To ensure the vital activity of the body, each person needs vitamins and microelements. Pharmaceutical companies offer their drugs based on age, location, and other factors. Children and adolescents deserve special attention, because their body is only developing and growing. In the article, we will consider vitamins for the second group "Vitrum Teenager", reviews about them, composition and method of application.

Vitamin Need for Teenagers
The period from 12 to 18 years is characterized by increased body growth and puberty. At this age, metabolic processes occur unevenly and can cause a feeling of malaise in a growing person. In addition, it is during the period of rapid growth and metabolic instability that the body becomes most vulnerable to the effects of infectious agents andadverse environmental conditions. During this difficult period, he needs support. It is for this purpose that multivitamin complexes have been developed.
It should be remembered that each age has its own needs for chemical elements. Therefore, drugs designed for adults or, conversely, for preschoolers, are completely unsuitable for a teenager. One of them is Vitrum Teen vitamins.

For whom vitamins (age) and indications for use
Chewable tablets "Vitrum Teenager" is a vitamin complex designed specifically for teenagers. The action of the drug is aimed at preventing and replenishing the lack of vitamins and other substances during the period of rapid maturation, at harmonizing, bringing all physiological processes into a state of equilibrium in adolescence.
Also, this remedy helps to increase the resistance of a young organism to the action of adverse environmental conditions with poor nutrition. Especially the reception of "Vitrum Teenager" is recommended for weakened and often ill adolescents, young people experiencing increased psychological, mental and physical stress, in the autumn-winter period, when the likelihood of colds is high.

Composition and medicinal properties
The complex of vitamins, microelements and minerals that make up Vitrum Teenager is specially selected for teenagers, taking into account the characteristics of the body during the period of growing up. The composition of the drug includesthe following vitamins: A, E, C, D, K, PP, H, all B vitamins, folic acid.
The complex also includes all the minerals and trace elements necessary for the child:
- calcium;
- phosphorus;
- iron;
- magnesium;
- iodine;
- zinc;
- copper;
- manganese;
- selenium;
- molybdenum;
- chrome.
The dosage of each element is selected in accordance with the age needs of a child 12-18 years old. Reviews of "Vitrum Teenager" confirm the effectiveness of the composition of vitamins when used correctly.
"Vitrum Teenager" contains flavors and dyes of natural origin:
- vanillin;
- cocoa powder;
- fructose;
- cotton oil;
- chocolate flavor;
- guar gum.

Form of release and dosage
This multivitamin complex is available in an attractive form for children - chewable tablets with a pleasant sweetish taste. The vitamin is round in shape, the color is heterogeneous, with beige, gray and brown patches. The drug is available in plastic bottles of 30, 60, 90 and 100 pieces.
In the instructions for use "Vitrum Teenager" is recommended to take 1 tablet a day, after meals. The tablet should be chewed.
It is recommended to discuss the duration of taking the drug with your doctor. It should be remembered that all vitamin complexes are taken in courses, with obligatory breaks between them in order to avoid an overdose.
Contraindications and precautions
Reviews of "Vitrum Teenager" confirm that the drug should not be used for hypersensitivity reactions to any component included in the composition. The vitamin complex should not be taken in doses exceeding those recommended by the manufacturer. Do not take medicine that has expired or has been stored improperly. Store the drug away from sunlight, at room temperature, in the original tightly closed vial.
Please remember that multivitamins should not be taken at the same time as products containing the same ingredients to avoid overdose.
When taking this complex, a change in the color of urine to a bright yellow color may occur. You should not be afraid, this is due to the coloring ability of riboflavin (vitamin B2).

Interaction with other drugs
According to the instructions for use, "Vitrum Teenager" may enhance or, conversely, weaken the effectiveness of certain drugs, which can lead to an overdose of the drug or ineffectiveness of the therapy. You need to know about the following examples of the interaction of the vitamin complex and drugs:
- Iron and calcium prevent intestinal absorption of tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones.
- Vitamin C greatly enhances the action of sulfonamides and can thus lead to an overdose of these antimicrobials.
- Drugs that loweracidity of the stomach, due to the content of aluminum in its composition, prevents the absorption of iron from a vitamin complex tablet.
- Silver preparations interfere with the absorption of vitamin E.
To prevent this kind of interaction, if any medication cannot be discontinued, it is recommended to at least take these medications at different times. This is done so that they have time to be absorbed by the body and do not interact with each other.
Among the reviews of "Vitrum Teenager" you can find opinions that analogue vitamins are better or worse. A number of manufacturers produce multivitamin complexes similar in composition for adolescence. Among them, the most popular drugs in the pharmaceutical market are:
- "Multi-tabs Teen". Available in the form of chewable tablets. It has a high content of iodine. Cost - from 320 rubles. (for 30 pieces).
- Sana-Sol Teenager. Chewable tablets with a pleasant strawberry flavor. Contains an increased dose of vitamin D. Cost - from 180 rubles. (for 40 pieces).
- "Pikovit Forte 7+". Available in the form of coated tablets. A feature of the complex is the absence of sugar in the composition. Contains an increased amount of B vitamins. Cost - from 200 rubles. (for 30 pieces).
- "Supradin Kids Junior". Chewable tablets with a high content of choline, which stimulates brain activity. Cost - from 400 rubles. (for 30 pieces).
- "Alphabet Teenager". A distinctive feature of the complex is the form of release: vitamins,minerals and trace elements are grouped according to the principle of the best compatibility, each group of components is released in a separate tablet. Thus, the daily dose of the drug is divided into three tablets of different colors that differ in composition, which should be taken at intervals of 4-6 hours. Cost - from 300 rubles. (for 60 pieces).
Price for "Vitrum Teenager" is from 530 rubles. (for 30 pcs.). You can see that these are not cheap vitamins, but buyers consider the cost justified.

Reviews from doctors and customers
When prescribing any drug, pediatricians pay attention not only to the effectiveness, but also to the maximum safety of the prescribed substance.
Children's doctors speak positively about the Vitrum Teenager complex:
- the drug has a noticeable positive effect on the well-being of adolescents;
- a rich vitamin complex can fully compensate for the lack of nutrition;
- natural composition minimizes the risk of allergic reactions.
Parents choose this drug for ease of administration (1 time per day) and note positive qualities:
- Children are happy to take these vitamins because of their pleasant taste.
- many people notice an obvious improvement;
- balanced vitamin complex;
- increased immunity, rare diseases during colds.
You can also find negative reviews:
- price for "Vitrum Teenager" enoughhigh;
- many do not like the smell of the drug;
- allergic reactions often occur.
Of course, reviews of all drugs are different, as well as the reaction of the body. To choose the right vitamins, it is important to consult a doctor. "Vitrum Teenager" is an affordable complex that pediatricians trust and recommend for use.