Amber is a unique stone that has long attracted the attention of people. Warm, as if glowing from within, it is different from all other gems. For a long time people argued about the nature of its origin. Romantics believed that it was frozen sea foam, someone considered amber to be a derivative of oil. But today it has already been established for sure that this is the hardened resin of pine trees. That is, the stone is completely natural.

General Description
Transparent, glowing in the sun, amber has always interested people. He was credited with healing and even magical properties, applied to sore spots. You can laugh at our ancestors, but the healers of the past were very observant and often drew the right conclusions. As a means of maintaining the strength of the body, a powder prepared from this stone was previously used. Modern industry produces a product of its processing, which is called succinic acid. It is prescribed for a child and an adult in the treatment of a wide range of diseases.
Where to buy
Purchasing this medicinepresents no problem. Sometimes young parents doubt that they will be able to find this drug when a pediatrician prescribes it to a child. Meanwhile, succinic acid is sold in every pharmacy. You can verify this at any time. The price is also pleasing: a pack of 10 tablets costs 11 rubles. Compared to numerous dietary supplements, which often do not work at all, the cost is very low. The drug is very tasty, a bit like citric acid. But before use, it is advisable to read the instructions.

Benefits for the body
Before you give your child succinic acid, you need to figure out what it is and how it affects the body. It is an organic acid found in every cell of our body. The body itself is able to produce it. Succinic acid is involved in the production of energy, thanks to which we can live normally. Stress and disease lead to a decrease in energy production, which, in turn, leads to aging of the body.
An additional portion of succinic acid for a child and an adult can be very useful. It is not a drug, but rather a stimulant, the use of which does not carry any risks. An increased concentration of this substance becomes a natural regulator of improving the vital activity of the body.
Chemical composition
Pediatricians confirm that in most cases succinic acid can be given to children without fear. Only rarely, if there are strict contraindications, should the course of treatment with"sun stone" The benefits of the drug are due to the chemical composition. Of course, a stone cannot be called an organism, but in composition it is close to a living being. This is a compound of organic acids, many mineral and other useful substances. In other words, everything that is sold in beautiful jars for a lot of money.
The great advantage of the product is that, once in the body, it goes directly to the organ or system where it is needed in the first place. Those organs that need it are saturated with energy, while those that work perfectly are ignored. Therefore, children can and should even be given succinic acid during the recovery period after a serious illness.

In fact, the list of positive qualities of the drug is very large. But now we will not consider all the useful properties, but only those that are relevant for the child's body:
- The drug is useful during seasonal colds and viral infections, supports the body during a serious illness and immediately after it. Of course, babies are the first to suffer from sores. Therefore, succinic acid is indicated for children as an immunostimulant. In addition to all the advantages listed above, this is a natural remedy, which is quite inexpensive.
- The drug is effective for ailments of the musculoskeletal system, which today are very rejuvenated.
- Amber acid stimulates metabolic processes and insulin production. This is very important in the treatment of diabetes.
- Improves the functioning of the stomach andintestines.
- Succinic acid is indicated for children who are registered with a neurologist and have various he alth problems.
- Increases hemoglobin. That is, the drug can be taken in order to prevent anemia.
Without this substance, any organism cannot exist. And children grow up quickly, and energy is spent accordingly. Conducted clinical trials show the safety of using succinic acid even in large quantities. Of course, it is better to follow the recommendations of the attending physician. The body produces and consumes 200 mg of acid per day on its own. She goes to maintain life cycles.
The dosage of succinic acid for children is calculated based on body weight. It is essential for maintaining physical activity. Of course, this is very important for children. To calculate the desired dosage, you need to multiply the body weight by 0.03 g. The resulting figure is considered an individual norm, which is recommended for daily consumption. And one more important feature. The use of succinic acid for children is also allowed because it does not cause addiction and allergies, because it is always present in the human body.

When the need for acid increases
Indications are almost all age-related diseases, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. But there are other factors that increase the need for acid:
- Spring or autumn colds. From the first day you notice a worsening condition, runny nose or cough,start giving acid tablets to your child.
- Sports loads. Today, children after school attend various sections. As a result, the body's strength is depleted. But that's not all. Muscles are under severe strain.
- Allergic reactions.
- Heart failure. If a child suffers from this ailment, then regular use of this supplement will improve he alth.
- Skin problems: various dermatitis and rashes.
- Overweight.
If a person is completely he althy, these pills will not contribute to any change in his condition. The reason is simple: succinic acid is sent directly to diseased organs, ignoring those that work optimally. Therefore, if at the moment there are no he alth problems, no increased physical or mental stress, then there is no need to take this supplement.
Despite its safety, succinic acid also has them. Whether it is possible to give the supplement to children should be decided by the pediatrician, taking into account the medical history. It is not recommended to increase its consumption in coronary heart disease and hypersecretion of gastric juice, urolithiasis and hypertension. Of course, these diseases are more typical for adults. But today there is a clear trend towards rejuvenation of chronic ailments. In rare cases, individual intolerance is possible.
Recommendations for daily routine
Pediatricians agree on whether children can take succinic acid. It is a natural, safe and very inexpensive immunostimulant. Todayon the market it is almost impossible to find an analogue at a price. But the need for succinic acid depends on the energy and labor costs of the body. That is, in addition to the fact that you will give the child pills, you need to take care of other factors:
- Child should eat well and regularly.
- Be sure to observe the correct daily routine.
- Physical activity is important and necessary, but its excess can undermine he alth. Therefore, the mode of work and rest must be carefully verified.
If you observe all these points, then the absorption of acid will be complete. At the same time, its effect on the body will be the strongest.

Signs of deficiency
Usually this supplement is prescribed to improve the general condition of the body. And how to understand that there is a deficiency of succinic acid in the body? Instructions for use for children recommends prescribing it in the following cases:
- If a child is often sick, there is a failure in the work of individual body systems.
- Energy is quickly lost. As a result, there is a breakdown, forgetfulness and chronic fatigue.
- Weather sensitivity is increasing.
Succinic acid affects almost all organs. Its deficiency will lead to a deterioration in the functioning of the whole organism as a whole. First of all, immunity will suffer. This will affect the resistance to various infections. In addition, brain activity will decrease. In preschool and primary school age, every day matters. If the child is unable tohe alth to develop, he will lag behind his peers. If this continues for a while, then free radicals will accumulate in the body, and this will lead to a loss of energy and performance.
Features of use during pregnancy
Even at the planning stage, both parents are advised to drink a course of succinic acid, thereby improving their he alth. The duration of the course is 30 days, after which you need to take a break. In general, it is better to agree on the duration of treatment with the doctor, since an individual treatment regimen is selected for each patient.
If there are no contraindications, you can take this supplement throughout your pregnancy. Such a measure facilitates its course, helps to gently rebuild the hormonal system of a pregnant woman, reduces toxicosis, helps to compensate for the additional energy costs of the body, and reduces the risk of having a child with pathologies.
For nursing mothers
During breastfeeding, many drugs are prohibited. Therefore, a young mother usually tries to consult a doctor before taking even the most harmless vitamins and food supplements. This is a very correct position. But succinic acid during breastfeeding is not prohibited. On the contrary, it will support the strength of the mother and enrich the milk. Many mothers note that after a course of succinic acid, there is more milk. This is useful for those who have reduced lactation.
For kids
Not recommended for infants in their first year of life. If the mother is breastfeeding and taking succinic acid, the babyit will come with milk. And for artificial people, milk mixtures are enriched with it. Of course, it is difficult to overdose it, it does not accumulate in the body. But it's still best to stick to your doctor's advice.
Experts recommend giving acid during cold season for prevention. With a decrease in immunity, with bronchopulmonary diseases, the supplement can provide very tangible help. The dosage is as follows:
- Children under 5 are prescribed 0.5 tablets 2-3 times a day.
- Ages 5 to 12 - no more than one tablet 2-3 times a day.
As a result, many seasonal ailments can be avoided. And if the child gets sick, then usually the condition returns to normal much faster.

Side effects
In the vast majority of cases, they are not observed. This is a positive characteristic of the drug, which is emphasized by the instruction. Succinic acid is prescribed for children as a safe and effective supplement. But judging by the reviews, side effects are rare, but still occur. Pain in the stomach, high blood pressure are possible consequences.
Most often this is observed in the case of the use of large doses of the drug. Therefore, it is very important to follow the doctor's recommendations. Otherwise, the remedy may cause severe heartburn or cramps.
Not a panacea, but a real help
Don't count on succinic acid to solve all your problems. It is a good stimulant and one of the best antioxidants. But with seriousdiseases, acid tablets can only become an adjuvant against the background of general therapy. But still, the drug can provide real help to the body during stress and after illness. It is especially effective in combination with other means of rehabilitation. Therefore, consult with your doctor and, if he does not mind, include acid in the treatment regimen. The body will be very grateful.
Sometimes parents make a mistake. They do not go to the doctor and give the child only succinic acid, hoping for its magical properties. It is not recommended to do so. If the disease is not too serious and the body can cope on its own, then such behavior is acceptable. But the trouble is, you can never diagnose yourself.

Instead of a conclusion
It remains to consider only reviews. Succinic acid for children is just a lifesaver, especially during colds or increased mental and physical stress. The drug has been used in pediatric practice for a long time, so someone from the older generation may recommend it to you. Experienced mothers tell how they used to buy expensive immunomodulators and vitamins. In this case, the effect was practically zero. The children were still sick and underwent medical treatment, which was expensive and lengthy. And when the parents decided to give the kids succinic acid for prevention purposes, they were pleasantly surprised. If you believe the reviews, the next autumn passed without acute respiratory infections and flu, along the way, children's appetite improved.
Keep up with them and reviewsparents whose children are under stress. Usually these are students of lyceums, where the program is difficult, who, moreover, are additionally engaged in sports sections. Chronic stress leads to exhaustion of the body, which results in frequent colds. Succinic acid is indicated for use in children whose load is regularly high. The drug can help strengthen the immune system and fill the body with energy. As a result, according to parents, the child begins to sleep better and get up easier in the morning. His appetite improves, and he begins to endure loads much easier. That is, we can say with confidence that succinic acid is an effective supplement that has a positive effect on our body.