We all monitor the state of our cardiovascular system in one way or another, but many people forget about such an important factor as blood viscosity. The he alth of the whole organism depends on the chemical composition of the blood. Therefore, it is important to take blood tests. When the properties of the blood change, the transport function is disrupted, which leads to an incorrect flow of redox processes in the heart, blood vessels, and brain.
What is the danger of very thick blood:
- increased blood pressure;
- decompensation of cardiovascular diseases;
- violation of microcirculation;
- increased risk of blood clots.
For more information about the causes and treatment of blood clotting during pregnancy and in the normal state - read on.
How do you know if you have thick blood?
You notice confusion, drowsiness behind you, you get tired quickly, memory problems begin. If this is familiar to you, then you need to understand why this is happening.

The main causes of blood clotsthe following:
- Enzymatic deficiency: this leads to changes in the biochemical composition of the blood, since the lack of enzymes provokes the entry of underoxidized protein compounds into the blood, which contribute to the gluing of red blood cells.
- Hyperfunction of the spleen.
- Dehydration - from being in a hot climate or during extreme physical exertion for the body.
- Insufficient fluid intake or poor digestibility. In this case, you need to look for a problem in the large intestine, it is there that the cells absorb water.
- Massive blood loss.
- Prolonged exposure of the body (for example, radiation or chemical).
- Intake of excess carbohydrates and sugar into the body.
- Deficiency in the body of minerals and vitamins that promote the synthesis of hormones and enzymes (such as zinc, selenium, vitamin C and lecithin).
Usually, increased blood viscosity is provoked by one of the above factors, and sometimes it is a consequence of a whole complex of disorders.

The disease called "thick blood" does not exist. Therefore, it is not entirely correct to characterize the symptoms accompanying it as symptoms, since they can also appear against the background of other malfunctions in the body, however, nevertheless, the medical signs of blood clotting are as follows:
- high blood pressure;
- general powerlessness;
- drowsy;
- dry mouth;
- absent-mindedness;
- heaviness in the legs;
- fatigue;
- depression;
- headache;
- constantly cold hands and feet;
- nodules in the veins.
The list can be extended, but in some cases there are no signs at all. The so-called latent form, due to which hypercoagulability is detected only after donating blood for research.
Thus, if you have some or all of the symptoms of blood clotting on the list, it means it's time to take care of your he alth.
Any disease is easier and faster to cure in the initial stages, while it has not yet taken root thoroughly.
Why is thick blood dangerous?
The danger of thick blood lies in the fact that it is the cause of the most diverse and serious diseases, even incurable.
Thick blood has many causes and is not always associated with a person's age. Unfortunately, this phenomenon also occurs in young people, although less often than in older people.
The manifestation of increased blood viscosity is accompanied by general malaise, drowsiness, increased fatigue.
In the absence of obvious causes of other diseases, it is very important to conduct a blood viscosity test.
With an inattentive attitude to the first manifestations of increased blood viscosity, a further deterioration in he alth develops, which is already difficult to explain by ordinary fatigue. A more serious symptom is heart failure - tingling, shortness of breath, tachycardia.
The condition is aggravated by the deterioration of the work of all human organs and functions. After all, the main condition for a normal metabolism issufficient supply of oxygen to the organs and tissues of the body.

Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to the amount of pure water consumed (1.5-2 liters per day) even before undergoing a medical examination. This can slow down the development of unwanted changes in the body.
Careful attention to your well-being will help to avoid serious troubles.

Medicated treatment
According to doctors, a common cause of blood clotting in many people is a lack of fluid in the body. Which leads to a gradual thickening of the blood and subsequently slows down and impairs the functioning of vital system organs. As a result, a person shows all the signs of the disease, the general state of he alth worsens. With a lack of water, vitality drops, blood vessels become brittle, lose elasticity. Therapy for high blood viscosity is aimed at treating a specific disease, which is directly the obvious cause of blood clotting. That is why correct diagnosis is so important.
The general scheme of drug treatment includes drugs: "Cardiopyrin", "Cardiomagnyl", "Magnecard", aspirin, "Trombo ACC" and others. With increased blood clotting, anticoagulants for blood clots and blood clotting are included in the drug treatment complex: Warfarin, Heparin, Fragmin and other anticoagulants. For each patient, blood thinners are prescribed individually, afterclarification of the presence of contraindications for a particular patient.
With the diagnosis of blood clotting, the indicators of which are determined by a laboratory test, if it is highly viscous, it is accompanied by bleeding. In this case, Plasmapheresis, symptomatic treatment, platelet transfusions are prescribed. In order to correctly and accurately carry out blood thinning procedures, and to identify a malfunction in the body, you need to consult a doctor.
Based on a complete examination, only a specialist can prescribe the correct and necessary treatment. Traditionally, doctors recommend blood thinning tablets such as aspirin, Phenylin, Curantil, Warfarin.
There are also injectables that have the same properties as the tablets listed. Aspirin is the simplest and most popular drug. In second place is Cardiomagnyl, which is also taken to thin the blood. In addition, blood density can be controlled by proper nutrition.
Specialists say that the diet of a patient with thick blood should contain dairy products, lean meats, eggs, seaweed, sea fish.

There is a certain list of foods that can affect the blood thinning process. These are garlic, cucumbers, ginger, onions, tomatoes, almonds, dark grapes, strawberries, beets and others. If blood viscosity is high, you need to carefully monitor the inclusion of products with vitamin C balance in the menu andK. If there are too many of these vitamins, it leads to blood viscosity. There is also a list of products that play an important role in thickening the blood:
- fat;
- cream;
- s alt;
- turnip;
- bananas;
- butter;
- mango;
- white bread.
For prevention, it is necessary to limit the consumption of some foods, and some to completely eliminate, following the recommendations of a dietitian.
Folk treatment
A number of chronic and deadly diseases have one cause, which is circulatory disorders associated with increased blood viscosity. This serious problem, when the first signs appear, should be under medical supervision. The causes of increased blood viscosity can be associated with both improper metabolism and the wrong lifestyle.
If the treatment of the latter cause can be easily eliminated, the restoration of normal blood viscosity associated with functional disorders requires serious drug therapy. In some cases, traditional methods of treatment can be very useful. Their advantages are in the absence of severe complications inherent in many drugs. Treatment should be started after finding out the cause of the disease and determining the appropriate treatment regimen together with the doctor.
The first necessary condition is the correction of the diet and the rejection of bad habits. General trends in the diet should be directed towards the use of foods that promote blood thinning. These are, first of all, low-fat sour-milkproducts, as well as berries and fruits rich in salicylic and citric acid, among which the most valuable are raspberries, cherries, blackberries and other berries, as well as all citrus fruits.

To restore the normal consistency of blood, various medicinal plants are widely used. Champions among medicinal plants:
- Ginkgo biloba.
- Dioscorea Caucasian.
- Horse chestnut.
- Donnik.
There are recipes for preparing these remedies at home, as well as a large number of tablets, drops, ointments and creams used to treat diseases associated with increased blood viscosity - varicose veins, hemorrhoids, thrombosis and to prevent such fatal phenomena like stroke and heart attack.
This article does not provide specific treatment recipes, but there are the most simple and well-known tips: drink at least 2 liters of water a day, watch your weight and be sure to engage in moderate physical activity. Diseases are easier to prevent than to cure, and folk methods can be of invaluable help.
To avoid dangerous diseases such as stroke, heart attack, atherosclerosis, thrombosis and other less dangerous, but unpleasant phenomena, proper nutrition will help to prevent blood thickening. In the case when the fact of increased blood viscosity has already been established, nutritionists offer a nutrition scheme that helps correct this phenomenon.

A properly composed diet will help bring blood counts closer to normal. It is recommended to include a large amount of plant-based foods in this diet, among which vegetables are especially useful, especially:
- zucchini;
- cucumbers;
- tomatoes;
- bow;
- garlic;
- pumpkin and others.
From fruits, apples and kiwis should be preferred. Of the berries, the most useful are cherries, cranberries, gooseberries and others. Doctors recommend the introduction of vegetables and fruits into the diet as a large part of the daily menu.
Dairy products are recommended to choose with reduced fat content. You should not often eat fatty meats with high cholesterol levels, preferring lean beef (not often), turkey, rabbit. And do not forget about seaweed, fish and seafood as a source of protein. In addition, the antioxidants contained in them normalize blood flow. It is also recommended to consume garlic, tomatoes, onions, carrots, vegetable oil.
Use butter in small quantities, replacing it, if possible, with olive oil, unrefined sunflower oil (for salads), flaxseed and other sources of the useful Omega 6 component. In particular, linseed oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins K, B, A, E. To lower the density of the blood, you should use one tbsp. l. every morning.
It should be noted that the approach to dieting should be thoughtful, since in the presence of other diseases, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of using certainproducts. Therefore, the correct diet is possible only taking into account all medical indications.
To solve the problem of thick blood and its dilution, medicinal herbs have long been used that can improve the properties of plasma, minimize its viscosity due to the coumarin and other useful substances they contain. To reduce the density of blood, decoctions are brewed from plants such as white willow, lungwort, wild rose, sweet clover, hazel and others. They should be taken with caution to avoid allergic reactions.
Baking soda is able to balance the alkaline balance in the human body, which, among other things, helps to reduce blood density. You should prepare such a solution: 1 tsp. soda is diluted in a glass of warm water. The solution should be drunk 1 glass a day. The course must be maintained for 2 weeks.
Berries and fruits
Among the excellent means for thinning the blood is also called cranberries, which contain a large amount of ascorbic acid, which affects the walls of blood vessels. Take the berry should be in the form of fruit drink or juice, drink one to two glasses daily. Plasma viscosity can be reduced if the required dose of vitamin E - 14 mg is included in the daily menu. This vitamin is found in significant amounts in many fruits (for example, tangerines, apricots, kiwi, etc.)
Ginger contributes to the normalization of the heart muscle, cleans blood vessels, reduces blood clotting. It is recommended to prepare a remedy for lowering the density of blood from ginger and cinnamon:
- 2 medium rootsginger;
- half tsp crushed cinnamon;
- one tsp. green tea.
The composition is poured with a liter of hot water, kept for 10-15 minutes, filtered, consumed several times a day for a third of a glass.
In closing
Increased blood viscosity is a formidable symptom that can turn into big problems with the cardiovascular system. To prevent this disease and for proper treatment, it is necessary to regularly take a blood test for viscosity and follow the instructions of the doctor. And, of course, do not forget about proper nutrition.