Vitamins "Alphabet": types, instructions for use, composition and customer reviews

Vitamins "Alphabet": types, instructions for use, composition and customer reviews
Vitamins "Alphabet": types, instructions for use, composition and customer reviews

Vitamins from the Alphabet series are very famous and popular multivitamin complexes. The series includes combinations for different categories of people, depending on age, gender, occupation and body needs. All types of vitamins "Alphabet" have one thing in common - in them all thirteen vitamins and ten minerals are divided into three groups, depending on the degree of compatibility and increasing the effect of their correct ratio.

Composition of tablet No. 1 (white)

The instructions for the use of vitamins "Alphabet" indicate that the composition of the white tablet includes the following vitamins and minerals:

the right vitamins
the right vitamins
  • B5, or calcium pantothenate, 5mg;
  • B9, or folic acid, in the amount of 100 mcg;
  • B12, or cyanocobalamin, at 3mcg;
  • D3, or calciferol, 5 mcg;
  • H, or biotin, at 50mcg;
  • K1 at 120mcg;
  • calcium 100mg;
  • chromium at 50 mcg.

Composition of tablet No. 2 (blue)

Type and composition of vitamins "Alphabet" of the second tablet includes the following components:

  • vitamin A, or retinol, 0.5mg
  • B2, or riboflavin 1.8mg;
  • PP, or nicotinamide 20mg;
  • B6, or pyridoxine, 2 mg;
  • C, or ascorbic acid in an amount of 35 mg;
  • E, or tocopherol, 10mg;
  • iodine 150mcg;
  • magnesium 50mg;
  • manganese in the amount of 2 mg;
  • molybdenum at 45 mcg;
  • selenium at 70mcg;
  • zinc 15 mg.

Composition of tablet No. 3 (pink)

The instructions for the use of vitamins "Alphabet" indicate that the composition of the pink tablet includes the following useful substances:

Useful vitamins
Useful vitamins
  • vitamin A, or retinol, in the amount of 0.5 mg;
  • B1, or thiamine, at 1.5 mg;
  • B9, or folic acid, in the amount of 100 mcg;
  • C, or ascorbic acid, in the amount of 35 mg;
  • iron at 14 mg;
  • copper in the amount of 1 mg.

Indications for use

All varieties of vitamins "Alphabet", according to the instructions, have similar indications. These include:

  1. Vitaminosis of various types.
  2. Hypovitaminosis.
  3. Consequences of hypovitaminosis or beriberi.
  4. Being pregnant.
  5. Stressful situations.
  6. Nutritional imbalance.
  7. Compliance with specialrestrictive diets.
  8. Lack of certain nutrients in the body due to increased physical exertion, difficult working conditions or diseases.
  9. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  10. Low absorption of nutrients by the body.
  11. Effects of antibiotic treatment.
  12. Effects of radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

Methods and features of reception

All types of Alphabet vitamins have the same intake schedule. Three different-colored tablets must be drunk separately, observing an interval of four to six hours. The tablets should be taken at the same time as meals. The order in which the vitamins are taken does not matter.

In order to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins in the body, the cycle of taking lasts for two to three courses of thirty days each. The break between courses should be no more than two weeks. Each patient determines the number of required courses independently.

Features of the types and functions of the "Alphabet" vitamins, such as "Diabetes", "Mom's he alth", "In the season of colds" (for children and adults), oblige to start taking multivitamin complexes only if there are direct indications or a medical recommendation.


All types of vitamins "Alphabet" can cause negative reactions when using the complex under the following conditions:

Pregnant woman
Pregnant woman
  1. Allergic reactions.
  2. Individual intolerance to the components of the complex.
  3. Hypervitaminosis.
  4. Thyrotoxicosis.
  5. Hyperthyroidism (reception is allowed only after an appointment with an endocrinologist).
  6. The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding (except for the vitamin complex "Mom's He alth").

Special Instructions

It is known that some vitamins are not compatible with each other or mutually neutralize the effects of taking them. In this regard, all types of vitamins "Alphabet" are divided into tablets containing various useful elements, so that the intake of the complex contributes to the achievement of maximum results.

The following components do not mix well with each other:

  • vitamin B6 is not compatible with vitamin B1, which promotes iron absorption;
  • vitamin C neutralizes the effects of vitamin B12.

Types of vitamins

Before considering what vitamins are in the Alphabet line, their categorical division should be disclosed.

All multivitamin complexes from the Alphabet group are divided into the following categories:

Head of family
Head of family
  1. For kids.
  2. For women.
  3. For men.
  4. For diabetics.

The last complex is a separate item, since its reception does not depend on either gender or age. Acids (lipoic and succinic), blueberry shoot extract, dandelion and burdock extract have been added to the multivitamin complex. There is no sugar in this complex. The beneficial substances that make up the complex have an increased dosage.

In addition to the direct treatment of diabetes, the complex is used toprevention of retinopathy, nephropathy, improvement of glucose tolerance, replenishment of missing nutrients due to special nutrition. The complex includes thirteen vitamins and nine minerals.

"Alphabet" for kids

Children's vitamins from the "Alphabet" series are divided into five types, depending on age:

  1. "Our baby".
  2. "Kindergarten".
  3. "Schoolboy".
  4. "Teenager".
  5. "In the season of colds" for children.

Complex "Our baby" is designed for children from one and a half to three years. It is in the form of a powder solution. Does not contain fragrances and dyes. Contributes to the normal growth and development of the child's body, strengthens the immune system, relieves irritability and increased excitability, as well as to improve brain function. Contains minerals (five) and vitamins (eleven).

The "Kindergarten" complex is designed for children from three to seven years old. It has the appearance of multi-colored chewable tablets with different tastes. Does not contain fragrances, preservatives and dyes. It helps to strengthen immunity, increase emotional and mental stability during the period of socialization. Contains minerals (ten) and vitamins (thirteen).

he althy children
he althy children

The "Schoolnik" complex is designed for children from seven to fourteen years old. It has the appearance of multi-colored chewable tablets with different tastes. Does not contain fragrances, preservatives and dyes. Helps improve emotional and mentalstability during the period of school adaptation and increase mental and physical performance, protects against overstrain and stress. Contains minerals (ten) and vitamins (thirteen).

Complex "Teenager" is designed for teenagers from fourteen to eighteen years old. It has the appearance of multi-colored chewable tablets with different tastes. Does not contain fragrances, preservatives and dyes. Enriched with a high dosage of nutrients. Helps maintain good condition of hair, skin and nails, stable emotional background and improve endurance. Contains minerals (ten) and vitamins (thirteen).

The "In the season of colds" children's complex is intended for the age category from three to fourteen years. It has the appearance of multi-colored chewable tablets with different tastes. Does not contain fragrances, preservatives and dyes. Enriched with prebiotics to restore intestinal microflora after course treatment with antibiotics and other drugs. Helps maintain immunity during the period of illness, facilitates the course of the disease and reduces its symptoms. In addition, it is a preventive measure. Contains minerals (ten) and vitamins (thirteen).

"Alphabet" for women

The choice of the right complex when using vitamins "Alphabet" for women is due to the reason for taking it. In this regard, eight complexes for women have been developed:

  1. "Classic".
  2. "Mom's He alth".
  3. "50+".
  4. "Energy".
  5. "Cosmetic".
  6. "Effect".
  7. "In the cold season".
  8. "Antistress".

Practically all complexes are duplicated in the series for men, since with certain he alth problems, both sexes need the same set of useful substances.

According to the instructions for use, vitamins "Alphabet" classic - a universal set of vitamins and minerals. Helps to compensate for the deficiency of nutrients in beriberi, restrictive diets, unbalanced nutrition, etc. Contains minerals (ten) and vitamins (thirteen).

Complex "Mom's he alth" - a set of vitamins and minerals necessary for a woman during pregnancy and lactation. It contributes to the normal course of pregnancy, reducing the risk of losing a child and the development of pathologies in him. It also helps to keep the mother he althy and avoid complications during pregnancy. Contains minerals (eleven, including phosphorus) and vitamins (thirteen).

Elderly people
Elderly people

Complex "50+" - a drug for the elderly. Additionally contains lutein, lycopene and carotenoids. It helps to maintain the functioning of the organs of movement, the heart, the organs of vision and the nervous system. It also helps to slow down the aging process in the body and correct the age-related changes that have appeared. In addition, the complex works as a means of preventing osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Contains minerals (nine) and vitamins (thirteen).

Complex "Energy" - a drug foractive people. Additionally contains rutin, succinic acid and extracts of lemongrass and eleutherococcus. It helps to increase efficiency, relieve fatigue, irritability and drowsiness, improve brain function and restore the body after increased stress. Contains minerals (nine) and vitamins (thirteen).

Complex "Cosmetic" - a preparation for beauty. Additionally contains curcumin, inulin, quercetin, coenzyme Q10 and para-aminobenzoic acid. Helps maintain good condition of the skin of the body and face, nails and hair, as well as slowing down the process of cellular aging. Contains minerals (ten) and vitamins (thirteen).

Complex "Effect" - a drug for people who lead an active and sporty lifestyle. Additionally contains taurine, carnitine, green tea extract and eleutherococcus. According to the description, sports vitamins "Alfavit" help to facilitate the process of training, quick recovery after exercise, reduce fatigue, replenish the body's lost nutrients during the training period. Contains minerals (eight) and vitamins (thirteen).

Complex "In the season of colds" - a drug for immunity. Additionally contains lipoic and succinic acids. Helps maintain immunity during the period of illness, facilitates the course of the disease and reduces its symptoms. In addition, it is a preventive measure. Contains minerals (ten) and vitamins (thirteen).

Complex "Antistress" - a drug for people with problems with the nervous system. Additionallycontains valerian root extract. Helps to improve stress resistance, normalizes the work of the central nervous system, relieves irritability and anxiety, and normalizes sleep. Contains the mineral magnesium and vitamins (eight).

"Alphabet" for men

Seven complexes have been developed for men, most of which duplicate the composition of women's complexes:

  1. "Classic".
  2. "50+".
  3. "Energy".
  4. "Effect".
  5. "In the cold season".
  6. "Antistress".
  7. "For men".

According to the instructions for use, Alphabet Classic vitamins are a means of filling the lack of useful elements in the body resulting from malnutrition, restrictive diets and problems with the absorption of vitamins by the body. Contains minerals (nine) and vitamins (thirteen).

The composition and action of the complexes "50+", "Energy", "Effect", "In the season of colds" and "Antistress" completely coincides with the female versions.

Complex "For Men" additionally contains Eleutherococcus extract, carotenoids, taurine, carnitine, lutein and lycopene. It helps to ensure the normal functioning of the male genital organs, is a means of preventing the lack of vitamins B9, B12, D and E, and also helps to increase endurance and performance. Contains minerals (nine) and vitamins (thirteen).

Reviews about vitamins "Alphabet"

Instructions forapplication contains information about possible negative reactions of the body to the multivitamin complex, therefore, when taken correctly, patients respond positively about the complex in most cases.

Beautiful woman
Beautiful woman

Many patients are dissatisfied with the need to take vitamins three times a day. Otherwise, almost everyone who took the complex is satisfied with the results.

The "Alphabet" complex covers almost all problematic areas in which vitamin deficiency can occur, so with good self-discipline this complex can be a great helper for the he alth of the whole family.
