A vaccination room is one of the necessary treatment rooms that should be organized within any children's clinic, as well as on the basis of preschool and school institutions. Also, vaccination bases are equipped in sanatoriums, military units, hospitals - in a word, any medical institutions that carry out activities related to the provision of procedural medical care to the population.

Vaccination room of a children's clinic in a medium-density settlement
It will not be news to anyone that most of the previously known and seemingly harmless infectious strains have undergone a number of colossal mutations in recent years, some of which seriously threaten human life and he alth. It is important to deal with these pathogenic cultures in a timely and high-quality manner, therefore, the requirements for equipping modern vaccination rooms are also increasing. Indeed, for the maintenance of some bacteriological cultures, specialized storage conditions are sometimes needed.
What are the requirements of the modern state standard, regulated by a number of relevant authorities (priority authority among which belongs to SanPiNu) to equip and regulate the work of the vaccination room?

External equipment of the vaccination room according to SanPiNu for a children's medical or preschool-school institution
When equipping a room for vaccination injections, first of all, it should be borne in mind that this medical audience should have an appropriate area. As a rule, a standard vaccination room should be conditionally divided into 2 parts: functional and procedural. The functional part (it can be either a separate office or a small block inside an existing one) stores the necessary passport and current documentation. In the procedural part, the direct vaccination is carried out. In many medical institutions (especially if the institution serves groups of early preschoolers), according to equipment, the vaccination room of the children's clinic can be divided into sectors:
- Sector for diluting solutions and pre-injection preparation of syringes.
- Sector for the direct provision of procedural measures.
In any case, the total area of both parts should not be less than 14 m², and in the case of preschool or school institutions, significantly exceed this figure.
As it shouldshould the vaccination room at the children's polyclinic be externally decorated?

There are fundamental requirements for lighting, since the work that will be provided in this office belongs to the class of subtle manipulative. Along with the main lighting of a cold tone, several warm incandescent lamps should also be present. Their presence is important for the correct assessment of the state of some vaccination forms (for example, the Mantoux reaction). You also need several spare, nearby devices in case the main ones fail. Along with the main types of ceiling lamps, wall-mounted lamps are recommended, especially if there are specialized devices for working with babies (changing tables) inside the room and a clear visibility of a given field is important.
In addition to the standard lighting in the rooms of surgical manipulations (which include injection rooms), there must be a bactericidal one, which is turned on during the current processing of the cabinet (quartz) during the day, as well as switching on at night, when the cabinet is not working provided.

Vaccination cabinet lining
The walls and floor of any standard clinic vaccination room, regardless of where it is located (whether it is a maternity hospital or a military unit), should be arranged so that current and general cleaning is not difficult to carry out, and also left no prerequisites for the developmentpathogenic bacteria in the bowels of the finish. As a rule, the most versatile and recommended for these purposes is the tiled type of laying walls and floors. The ceiling part is decorated with specialized lime.
The tone of the walls, ceiling and floor is welcomed light - in order to detect and eliminate pollution in a timely manner, as well as to prevent the aging of facing materials in a timely manner.

Requirements for windows, entry / exit from the vaccination room
The room in which any type of vaccination is carried out must be well protected from any prying eyes. This is due to the fact that sometimes, along with expensive vaccine preparations, there are a large number of devices for injecting, called medical syringes, in the offices. These devices present a serious temptation to enter the office of persons suffering from drug addiction. The behavior of this category of citizens often carries a social and epidemic danger to citizens staying inside, and especially minors.
All external doors to this category of premises must be metal and have several locks. If the treatment compartment has several external passages, all of them must be properly closed. The equipment of the vaccination room of the polyclinic should include at least 2 locks for each of the entrance doors.
If treatment and vaccination rooms are located on the 1st or 2nd floors, bars must be installed on the windows.

Documentary base of any treatment and vaccination room
If the medical institution is small, then often the treatment room combines vaccination functions. In other words, it not only carries out routine vaccination, but also administers the necessary medicines prescribed by a doctor (antibiotics, vitamins and others). In this case, different types of vaccination are carried out according to time or on certain days allotted for each subspecies. Any action by a nurse must be recorded and reflected in the appropriate register of medical procedures.
Equipment of normative documentation of the vaccination room of the polyclinic:
- Calendar for planning and administering vaccinations for each age group of the population within the calendar dates strictly allotted for these events, as well as within the emergency deadlines announced by government agencies in connection with the excess of the epidemic threshold for this infection.
- A vaccination room equipped according to SanPiN must have a license confirming the right to conduct one or another type of manipulation.
- Prophylactic vaccination calendar for employees of this medical institution, both in the generally accepted manner and in a particular individual case (the vaccination is completed according to the data of the individual medical book).
- The journal of planned records of all manipulations carried out in this medical office, including vaccinations (f. 112 / y, 025-1 / y, 025 / y, 026 / y and others established by the institution separately).
- Magazinewrite-offs of spent funds (syringes, needles, ampoules, etc.).
- Receipt log of consumables.
- Log book for receiving alcohol-containing products.
- Register for the consumption of additional medicines (if the vaccination room is combined with the treatment room).
- Vaccination log for each category of vaccines, taking into account the remaining funds.
- Journal of current and general cleaning in the treatment (vaccination) room.
- Gericidal lamp operation log.
- Log of operation status of refrigeration units.
- Journal of operation of sterilization cabinets (if any) or autoclaves.
Equipment with informative documentation
Along with documentation reflecting current working moments, any treatment room should have documentation of informative content:
- Job description of a nurse.
- Notebook on the transfer of information by shift regarding the transfer of the vaccine by certain patients, things they forgot, orders from the boss, etc. - is carried out arbitrarily.
- Instructions in the event of an acute allergic reaction - should be hung on the wall above the treatment table.
- Necessary phone numbers (bosses, doctors, emergency services, etc.).
- A set of instructions for vaccines and medicines (ideally a separate folder).
- Immunization handbooks.
- Handbooks on Pediatrics.
- Nurse Handbooks.
- Maybe there is a list of medicinal substances according to the corresponding ICD(e.g. ICD-X).
Internal inventory of any vaccination room
In some cases, it is not possible to allocate a separate vaccination and treatment room - then vaccinations are carried out in a general treatment room during hours specially designated for this event. At this time, other procedures are excluded. Do not vaccinate in:
- Enema rooms.
- Doctors' offices.
- Common observation rooms.
- Operating rooms.
- Dressing rooms.
- Reception rooms.
- Dental rooms.
- Premises intended for temporary isolation of sick children.

Children's clinic vaccination room: inventory equipment
The equipment of the vaccination room includes the following components:
- Refrigerating plant for storing vaccine preparations and, if necessary, other medicines and devices. Ideally, there should be two such installations - one strictly for vaccines, the other for other medicines. All shelves in both appliances must be labeled.
- Medical cabinet with anti-shock kit:
- 0.1% solution, adrenaline, norepinephrine, mezaton.
- 5% ephedrine solution.
- Glucocorticosteroids: dexamethasone, prednisolone, hydrocartisol.
- Antihistamines: Suprastin, Tavegil, Diazolin.
- Cardiac glycosides:corglicon;
- Saline, glucose - for the introduction of droppers.
- Cabinet with essential daily medicines: ammonia, iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide.
- Standard and additional tools: rubber gloves, the necessary set of syringes of different capacities and different needles for them, electric suction, several rubber bands, sterile tweezers, forceps, spatulas.
- Containers for disinfectant solutions and cylinders with them in the lower segments of cabinets.
- Metal bix with sterile material.
- Containers for the disposal of used tools and waste.
- Transportation table, on which instruments are prepared in advance and preparations are collected.
- Couch covered with disposable sheet, extra cushion needed for comfort.
- Changing table, prefinished.
- For especially difficult vaccinations (polio, BCG, etc.), it is advisable to use a separate table, specially marked.
- Table and chair for a nurse.
- Individual chair for patient's things.
- Medical screen.
- Hand wash basin with soap dispenser and towel.
- Medical waste bin with lockable lid.
- A clock on the wall and a few rubber toys that are easy to clean up are allowed.
Vaccination room of an adult clinic
As a rule, the equipment of the vaccination room of an adult polyclinic is not much different from similar children's rooms. The only difference is the absencechanging tables and replacing them with more couches. Also, for adult reception rooms, a larger number of protective screens are provided. Wall clocks are allowed. In some urban polyclinics, and in particular garrison-type polyclinics, an additional room is provided in front of the treatment room, called the "Changing Room", where the patient can leave his clothes and personal belongings. This fact undoubtedly benefits the sterile environment of the office.