The Cyclovita complex is described by the instruction as a two-phase vitamin-mineral remedy, which is specially designed for women suffering from menstrual irregularities. At the same time, this balanced drug should be taken strictly in accordance with certain phases. Means "Cyclovit 1" is used from the first to the fourteenth day of the menstrual cycle, and dragee "Cyclovit 2" - from the fifteenth to the twenty-eighth day. Regular intake of this vitamin complex can effectively reduce the risk of functional deviations and correct the position of the problem skin. In addition, the drug "Cyclovita" (the instruction confirms this) has a positive effect on a woman's well-being during painful menstruation and relieves the symptoms of the so-called premenstrualvoltage.

This mineral remedy is produced in the form of white and pale pink tablets. The composition of this biological supplement includes ascorbic acid, zinc, rutin, vitamin B1, riboflavin, nicotinamide, trace elements of groups E and A, vitamin B6, lipoic acid, calcium pantothenate, folic acid, manganese, selenium, lutein, vitamins D3 and B12. Auxiliary elements are kaolin, shellac, sugar, polyvinylpyrrolidone, starch, gum arabic, yellow quinoline dye, beeswax, talc and indigo carmine dye. In addition, a small amount contains substances such as titanium dioxide, calcium stearate and citric acid.
Taking the two-phase drug "Cyclovita" (the instruction indicates this) allows you to normalize protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, activate reproductive function and the synthesis of steroid hormones, reduce the permeability of the vascular wall, and also prevent the development of peroxides that damage cell membranes. In addition, this mineral complex increases the immune defense of the female body, reduces the risk of osteoporosis, prevents anemia and oxygen starvation of biological tissues and organs. Stimulation of the synthesis of elastin and collagen also provides a vitamin remedy "Cyclovit". The instruction also notes its positive role in the process of ovulation and the endocrine system.

Take these pills is strictly contraindicated for patients suffering from increasedsensitivity to any of the components contained in their composition. During the bearing of a child, it is also worth refraining from using the drug "Cyclovit". The doctors' comments also testify to the inadmissibility of its use during the lactation period.
As for the possible side effects associated with taking this mineral remedy, here, first of all, it should be said about the risk of developing some allergic reactions. So, for example, vitamins "Cyclovit" can provoke angioedema, hyperemia or itching. In addition, some patients may experience hives or skin rashes.