have information about which manufacturer's vaccine their child will be vaccinated with. Today, there are many such drugs, they have their pros and cons, but there are currently no frankly bad vaccines on the pharmaceutical market.
We looked at what is included in the DTP vaccine.