What vitamins are best for osteochondrosis? This is a common question. Let's figure it out in this article.
Most often, older people suffer from osteochondrosis. Recently, however, cases of the incidence of this disease among young people not older than 25 years have become more frequent. This is due to the modern sedentary "office" lifestyle and spending most of the time in front of a computer monitor. It is this pastime that adversely affects the intervertebral space, causing it to shrink in the cervical and lumbar regions. At first, the pain syndrome manifests itself weakly and irregularly, but over time the situation can worsen dramatically, and pain can become your worst nightmare.

How is therapy going?
Therapy of osteochondrosis is carried out in a complex and, as a rule, takes a very long time. During exacerbations, anti-inflammatory drugs andanalgesic prescription. In particularly severe cases, the spine stretching technique is used, which relieves pain, expands the intervertebral space, giving freedom to the clamped tissues, and allows the cartilage to begin recovery. If the disease is not in an acute form, special massages, therapeutic physical culture and physiotherapy are prescribed. Not the last place in the recovery process is the support of the body as a whole with the help of vitamin therapy and maintaining the water-s alt balance.
How can this help?
For the normal functioning of all organs and systems in the human body, it is vital to balance the level of vitamins and minerals. Taking vitamins for osteochondrosis is aimed at normalizing body functions from the inside, increasing immune properties, tissue regeneration, etc. Thus, replenishing the level of vitamins helps:
- Better absorption of calcium in bone structures.
- Strengthen cartilage.
- Normalize the conduction of nerve impulses.
- Repair fabrics.
- Increase sensitivity.
- Strengthen the immune properties of the body.
What vitamins should I take?
Treatment requires the mandatory inclusion of vitamins in the diet for osteochondrosis. Necessary for the restoration of cartilage are:
- Retinol (vitamin A). Repairs cartilage tissue and promotes blood circulation.
- B vitamins for osteochondrosis are very useful. Thiamine increases the resistance properties of the body, nourishes the tissues of the nervous system, promotes metabolismproteins. Riboflavin acts on cartilage, making them more elastic. Pyridoxine increases muscle strength and immunity of the body as a whole. Cyanocobalamin relieves inflammation and normalizes metabolic processes.
- Vitamin C. Provides detoxification of the body, improves immunity, relieves inflammation and has a beneficial effect on regeneration processes.
- Vitamin D. Helps calcium to be fully absorbed in the body.
- Vitamin E. A powerful antioxidant.

Benefits of Vitamin B
Vitamin B in osteochondrosis is the basis of successful vitamin therapy in osteochondrosis. It helps to get rid of soreness and reduce neurological manifestations of the disease. It can be used both in the form of injections and orally. When administered intramuscularly, it is strongly not recommended to mix B1, B6 and B12 in one injection, as they can either neutralize each other or contribute to the development of an allergic reaction.
What is vitamin D good for?
Vitamins from group D help calcium to be absorbed in the body in the required amount. This allows you to significantly strengthen bone structures and ligaments. A and E do not allow cartilage to collapse, since when they are taken, free radicals are neutralized. Both vitamins are taken at the same time, since in this version their action in the tissues is enhanced, and they protect each other from the destructive intestinal environment. In addition to single-component vitamins for osteochondrosis of the cervical region, special complexes have also been developed,which contribute to the replenishment of the level of minerals in the body.
Nutrition for osteochondrosis
Regardless of the localization of osteochondrosis, it gives the patient a lot of unpleasant and painful sensations. In a neglected form, serious complications can begin, since the cervical region is in close proximity to the brain. Sometimes the lack of therapy for osteochondrosis leads not only to low mobility of the arms and neck, as well as numbness, but also to hypotension, ongoing pain, and in some cases to muscle atrophy. At the same time, vitamins for osteochondrosis can speed up recovery.
The growth of bone tissue in the cervical vertebrae, coupled with the lowered position of the cerebellar tonsils in the foramen magnum, can lead to pinching of the medulla oblongata, which, in turn, is responsible for the full functioning of the heart and respiratory organs.
To prevent such fatal complications for the body, with osteochondrosis of the cervical region, it is necessary to take vitamins, with an emphasis on group B.
This will help support the body as a whole and the nervous system in particular. The early stage of the disease does not require, however, the intake of special vitamin-mineral complexes, since a sufficient amount of useful substances can be obtained from products by adjusting your diet.

List of desired products
Let's see what foods contain the necessary vitamins for cervical osteochondrosis:
- Vitamin A: dairy products, fish oil, carrots, butteroil, green onion.
- Vitamin B1: bran bread, rice, nuts, meat, yeast, dairy products.
- Vitamin B2: meat, eggs, liver, mushrooms, buckwheat, yeast.
- Vitamin B6: bran, meat and fish, soy, milk, eggs, butter.
- Vitamin B12: liver, meat, milk, eggs.
- Vitamin C: citrus fruits, kiwi, tomatoes, red peppers, parsley, spinach, raspberries, onions, kale, spinach.
- Vitamin D: butter, eggs, dairy products.
- Vitamin E: yolk, liver, legumes, vegetable oil.
Vitamins for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are taken, as a rule, in a course lasting one month. The break between courses should be several months, and no more than four vitamin therapies can be carried out per year.

Dietary recommendations
Taking vitamins for osteochondrosis, of course, contributes to a speedy recovery, however, nutrition also plays an important role in this process. And in this regard, there are some recommendations:
- Fractional meals up to 6 times a day.
- Daily calories within 2500-2600.
- Reduce fast carbohydrates.
- Reduce s alt intake.
- Eating raw vegetables.
- Removing sugar from the diet and replacing it with honey and dried fruits.
- Refuse spices and coffee.
- Supplement the diet with chondroprotectors.
Vitamins for lumbar osteochondrosis
The pharmaceutical industry is ready to offera wide range of vitamin and mineral complexes aimed at solving a variety of he alth problems. Below we will consider the most popular drugs that are prescribed to patients suffering from any type of osteochondrosis.

- "Pentovit". It is produced in Russia and contains vitamins from group B: B1, B6, B12 and B9 and nicotinic acid. The drug is actively involved in the metabolic processes of the body, regulating carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, has a stimulating effect on the conduction of nerve impulses and replenishes the level of vitamins. The daily dosage is three to six tablets. The average course of admission is one month.
- "Duovit". Contains 19 types of minerals and vitamins in the composition. Provides the body of a patient with osteochondrosis with all the necessary nutrients. The drug is a tablet of red and blue. The first provide the body with vitamins from group B, and the second - with the necessary minerals. One tablet of both colors is taken per day. After 20 days of admission, a break is made. A second course is carried out only by appointment of a specialist.
- "Dekamevit". Quite often it is prescribed for the treatment of osteochondrosis and has proven itself well. In addition to the full spectrum of B vitamins, it contains ascorbic acid, vitamins A and E, cholecalciferol, methionine and vitamin K.
Effects of reception
The combination of components in vitamins for osteochondrosis provides the following effects from taking the drug:
- Stimulation of growth and restoration of cartilage and bone structures.
- Antioxidant action.

- Acceleration of carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism.
- Normalization of glucose levels.
- Spurring up the body's immune qualities.
- Detoxification.
- Regulate the rate of blood clotting.
"Dekamevit" is taken 2 tablets a day. The course is 20 days, and the break between two doses should be at least a couple of months.
What other vitamins can I drink for lumbar osteochondrosis?
Centrum. Produced in the USA. Designed to saturate the nervous, cartilaginous and bone tissues with useful substances. It includes not only all the necessary vitamins, but also minerals. Thus, a patient with osteochondrosis can provide his body with all useful trace elements. The drug has an extremely positive effect on the restoration of bone structures in the spine, and also stimulates metabolic processes. The course of therapy involves taking the drug for one month

"Milgamma". The drug comes from Germany. In addition to providing the body with the necessary vitamins, it can have an analgesic effect in osteochondrosis of any part of the spine. In addition to the standard set of vitamins, Milgamma contains lidocaine. The drug is administered intramuscularly and is able to quickly and effectively stop the inflammation process. Often prescribed for the treatment of osteochondrosis andneurological pathologies. Among other things, it normalizes blood circulation and hematopoiesis. Used in a dosage of 2 mg. per day for 10 days. After a course of injections and pain relief, the drug can be prescribed in the form of tablets for further therapy
Other drugs
In addition to these drugs, there are a number of other medicines, such as Magne, Unicap, Neurobion, Calcium D3-Nycomed, etc. The choice is quite large, so it is better to provide it to your doctor, which will be guided by the appointment of your individual characteristics and the nature of the course of the disease.
In addition to drug therapy and revision of the diet, the treatment of osteochondrosis involves the abandonment of bad habits, the inclusion of special exercises and training, as well as massages.
Now we know what vitamins to drink for osteochondrosis.