Man has an amazing ability not only to see this world, but also to feel it. Perceiving the surrounding space with sensory systems, he studies and cognizes it at the same time as scientists study human feelings, boundless and intangible. However, the servants of science found an explanation for the sensations, sorted everything out, identified properties and types, and also found out some patterns.
What does it feel like
First, consider what sensation means to a person. This is primarily a psychophysical process of reflecting the direct action of objects and phenomena of the material world on the senses. It is with their help that a person learns the world around him. This is how you can give a concept to sensations, the patterns of which reveal to us how, with the help of analyzers, a person learns and establishes a connection with the environment.

Analyzer is an anatomical and physiological apparatus that receives the impact of any stimuli from the outside world and converts them into sensations. It consists of the following parts:
- Peripheral section - receptors.
- Sensitive neural pathways.
- Central nervous system.
Nextconsider the types and properties of sensations.
Types of sensations
Depending on where the receptors are located, there are the following types of sensations:
- Interoceptive. They are located inside the body in tissues and organs and react to changes occurring in them.
- Exteroceptive. Receptors are located on the surface of the body and respond to external influences.
- Proprioceptive. Receptors are found in muscles and ligaments.
Organic sensations correlate with the objects of the external world. They are a source of volitional impulses, give rise to desires and are divided into types:
- Olfactory. The olfactory receptors are excited by gaseous substances.
- Visual. Visual receptors are involved.
- Flavoring. Taste buds are stimulated by food chemicals.
- Auditory. Auditory analyzer receptors activated.
- Tactile. Tactile receptors are excited by tactile stimulation.

Properties of sensations
Properties that are inherent in sensations:
- Quality. It is determined by the qualities of the object that causes sensations. This is one of the characteristics of perception.
- Intensity. Depends on the strength of the stimulus and the sensitivity of the receptors. The quality and intensity of sensations are closely related.
- Duration. Depends on the strength and intensity of exposure, the state of the receptors and duration.
- Localization. Any sensations have particles of the spatial location of the stimulator.

Having considered the types and properties of sensations, let's move on to patterns. What is the relationship of analyzers that determines the development of processes in the process of cognition and perception of the world?
Pattern of sensations
Sensations arise only at the moment of changes that occur in the receptors under the influence of the movements of the surrounding world, or the sense organs themselves.
Several patterns of sensations can be identified:
- Sensitivity thresholds.
- Adaptation.
- Interaction.
- Sensitization.
- Contrast.
- Synesthesia.
Now let's dwell on each of them.
The threshold of sensitivity is the relationship between the intensity of sensations and the strength of the irritating factor. Not every stimulus can cause sensations, so they are divided into several types.
Sensation Thresholds:
- Lower absolute. Characterizes how sensitive the analyzer is. These are subtle sensations that are caused by the smallest strength of the stimulus.
- Upper absolute. The lower the sensitivity threshold, the higher the sensitivity. The upper absolute threshold is the strength of the stimulus at which sensations still persist.
- Discrimination sensitivity threshold. This is the minimum increase in the strength of the stimulus, at which barely noticeable differences become visible. For example, increase or decrease the volume.

Depending ondepending on what task a person faces, he uses certain thresholds of sensations. The physical stimulus may be above or below the threshold of sensation.
Adaptation represents a change in sensitivity in the process of exposure to one stimulus. In this case, the sensitivity thresholds will change. Patterns of sensations cannot exist without this property.
So, for example, we adapt by gradually entering cold water. Or we soar our feet, getting used to the rising temperature of the water.
High degree of adaptation in olfactory and tactile receptors. Lower at the receptors of the auditory analyzer.
Adaptation to different flavors occurs at different speeds for everyone. Adaptation to pain can be detrimental to the body, but to a small extent it is inherent in the body.

The receptors of the visual analyzer are responsible for adapting to light and dark. Light adaptation does not require high sensitivity, which cannot be said about the adaptation.
For adaptation, the ratio of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex is important, where the main centers of all analyzers are located. There is such a phenomenon as successive mutual induction. It is worth noting that adaptation occurs in a conditioned reflex way.
Contrast sensations and synesthesia
If sensations, their intensity and quality change under the influence of a preliminary or accompanying stimulus, then this can be calleda contrast of sensations.
After a cold drink, a warm drink will seem hot to us. And after sour, barely sweet, very sweet. Similarly, on a black background, light seems lighter, and darker on white.
This is due to the fact that the abrupt cessation of the influence of the irritating factor does not cause a momentary cessation of the processes of irritation in the receptors. If we recall the law of induction, then the process of inhibition in excited neurons arises over time, gradually. In order to restore the original threshold of sensitivity, several phases of excitation and deceleration of the induction shift must pass.

Synesthesia is when, as a result of the influence of one stimulus, there are sensations characteristic of another. So, hearing one sound, we imagine a certain image. Artists create paintings by translating music into colors. But not all people have these abilities. Synesthesia shows us that all the analytical systems of the human body are interconnected.
Properties and patterns of sensations emphasize the dependence and significance of analytical systems on their functioning under the influence of stimuli.
Interaction of sensations and sensitization
Sensitivity tends to change. Thus, a change in the sensitivity of some receptors under the influence of others is called the interaction of sensations.
Weak sound stimuli increase the sensitivity of visual receptors. And with a strong impact on the receptors of the auditory analyzer, the sensitivity of the eyes decreases. Weaktaste stimuli increase visual susceptibility. The latter is enhanced under the influence of certain aromas, that is, smelling irritants. It is also known that with painful stimuli, the sensitivity of auditory, tactile, olfactory and visual receptors increases.
The process of sensitization is an increase in sensitivity through regular exercise, as well as as a result of the interaction of analyzers.
It is known that with loss of hearing or vision, sensitivity is compensated by exacerbation of other types of sensitivity.

Sensitization is possible in certain professions. Sensitivity can be trained.
So, there are two ways of sensitization:
- Compensation for sensory defects.
- Requirements resulting from a specific activity.
This also includes independent work on improving sensations.
The pattern of sensations creates the necessary conditions for a full perception of the world.