The laser therapeutic device "Matrix-VLOK", produced by the Russian Research Center "Matrix", is used for intravenous blood irradiation. Due to its unique technical characteristics, the device has a complex therapeutic effect on almost all vital systems and human organs.
Matrix-ILBI device

The device is made according to the block principle. Its main parts are:
- base unit (power and control);
- radiating heads;
- external modulation unit to change the radiation power in accordance with the patient's biorhythms;
- nozzles (optical and magnetic).
The Matrix-ILBI device is available in several models depending on the intended purpose (for physiotherapeutic, cosmetic, urological studies, as well as procedures combined with vacuum massage, ultrasound, electrophoresis). The base unit can have from 2 to 4 channels, which allows simultaneous processing with different types of heads.
Operation principle

The device produces laser blood irradiation, as a result of which enzymatic, catalase activity and permeability of cell membranes increase, the rheological qualities of plasma and its composition change, oxygen exchange and transport processes in tissues increase, regenerative processes are activated.
The non-specific impact of the "Matrix-VLOK" device on human he alth is associated with an increase in cellular biochemical activity, normalization of the energy status of tissues and natural biological regulation of the endocrine, vascular and immune systems. The body's resistance to the influence of adverse external and internal factors increases.
Main Specifications

The main technical characteristics of the Matrix-VLOK device are the following parameters:
- laser machine type – semiconductor;
- light wavelength - 0.365-0.808 microns;
- radiation power - 1-35 mW;
- weight – 1.4 kg;
- input power supply parameters - 220V/50Hz;
- dimensions - 210×180×90 mm;
- Average 5,000 Hours to Need Maintenance
The equipment belongs to the 2nd class of electrical safety and does not require grounding. There is a built-in automatic timer for 1-40 minutes. work. When using an additional special head, it is possible to produceultraviolet irradiation of blood.
The advantage of the "Matrix-ILBI" device in comparison with other similar devices is the ability to select the wavelength of radiation (red, blue or green, infrared and ultraviolet head type), which allows you to achieve the best therapeutic effect. To obtain the required mode, 8 types of interchangeable heads are used.
The small size and weight of "Matrix-ILBI" allow for the treatment of patients with limited mobility and at home.

"Matrix-ILBI", a device for intravenous blood irradiation, has a very wide range of indications. The main ones are:
- Surgery: purulent-inflammatory diseases (including complications of diabetes), burn disease, frostbite.
- Gynecology: endometriosis, infertility, toxicosis during pregnancy, fetoplacental insufficiency, inflammation of the uterine appendages and cervical mucosa.
- Dermatology: psoriasis, eczema, chronic recurrent herpes, neurodermatitis, vasculitis, erysipelas, purulent skin lesions.
- Pathologies of the cardiovascular system: atherosclerosis, ischemia and thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities, angina pectoris, damage to blood vessels in diabetes, high blood pressure, myocardial infarction, infectious inflammation of the heart muscle, ischemic disease.
- Pathologies of the digestive system: hepatitis of viral etiology, jaundice resulting fromobstruction of the bile ducts; poisoning and intoxication in acute intestinal obstruction, liver failure, gastric and duodenal ulcers, inflammatory processes in the gallbladder and pancreas.
This is not the whole list of diseases for the treatment of which the Matrix-ILBI device is used. The device is also used in neurology, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, psychiatry, pulmonology, dentistry, urology and other areas of medical science. Laser technology works well with traditional therapies and medications.

Any therapeutic methods have limitations for their use. They also exist in the Matrix-VLOK device. The instruction stipulates the following cases in which it is impossible to carry out treatment using this device:
- porphyrin disease (all its forms);
- increased skin sensitivity to solar radiation;
- pellagra (lack of vitamin PP and protein);
- hypoglycemia;
- febrile state of unknown etiology;
- blood diseases (acquired hemolytic anemia, neoplastic pathologies, increased bleeding and poor clotting);
- hemorrhagic stroke;
- myocardial infarction in the subacute stage;
- cardiogenic shock;
- serious condition as a result of sepsis;
- marked hypotension;
- dilated cardiomyopathy.
The device should also not be used while taking medications that inhibit blood clotting. The possibility of using the Matrix-ILBI device during pregnancy depends on the severity of the disease and possible risks to the fetus.

Carrying out the procedure
The treatment procedure with the "Matrix-ILBI" apparatus takes place in the following order:
- In a vein located in the cubital fossa (rarely in the subclavian), a hollow needle with a disposable sterile light guide is inserted. It is fixed in a butterfly catheter.
- The head of the emitter is fixed with a cuff or plaster.
- They set the necessary modes on the Matrix-VLOK laser machine.
- After the blood is processed, an audible signal sounds and the device turns off.
- The catheter is removed from the vein, the emitter head is removed.

During treatment, the patient is in a horizontal position on his back. The duration of the session is usually 10-20 minutes. and 5-7 min. for adults and children respectively. Procedures are done daily or every other day, their total number per course is 3-10 (sometimes up to 15). After the session, it is recommended to rest lying down for 20-30 minutes.
Therapeutic effect

The therapeutic effect when using "Matrix-ILBI" is as follows:
- correction of the body's immune forces;
- improvementblood microcirculation in organs and tissues;
- vasodilating effect;
- normalization of metabolic processes;
- increase in the number of functioning capillaries;
- pain relief;
- decrease in the activity of inflammatory processes, restoration of damaged tissues;
- activation of the antioxidant system of the blood, elimination of the effects of hypoxia;
- detoxifying and desensitizing effect.
The ultraviolet spectrum of radiation suppresses the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms (staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and tubercle bacillus, salmonella and others). The infectious focus can be of very different localization, and treatment is carried out both in the acute and in the chronic stage of the disease.
The therapeutic effect is directly dependent on the absorbed dose of laser radiation. Each type of head of the "Matrix-ILBI" apparatus has its own characteristic features of interaction with blood.
In general, reviews of Matrix-ILBI from patients who have undergone therapy are positive. Patients note its high efficiency in the complex treatment of many diseases. The procedure is painless, a slight discomfort is felt only during the introduction of the needle into the vein.
Improvement of well-being is observed after the first 2-3 sessions. In the presence of severe diseases, the therapeutic effect comes later.
Because the procedure thins the blood, some patients may experience dizziness. The disadvantages of treatment with the Matrix-ILBI device include itshigh cost.