The condition of hair and nails is a mirror reflecting human he alth. They are the first to react to the problems of the body, which have not shown themselves in any other way. Diseases of the internal organs often lead to the fact that the hair becomes brittle and dull, and the nails become uneven, exfoliating. How to deal with it? First, it is necessary to find the internal problem and begin treatment, because getting rid of the symptoms will not cure the disease. The best remedy for external manifestations of negative changes in the body for hair and nails is vitamins. In this case, it is not necessary to take special dietary supplements or vitamin-mineral complexes. It is enough to make sure that your nutrition is complete and balanced.

Do you want to have he althy hair and nails? Vitamins will help you. It is enough just to make sure that certain foods are in your diet. Retinol (vitamin A) affects the restoration and improvement of the hair structure. It is found in orange and yellow vegetables and fruits, such as carrots and persimmons. Vitamin C is the prevention of deep damage and hair loss. Its best source is orange. Vitamin E can be obtained from food (with olive oil), in the form of complex preparations and as part of scalp products. Vitamin F is necessary for the full delivery of nutrients to the hair follicle.

B vitamins are equally important for hair and nails. Thiamine (B1) is found in beef, poultry, egg yolks, whole grains, brewer's yeast and seaweed. Riboflavin (B2) is rich in green vegetables, buckwheat, oatmeal, egg white and dairy products. Niacinamide (B3 or PP vitamin) is found in large quantities in carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, dates, eggs and cheeses. It is also high in ginseng, parsley, sorrel and chamomile. Pantothenic acid (B5) is found in caviar, cabbage, beans, bran, legumes and nuts, and folic acid (B9) is found in cottage cheese, nuts, buckwheat, barley, oatmeal, pumpkin and other fresh vegetables. The supply of vitamin B10 will be replenished with a balanced diet.
So, in order to start strengthening hair and nails, vitamins must be consumed in the required assortment and in sufficient quantities, as well as refrain from spicy, s alty, fried foods and carbonated drinks. This will be enough to see a great result with your own eyes.

As already mentioned, vitamins and other substances useful for hair and nails (silicon, magnesium, iodine, selenium, phosphorus and iron) can be obtained from food or vitamin-mineral complexes. In this way, you can get rid of problems associated, for example, withimproper diet or bad water. If taking vitamins did not give the desired result, you should think about your own he alth, perhaps the reason lies deep enough, and you can not do without medical help.
Your beauty will be preserved and increased not only by vitamins useful for hair and nails, but also by high-quality cosmetics and regular care at home or in the salon. Pay attention to your hair and manicure every day and be on top in any situation.