Any woman should take a responsible approach to her own he alth, special attention should be paid to the genital area and breast examination, because it is the fair sex that is most often at risk of disease. If you were at an appointment with a mammologist, he appointed you to undergo an ultrasound examination, then you should know the main rule that it is done on certain days. Yes, and you yourself, probably, have already asked yourself: ultrasound of the breast on which day of the cycle should I undergo? Usually, doctors recommend coming for an examination at a certain period of time, on the 5th and up to the 11th day after the end of menstruation. It is this period that is most favorable for ultrasound examination.

Breast Ultrasound: Study Day
It has long been established that it is the phase of the cycle that affects the state of the ducts in the mammary gland of a woman. Therefore, inspections are carried out on certain days. In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the milk ducts are in a narrowed normal state, so if there are any growths or seals in your breast, doctors can immediatelysuspect that they are not characteristic of this period of the cycle. Well, if you undergo an examination after the 11th day of the cycle, the ducts expand, and doctors may simply not notice any defect. That is why many people ask: “What day of the cycle should I take for breast ultrasound?”
If your cycle is about 28 days, then it is better to conduct a study from the 4th to the 8th day of the cycle, sometimes up to the 11th. Be sure to fulfill this condition, otherwise you may go to the ultrasound in vain, it will be difficult to consider the problem. The study is conducted for all women of reproductive and elderly age. If you are over 35 years old, then do an ultrasound of the breast every year. Mammography should also be performed to exclude the presence of pathological formations in the breast.

Why is it important to have a breast ultrasound?
On what day of the cycle to undergo this study, it is already clear. But why is it needed at all? An ultrasound examination is extremely important for a woman, as it can detect all changes in the tissues and ducts of the breast at a very early stage. No other examination can diagnose breast disease at an early stage, except for ultrasound. If some pathological change is suddenly discovered, then it will not be very difficult and effective to treat it if it was detected on time.
What breast problems can women have
Breast ultrasound, the day of the cycle of which we have already established, helps to identify problems such as cysts, fibroma, adenoma,mastopathy.

Remember that you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a full examination if you feel any unpleasant symptoms, sensations of tightness in the chest, changes in shape, pain, discharge from the nipples. In all these cases, you are shown an ultrasound examination. If you do not have the above symptoms, do not forget to visit a mammologist once a year for examinations. You already know the procedure for breast ultrasound on which day of the cycle to take place.
Be he althy and take care of yourself!