People don't think at all what the hematogen is made of. The composition of the sweet tile, which is decorated brightly and colorfully, often has no time to read.
But when buying it for a child, think about it: you bought a hematogen in a pharmacy. This is a medicinal product. And it also has instructions for use.
Can it be harmful? In which cases? What purpose is it made for?
What is a hematogen?
After reading the instructions for use, we learn that hematogen is a drug.
It affects the blood formation in the body and is used to stimulate it.
The composition of the hematogen contains many trace elements (the body needs a few of them, but they are required) and a certain group of simple chemical compounds - macroelements. All of them are listed on the packaging of the sweet bar.
According to the classification of pharmacists, this is a real dietary supplement. They did not expect? Dietary supplement with a pleasant and familiar taste from childhood.
The resemblance to a chocolate bar is only superficial. We fall for a deceptive association.

Part of bovine hematogenblood. It is dried, ground and cleaned to eliminate allergies in consumers. This is how hemoglobin is obtained in production without the admixture of any microorganisms.
Filling the bar with flavor is provided by sweet foods. It can be honey or molasses; chocolate or condensed milk. As part of the children's hematogen nuts or candied fruits. Diversify the sweet medicine with sesame seeds and coconut flakes.
The fact that the hematogen contains blood is certainly not found on the wrapper. Because it is processed into albumin black. This is a food protein that gives a healing effect. Four to five grams of this substance are part of the hematogen according to GOST. About a teaspoon.
How does the drug work?
The main protein that makes up the blood in the human body is albumin. It is responsible for supplying cells with vitamins, microelements; neutralizes toxic substances; provides a supply of protein in case of its shortage; maintains the elasticity of blood cells.
Pharmacological production uses special technologies that preserve all these healing qualities. Therefore, the hematogen composition contains active animal hemoglobin. This natural protein is associated in the human body with a trace element - iron. If it is not enough, the person gets sick.

The drug helps to penetrate iron ions through the walls of the intestinal tract. Therefore, the level of red blood cells increases, carrying nutrients and oxygen throughout the body.
What does the hematogen consist of?
Hematogen contains many macronutrients andtrace elements. They improve the process of blood formation in the body.
- Carbohydrates. These are vegetable sugars (such as m altose, sucrose). As well as glucose, dextrin - sources of energy.
- Proteins. Another name is amino acids. They satisfy the daily need of the body.
- Fats. Contains mainly animal fats in albumin.
- Iron. Available.
- Vitamins. Excellent group A. Also vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant.
- Minerals. The main one is iron. Hematogen also contains potassium and calcium. And of course, the ubiquitous sodium chloride.
- Basic substances. What is hematogen made of. Their composition may vary. It can be condensed milk, just sugar or even honey.
When do you need help?
Doctors confirm that adult patients can benefit from hematogen. The composition of this drug helps to improve well-being, strengthen the body's immunity.
Hematogen is prescribed for both prevention and treatment of diseases:
- anemia due to lack of iron;
- general loss of strength due to malnutrition, stress, increased stress;
- spring vitamin deficiency;
- children with high mental stress or increased physical exertion;
- in the recovery period after illnesses;
- for chronic or acute gastric or duodenal ulcer;
- excessive bleeding during menstruation;
- with brittle nails and brittlehair;
- skin diseases;
- Vitamin A deficiency-related visual impairment.
Proper use
Parents worry about children's safety, knowing the composition of the hematogen. The use of the drug in a certain regimen brings benefits and harms.
Actually, the composition does not pose any danger. You can not replace confectionery sweets with children's hematogen. Definitely, it is harmful.
Like any pharmaceutical drug, it also has indications and dosages. Adults are advised to take no more than 50 grams per day (one bar).

Hematogen is contraindicated for children under the age of three.
Children's dosages:
- 3-6 years - five grams three times a day;
- 6-12 years - ten grams twice a day;
- 12-18 years - ten grams three times a day.
Take the drug for two to three weeks. Other vitamins should not be taken at this time. With excessive introduction into the body of everything at once, it can respond with an unpredictable reaction.
Hematogen bars are produced in different dosages. But they always have a division into small identical cubes weighing five grams. It is always convenient to count the required dose at one time.
Should Hematogen be given to pregnant women?
Can I use the drug during pregnancy or nursing mothers? This question is far from idle. He is of interest to many.
Of course, hematogen compensates for iron deficiency. As you know, women with complicated pregnancy often suffer from anemia.
But the source of replenishment of iron in the mother's body during this period is primarily fish, liver, boiled eggs, greens, meat and various cereals.

We must not forget that hemoglobin thickens the blood. Improper use of hematogen is dangerous for blood clots. Carbohydrates that are part of the hematogen can contribute to the fermentation of the intestinal environment. Possible disorder of the stool leads to dehydration.
So be sure to consult your doctor. He will make recommendations based on the analyzes carried out. This will concern exactly your condition in this period.
Nursing mothers should also not abuse the intake of hematogen. After all, it contains animal protein, it can become an allergen for babies.
When is harm possible? Hematogen risks
You can not use hematogen as a simple sweet. And of course, you should not replace them with a normal full-fledged diet. Abuse of the drug leads to a gradual accumulation of iron in the blood. Its quantity becomes redundant.
As a result, the body produces free radicals. They destroy cell walls. This leads to their death.
Excess iron provokes the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. This contributes to atherosclerosis.

Like all dietary supplements, hematogen, with immoderate absorption, can provoke diarrhea and nausea. After all, it contains a large amount of carbohydrates.
Be careful about the contraindications to the use of the drug:
- Allergy to the constituent components of the hematogen. A reaction that betrays hypersensitivity to them may be a red rash and itching. With hypersensitivity, angioedema may begin.
- Diabetes. The carbohydrates that make up the hematogen are easily absorbed by the body. They raise blood sugar levels.
- Obesity or overweight.
- Anemia that is not related to iron deficiency. Remember - excess iron leads to intoxication of the whole organism.
- If there are metabolic disorders.
- Varicose veins.
- Thrombophlebitis or inflammation of the veins. Hematogen slightly thickens the blood when the level of hemoglobin in it increases.
- Children under the age of three.
Medication calories
Having studied the composition of hematogen, you now know that such a significant nutritional value is due to the huge number of different sugars.
The calorie content of the drug reaches approximately 350 kcal per hundred grams of the product. Exactly how many calories are in a hematogen bar will depend on the amount of carbohydrates present. After all, there are a variety of flavoring additives that are used by various manufacturers. These can be: nougat, chocolate, honey, nuts, dried apricots, raisins.

Now many people try to watch their weight. But do not think that a he althy product will necessarily contain a small amount of calories.
Their number is indicated on the package of hematogen. Even without a variety of tasty additives, it is very high-calorie. Do not use it as a vitamindrug while on a weight loss diet.
How to know the hematogen?
Unfortunately, there are also unscrupulous entrepreneurs who take advantage of the hyped trade fame of Hematogen.
They produce sweet bars that are not related to a pharmacological drug. At the same time, they play with names, combining the word "hematogen" in different versions.
In order not to fall for the bait of dealers, be sure to check the composition of the product indicated on the package.
As part of a non-fake hematogen, food albumin is indicated as the very first component (option - black albumin). The content of albumin in the preparation should not exceed four to five percent of the total mass.

Appetizing flavors help to use Hematogen to treat children. They see the medicine as a tasty treat.
Don't be afraid to give it to your kids. After all, modern technologies ensure the safe manufacture of hematogen.