Inguinal hernia surgery: preparation and rehabilitation

Inguinal hernia surgery: preparation and rehabilitation
Inguinal hernia surgery: preparation and rehabilitation

Inguinal hernia is one of the most common types of hernias that appear in the abdominal wall. This disease mainly develops among the male part of the population. And this is due to the fact that men have a special structure of the inguinal canal. To get rid of this disease, it is necessary to perform an operation to remove the inguinal hernia. If you ignore this disease, then some complications may arise that require urgent prompt assistance. It should be considered in more detail what is the operation to remove the inguinal hernia.

Where is the inguinal hernia
Where is the inguinal hernia

Modern surgical techniques

Currently, there are several varieties of modern methods of surgical intervention. These types of inguinal hernia surgery include the following:

  1. Woduring plastic manipulations with own tissues, the hernia gate is closed by using the patient's own tissues. For this, muscles, aponeurosis, fascia can be used. After such an operation to remove an inguinal hernia, the recurrence rate is from 2 to 15%, which will depend on the method and correctness of the chosen hernioplasty, as well as on the condition of the patient's tissues. The main disadvantage of this type of procedure is the persistence of a severe pain syndrome, which lasts for several days after the operation. This can be explained by the fact that the tissues are stretched, and the period of physical rehabilitation is very long. As a rule, after such an operation to remove an inguinal-scrotal hernia, it is contraindicated to engage in physical activity for 3 months.
  2. Operation
  3. Modern methods of surgical intervention, thanks to which it is possible to remove an inguinal hernia, should also include laparoscopy. During such an operation to remove an inguinal hernia in clinics, abdominal wall defects are closed directly from the inside of the abdominal region. For this, a special mesh synthetic prosthesis is used. Reviews of the operation to remove an inguinal hernia using laparoscopy suggest that the recurrence rate in this case is a maximum of 5%. This will depend on the type of hernia, as well as the degree of training of the surgeon. The main advantage of this method of surgery to remove an inguinal hernia in women and men is thatthat the tissues are less traumatized, so the pain syndrome after the procedure is negligible. Also, another plus of laparoscopy is a quick recovery. The disadvantage is the need to introduce a special gas directly into the abdominal cavity in order to create an operative space. Also, another disadvantage is the need for general anesthesia, technical difficulties and high cost of equipment.
  4. Surgery to remove a hernia
    Surgery to remove a hernia
  5. The use of the plasty method without the so-called tension of the patient's own tissues is becoming increasingly popular. Reviews of the operation to remove an inguinal hernia suggest that the recurrence rate in this case is no more than 1%. Soreness in this case after such a procedure is minimal, since the patient's own tissues do not have to be stretched. In addition, after the operation, it is allowed to engage in intensive physical labor in a month, which is why such a procedure can be carried out in an outpatient setting. Answering the question about how long the operation to remove an inguinal hernia lasts, then, as a rule, such an event takes about 1 hour. The whole process is organized under local or spinal anesthesia.

Preparing for an inguinal hernia surgery

Preparation for this procedure involves the patient undergoing a complete examination. The operation can be prescribed after the specialist has assessed the somatic status of the patient. This makes it possible to minimizethe occurrence of various kinds of complications.

patient after surgery
patient after surgery

The choice of anesthesia will be based on how big the hernia is. If the stage of this disease is still early, then local anesthesia can be used for the operation, otherwise general anesthesia will be required. During the preoperative examination, the specialist examines the clinical composition of urine and blood. Also, the patient will need to donate blood for biochemical analysis, a coagulogram and an analysis for infections. In addition, a chest x-ray and electrocardiogram will be required.

Inguinal hernia surgery in children

In children, an inguinal hernia is a neoplasm in the form of a medium-sized bump that forms in the abdomen. Often a similar phenomenon is observed immediately after birth. There are many treatments for this pathology. Therapy is selected based on the type of education. If it is already running, then an operation will be required to remove the inguinal hernia in children.

As a rule, surgery is prescribed for hernia incarceration. If the intestinal loop is pinched, then blood circulation is disturbed, which can cause necrosis and peritonitis. In girls, in some cases, the ovary and fallopian tube are pinched, which over time can cause infertility.

The operation is scheduled by a specialist in the coming days after the diagnosis. In some cases, this procedure is delayed, for example, if the baby has any he alth problems. However, immediately after the improvement of the generalstate of surgery in progress.

Reviews about the operation to remove an inguinal hernia in children indicate that in most cases laparoscopy is used. During this procedure, small incisions are made in the abdomen. As a rule, such operations are painless and do not pose a particular danger to the life of the child. Considering how long an operation to remove an inguinal hernia through laparoscopy takes, such a procedure takes from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Features of the rehabilitation period

Since a hernia in the groin area in most cases is a consequence of muscle weakness, throughout the postoperative period, the key point is to carry out preventive measures that are aimed at strengthening the muscle walls located in the groin and abdomen.

history taking
history taking

The duration of the rehabilitation period for the recovery of the female or male body will depend on the chosen method of operation. It will also depend on the type of anesthesia used for the hernia repair.

As a rule, the duration of the outpatient period is from 8 to 10 days if surgery was organized. During this time, patients should adhere to bed rest, save their strength, and also try to avoid any physical activity. In parallel with this patient, a special diet is prescribed.

Another prerequisite is regular visits to the doctor. Thanks to this, it will be possible to quickly respond to anyor changes occurring inside the body, and if necessary, take appropriate measures to control the intensity of pain or change tactics, which is aimed at rapid recovery after removal of the inguinal hernia.

Throughout the outpatient period, physical activity is strictly contraindicated, including even the lightest exercises. The duration of this abstinence should be determined only by the attending physician. However, in the future, light physical activity is extremely necessary, since with its help it is possible to strengthen the muscle fibers well, raising their tone, because of which the patient will be able to avoid another hernia.

Goal of later rehabilitation

recovery after surgery
recovery after surgery

When a certain time passes after the operation to remove the hernia, the main goal is to eliminate possible provoking factors that are potentially dangerous for the recurrence of the disease. At the same time, the following events are organized:

  1. Proper distribution of any physical activity.
  2. Strengthening the muscular corset.
  3. Preventive measures and treatment of predisposing pathologies that may be accompanied by prolonged cough or chronic constipation.
  4. The fight against excess weight, which negatively affects the abdominal wall, as it leads to its weakening.
  5. Rejection of bad habits, especially smoking, as it contributes to the rapid deterioration of muscle tissue and premature formation of signsaging.

Causes of pain syndrome

Woman holding her lower belly
Woman holding her lower belly

Typically, most patients can move around on their own within 4 hours of hernia repair. But during movement, aching pain or soreness of a cutting nature may appear, which is localized in the area where the incision was made. The pain syndrome in its origin can be different:

  1. Its formation may indicate the presence of a wound healing process, tissue fusion, tissue repair, since minor sections of nerve fibers were damaged during surgical intervention. And this, in turn, provokes an increase in the sensitivity of the operated area.
  2. Another cause of soreness after surgery is tissue swelling.
  3. The likelihood of pain syndrome also depends on the duration of the operation. If this procedure was carried out by an insufficiently qualified doctor, then incorrect manipulations with muscle tissues can lead to their unnecessary injury.
  4. Soreness is not in all cases considered evidence of any problems regarding the healing of the scar. Pain can be neurological or muscular in origin.
  5. Physical activity during the rehabilitation period in some cases provoke a relapse of the disease, during which sharp pain syndromes are formed. In this case, the operation must be repeated.
  6. Soreness can also speak of internal orexternal divergence of surgical sutures.

Recovery period

Basically, specialists organize an operation to remove a hernia in the morning. In the evening, the first dressing is usually done to the patient. During this manipulation, discharge appears from the wound, which is the absolute norm.

Throughout the outpatient period, such dressings should be done every day. But if suppuration is observed in the suture area, or the pain is increased, then the dressings are made longer.

If the incision was sutured with silk threads, then the sutures are removed on 5-7 days. But recently, experts prefer to sew up surgical incisions using catgut self-absorbable threads, with which you can achieve the formation of an almost imperceptible scar.

Medicines in the postoperative period

As for medical treatment in the postoperative period, it will be based on the presence of certain symptoms. If the pain syndrome in the patient is pronounced, then special painkillers are used in the early period. For possible complications, the following medications may be prescribed:

  1. Antibiotics: cephalosporins, Amikacin, Amoxiclav, Meropenem.
  2. Drugs that are prescribed to improve tissue trophism: Cavinton, Actovegin, nicotinic acid, Picamilon.
  3. Various mineral and vitamin complexes that contribute to the speedy strengtheningvascular walls: vitamin A, C, D, E, K, zinc, iron, phosphorus, folic acid.

Possible Complications

It should be noted that absolutely any surgical intervention destroys the integrity of connective tissues, and is also considered artificial penetration in the human body. In some cases, the human body reacts to such a procedure in a very unpredictable way.

This also applies to inguinal hernia surgery. If the recovery is fast, then the rehabilitation period is very short. However, there is another scenario, during which various complications arise. The reasons for such complications can be different, ranging from non-compliance with the rules during the rehabilitation period and ending with infection in the wound. The main consequences that may occur after the operation:

  1. Suppuration in the suture area.
  2. Relapse of the disease, which occurs due to the patient ignoring the recommendations of a specialist.
  3. Formation of a small hematoma in the suture area.
  4. Damage to nerves, blood vessels, and some elements of the spermatic cord.
  5. Hydrocele, which is the most common complication after hernioplasty.
  6. The formation of deep vein thrombosis in the shins.
  7. Intestinal dysfunction.
  8. Various infectious complications.


Considering where to do the operation to remove the inguinal hernia, such a procedure is performed in any hospital. In Moscow you canapply to such private medical institutions as "MEDSI", "ON CLINIC". If you suspect such a disease, it is imperative to seek help from a medical institution. If an operation to remove a hernia in the groin area is not organized in time, then after a while the disease can provoke very unpleasant consequences. In the postoperative period, the patient should follow the doctor's recommendations to avoid possible complications.
