Transcranial electrical stimulation: indications, contraindications, what does it treat? Transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain: reviews

Transcranial electrical stimulation: indications, contraindications, what does it treat? Transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain: reviews
Transcranial electrical stimulation: indications, contraindications, what does it treat? Transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain: reviews

Recently, there are more and more new methods of treatment. Each of them allows you to cure serious pathologies with minimal complications for the body. One of these methods is transcranial electrical stimulation. What is this method, when is it used and what are its contraindications?

What is transcranial electrical stimulation?

This is a new technique for the selective activation of the protective mechanisms of the brain using rectangular pulse currents of short duration, about 4 ms, and low frequency, from 50 to 200 Hz.

transcranial electrical stimulation
transcranial electrical stimulation

Pulse currents of low frequency pass through the CSF space and selectively irritate the endogenous opioid system of the brainstem, provoke the release of betta-endorphin and enkephalin from neurons of the brainstem. Their content becomes more than three times more. Opioid peptides do not allow impulses to be carried out from the focus of pain at the level of the dorsal horns of the spinal cord. But transcranialelectrostimulation - what does it treat?

A bit of history

Even at the beginning of the 19th century, the first studies of the effects of stimulating currents on the brain began. The first such studies were carried out by a physiologist from France Leduc, and after that Russian scientists joined. Alas, no one managed to achieve significant results in those days.

In the early 80s, a Russian scientist Lebedev, conducting his research, slightly changed the parameters of the currents and chose the best localization of the electrodes that affect the brain. In the course of all the studies, he was able to obtain accurate data and recorded that it is possible to have an analgesic effect in humans using a pulsed current frequency of 77 Hz if the sensors are installed in the fronto-occipital region. If all the set parameters are observed, then the analgesic effect can be maintained for almost 12 hours after the procedure. Currently, it is these currents that are used when transcranial electrical stimulation is used.

Therapeutic action

Transcranial electrical stimulation is still used today with the same indicators that were established more than 35 years ago - the frequency of currents is 77 Hz, the pulse duration is about 4 ms, and the current strength is 300 mA. It is these numbers that allow you to activate the opioid structures of the brain and release beta-endorphins. This effect makes it possible to stop pain, as well as significantly reduce the dose of drugs required for anesthesia during operations.

In addition to analgesia, transcranial electrical stimulation (TES) also provides suchtherapeutic effects:

  • Beta-endorphin also has an antidepressant effect, completely relieves anxiety, promotes rapid adaptation to new living conditions, improves mood and builds resistance to stressful situations.
  • Normalizes blood pressure, this happens due to the impact on the centers of the medulla oblongata.
  • Stimulates the immune system by activating lymphocytes with beta-endorphin.
  • transcranial electrical stimulation what does it treat
    transcranial electrical stimulation what does it treat

In addition, transcranial electrical stimulation has shown its effectiveness in the treatment of pathological addictions: it removes withdrawal symptoms, cravings for drugs and alcoholic beverages by stimulating the opiate system. It is thanks to this that the body does not require regular use of drugs and alcohol.

Also, transcranial electrical stimulation showed very good results in the recovery of a patient after severe burns. Having an analgesic effect on the body, it eliminates vasospasm caused by stress in the area where the tissues are affected, and also improves blood flow. In parallel, the production of growth hormone is stimulated in the brain, which increases the synthesis of endogenous protein, which helps to accelerate the processes of repair and tissue regeneration.

It was also observed that after the procedure, school-age children are better adapted to learning, especially in children with hyperactivity syndrome. Memory and perception of information are significantly improved.

Positive aspects of TPP

Stimulation of the brain with current pulses has many advantages:

  • With transcranial electrical stimulation (TES) of the brain, no drugs are provided, it is carried out using weak current pulses through electrodes placed on the scalp in a certain area.
  • TES-therapy is a therapeutic effect that selectively activates the defense mechanisms of the brain body and causes the strongest release of endorphin and serotonin. It is thanks to the increase in these substances in the brain and in the circulatory system that the therapeutic effect occurs.
  • This method is not the only one, but TES has been very carefully developed, therefore it is considered the best and most effective, especially when compared with electronarcosis, electrosleep or electroanalgesia.
  • This procedure is used in the treatment of both adults and children, it showed especially good results in the treatment of cerebral palsy in babies.
  • This treatment method has no side effects, and it has very few contraindications.
  • Thanks to the latest developments, the procedure can now be carried out directly at home using miniature devices such as Alfaria.
  • Patients tolerate the procedure quite well.
  • She does not cause discomfort.
  • Pain and discomfort in joints and muscles are quickly relieved.
  • Psycho-emotional balance is being restored.
  • Great for relapse prevention.
  • Great helpcleanse the liver and restore the functioning of internal organs.

When is electrical brain stimulation indicated?

Transcranial electrical stimulation has the following indications:

  • Disorders of the central nervous system, such as fears, neuroses, chronic fatigue, sudden unreasonable mood changes and others.
  • transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain
    transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain
  • Failures in the work of the heart and blood vessels, for example, high blood pressure or recovery from a heart attack.
  • Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract: ulcers, gastritis, non-infectious hepatitis.
  • Pain syndrome with muscle tension, cardialgia, myalgia, headaches.
  • Migraines.
  • Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, such as osteochondrosis.
  • Postoperative period.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Sensoneural hearing loss.
  • Eye diseases.
  • PMS and relief of menopause.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Treatment of burns of varying degrees of intensity.
  • Enuresis and encopresis.
  • Dental manifestations.

What is transcranial electrical stimulation, what does it treat, of course, but it is worth remembering that any method of therapy has not only indications, but also contraindications, this procedure is no exception.

When is it not recommended to perform the procedure?

Transcranial electrical stimulation has the following contraindications:

  • Skin injury or local injuryattaching electrodes.
  • Epilepsy and seizures.
  • Acute renal failure, hypertensive crisis.
  • Hyperthyroidism.
  • Pacemaker patients.

Now you need to figure out how this procedure is carried out.

How does TPP work and on what machine?

A few years ago, the procedure could only be performed within the walls of a medical institution under the supervision of a doctor, but now, thanks to modern developments, a new device has appeared - the Alfariya transcranial electrical stimulation apparatus.

Alfariya transcranial electrical stimulation device
Alfariya transcranial electrical stimulation device

The principle of operation of this device is based on the stimulation of alpha brain rhythms, restoring the normal functioning of other biorhythms, increasing the concentration of serotonin, acetylcholine, met-enkephalin and beta-endorphins.

The device is based on precision technology, thanks to which it is possible to generate the most complex sequence of current pulses.

The transcranial electrical stimulation machine is an excellent alternative to drugs, especially in cases where long-term treatment is required. During the procedure, the patient feels pleasant relaxation, lightness throughout the body and clarity of thought. The device is easy to use, therefore it is recommended both for medical institutions and for home use.

It is used for various pathologies, including gynecology.

TES of the brain in obstetrics and gynecology

No longer for anyonethe secret is that the impact of current on the human brain can cure a large number of diseases. Transcranial electrical stimulation in gynecology is indicated for the treatment of pathologies of the reproductive system in women:

  • For disorders of the female genital area, such as dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
  • Chronic inflammatory processes of the genital organs in women, such as subacute adnexitis and colpitis.
  • For urinary incontinence.
  • When miscarriage.
  • To enhance orgasm.
  • To reduce the diameter of the vagina, which was stretched during labor.

But this method of therapy is allowed to be used in the treatment of not only adults, but also children. Thus, transcranial electrical stimulation is used for children with speech disorders and other conditions.

Use of electrical stimulation in children

Recently, cases of parents who complain about the speech of their child have become more frequent. Speech is the most complex mental process, a form of the highest nervous activity. The second signaling system in a person develops throughout his life and reflects his mental activity.

Speech involves different parts of the brain, cortical speech zones: auditory, motor, visual. In the left hemisphere in the temple area, the perception and differentiation of auditory stimuli takes place, in other words, the process of speech recognition takes place. And the lower frontal gyrus, located in the left hemisphere, plays the role of speech utterance, in the visual area, graphic recognition is taking place.writing.

transcranial electrical stimulation for children with speech disorders
transcranial electrical stimulation for children with speech disorders

Transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain allows you to influence the right areas and solve speech problems in a child. According to the reviews of many parents who have already been able to try therapy on their baby, after the first course of therapy, which is 8-12 sessions, they noticed that the child's speech improved significantly. Few people then take a second course, a few sessions with a specialist - and everything is getting better very quickly.

Transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain also gave very good results in the treatment of children with cerebral palsy. Thanks to this kind of procedure in children with this diagnosis:

  • When exposed to electrodes on the parietal and frontal areas, muscle tone normalizes, the volume of active and passive movements increases.
  • Influence on the temporal and frontal cortex allows you to cause the activation of higher cognitive and speech functions.
  • The impact on the temples and the back of the head improves auditory and visual functions.
  • By acting on the temple and parietal region, the number of seizures can be significantly reduced.

But it is worth remembering that the attending doctor, who has been observing a child with such a serious pathology for a long time, should prescribe the procedure. Only he can say in which case it is allowed to apply the procedure, and when it can harm, because it has contraindications, which are described above, but each baby may have its own individual characteristics.

TES in treatmentalcoholism and drug addiction

Transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain, the reviews of many patients confirm this, it perfectly helps to fight alcohol and drug addiction. But only a specialist should carry out the procedure, using modern devices.

In the treatment of addiction, the main thing is to minimize the natural consequences that occur when you abruptly stop taking drugs and alcoholic beverages. Withdrawal syndrome is very frightening for patients, in addition, psychological discomfort is additionally added. Also, many addiction-addicted patients are additionally diagnosed with other neurological disorders.

TES-therapy allows not only to remove the withdrawal syndrome and normalize the work of some internal organs, but also to improve the psychological state. In addition, there is no getting used to the procedure. The positive effect can be noticed already after the first session, and over time it only increases.

transcranial electrical stimulation indications
transcranial electrical stimulation indications

Transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain, patient reviews are evidence of this, normalizes the mechanisms of vascular regulation, removes all signs of hypertension and depression. But experts believe that the main effect of therapy is the complete disappearance of cravings for drugs and alcohol. If you apply this procedure in a course, you can greatly increase the comfort of therapy, minimize the risk of relapse and return to addiction.

In addition, it has been proven by many patients that thanks totherapy, wounds on the skin and mucous membranes of internal organs heal very quickly. Many patients who have been addicted to drugs or alcohol for a long time have ulcerative disorders in the stomach and duodenum. Thanks to the pulsed effects, regeneration is very fast, which means that the quality of life of the patient improves significantly, he can avoid serious consequences with his he alth in the future.

In simple terms, TES therapy not only gets rid of addiction, but also heals all the wounds that were inflicted by it. Used in the treatment of patients who have been abusing drugs or alcohol for a long time, it provides a number of benefits:

  • Significantly improves social adjustment.
  • Relieves withdrawal symptoms.
  • Reduces the pain of "withdrawal", which was caused by the body not getting the desired drug or alcohol.
  • Restores mental state.
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • Promotes rapid tissue regeneration.
  • Eliminates itching on the skin of any origin.
  • Has an antiallergic effect.
  • Removes inflammation.
  • Has an immunostimulating effect.
  • Eliminates all signs of depression and alleviates stress.

How is the procedure done?

Conduct electrical stimulation in a comfortable environment for the patient, he can take a sitting or lying position. In the first session, the patient is introduced to how the therapy is carried out, andhe adapts to it. The doctor selects a certain amount of current for each, the holding time is no more than 20 minutes. During the procedure, the doctor closely monitors the patient to see how he tolerates the therapy. He needs this in order to evaluate the clinical effect and in the future to select the optimal value for the operation of the equipment.

Already from the second session, the duration of the procedure is extended by 2 times, it is carried out every day or every other day. If the patient has a severe withdrawal syndrome, then in this case the doctor may recommend therapy twice a day, but always with an interval of at least 10 hours.

transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain
transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain

After the session, the patient should rest for half an hour. To achieve the maximum effect, you need to go through at least 12 sessions. You can repeat the course after 2-3 weeks.


Summing up from the above, we can say for sure that the effect of transcranial electrical stimulation, the reviews of many patients confirm this, is maximum. Those who have already tried the procedure on themselves say that it is aimed at one thing, and in the end it allows you to cure other diseases in addition. Thus, using the example of an alcohol-dependent patient, one can say for sure that thanks to TES-therapy, a person not only gets rid of addiction, but also restores his body after a heavy binge. There are no relapses after treatment, life completely changes for the better, the same happens with those who were addicted to drugs.

Also electrical stimulation with small currentson certain parts of the brain in a child can improve speech and even alleviate the symptoms of cerebral palsy. But it is worth remembering that only correctly prescribed treatment can give the desired result, so it is better to carry out therapy under the supervision of a doctor. Although at present there are such devices that allow such sessions to be carried out at home, it is better to do the first procedures together with a specialist who will explain all the subtleties of the procedure.
