Without a daily intake of vitamins, it makes no sense to count on excellent he alth and even just good he alth. From these substances, as if from bricks, our body is built, and if one of the bricks is missing, the wall can collapse. So is human he alth - with a deficiency of at least one vitamin, serious diseases can develop. Let's talk about vitamin E (another name is tocopherol) and its role in the human body.
Essential vitamins for human he alth
Medicine has identified several essential components without which it is impossible to have good he alth. This is vitamin A, group B, C, E and D.
Periods of a person's life that require an increased content of vitamins and minerals in the diet:
- Puberty - both boys and girls need increased dosages of vitamins A, C, D, E. With a lack of them in the diet, growth slows downthe skeleton and the necessary sex hormones are not produced.
- The period of pregnancy and lactation in women requires a high content of vitamin E, since it affects the production of progesterone, estradiol and other hormones responsible for the course of pregnancy and the ability of a woman to bear a fetus.
- Periods of increasing incidence of colds - saturation with vitamins will increase the body's defenses and strengthen the immune system well. Especially valuable in this case is vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
- Responsible work that requires constant focus on the result requires the appearance of fortified food in the diet. As an option - buy a complex of vitamins in a pharmacy, which will become a source of vital substances for the body.

Vitamins A, C, E in tablets: drugstore names
"Aekol", "Aevit" - these preparations contain high doses of vitamins A and E. "Retinol" contains only vitamin A.
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is sold in any pharmacy under the trade names "Ascorbin", "Terafot".
B vitamins are very important for the nervous system, drugs with them are not dietary supplements, but full-fledged medicines. These are Milgamma, Neuromultivit, Kombilipen, Pentovit, Pyridoxine, Riboflavin, Thiamine forte.
Preparations with vitamin E (tocopherol) in the composition are sold under the trade names "Enat 400","VitAE", "Euzovit", "Doppelgerz Vitamin E Forte".
Vitamins A and E for children (name - "Aevit") are needed on a daily basis. Be sure to check with your pediatrician if you can give this dietary supplement to your child.
Now you know the names of vitamins A, E, C in tablets.
What happens with a retinol deficiency?
Insufficient vitamin A in the diet and not taking it separately in tablets leads to serious deviations:
- atrophy of the sweat glands;
- progression of myopia and eye diseases;
- thyroid disorders;
- dry mucous membranes;
- deceleration of bone growth;
- development of hyperkeratosis (excessive rate of cell division of the stratum corneum);
- desquamation of the integumentary epithelium;
- possible baldness - severe hair loss (alopecia of various origins).
Recent studies have proven that retinol deficiency is associated with abnormal blood sugar levels. In the long term, this leads to the development of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, kidney failure, and carbohydrate metabolism disorders.
What is the danger of a lack of B vitamins
First of all, lack affects the nervous system. Irritability, tearfulness, chronic depression, bad mood, emotional swings - all these symptoms are characteristic of vitamin B deficiency. Thiamine, cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine, nicotinic and folic acid, riboflavinmust be taken additionally in tablets. The duration and frequency of courses should be adjusted with the doctor.
You can drink them as a course separately or use the preparations "Milgamma", "Neuromultivit", "Combilipen", "Pentovit", which contain all the necessary complex of group B.

Foods rich in vitamin E
List of foods high in vitamin E (tokoferol in Latin):
- Sunflower seeds - well-known and beloved by all of us seeds, are extremely rich in this vitamin. 100 g of seeds without husks contain 31 mg of vitamin E, which is equal to 250% of the recommended daily allowance by doctors.
- Hazelnuts and almonds are also extremely rich in tocopherol. For 100 g of these delicious nuts, there are 20 mg of vitamin E in hazelnuts and 21 mg in almonds.
- Mackerel is a very useful fish. 100 g of meat contains 9.3 mg of tocopherol. Doctors recommend having a fish day once a week so that mackerel dishes are always present in the diet.
- Dried apricots can become a substitute for sweets. Its pulp contains 5 mg of vitamin E. Of course, this dried fruit lags behind the nutritional value of nuts and seeds, but it is quite good primarily because of its taste properties.
- Sesame, squid meat, egg yolk are similar in the amount of vitamin E in their composition. 100 g contains 2 mg of tocopherol - this is quite enough for the daily requirement, so you should include these products in your daily diet.

Instructions for use for preparations containing vitamin E
Tocopherol is a vital fat-soluble vitamin that cannot be destroyed by liquid exposure, unlike its water-soluble counterparts of group B.
Does not break down when exposed to caustic acids. Retains its properties when heated to two hundred degrees Celsius. The destructive effect on tocopherol (the Latin name for the vitamin E preparation) is capable of exerting ultraviolet light and oxygen. This is the reason for the packaging of tocopherol-containing drugs in red or yellow capsules. Vitamin in liquid form is stored in dark glass bottles. Otherwise, oxygen and ultraviolet light will begin to have a destructive effect on tocopherol molecules.
Vitamins of group E in tablets (the names of the drugs are Enat 400, VitAE, Euzovit, Doppelgerz Vitamin E Forte and others) are recommended for the complex therapy of the following conditions:
- eczema, acne, skin diseases, lichen of various etiologies, psoriasis, ulcers, herpes in the period of exacerbation;
- vitamin E in some cases increases the effectiveness of anticonvulsants;
- paralysis of various origins;
- problems with the menstrual cycle in women;
- infertility and inability to bear fruit;
- myopathy of various origins;
- painful menstruation in women;
- degenerative joint disease;
- Chronic fatigue and overwork.

Tocopherol deficiency and its consequences
Instructions for use warns of the serious consequences of both a lack of vitamin E (the name in the instructions is tocopherol) and its overdose.
Tocopherol deficiency:
- leads to a decrease in the concentration of magnesium in the cells of the body;
- is an obstacle to the absorption of vitamin D, and as a result - problems with the metabolism of phosphorus s alts;
- leads to inhibition of the state of lipids in the composition of plasma membranes.
Diseases caused by vitamin E deficiency
Degradation of the hormonal system in women due to tocopherol deficiency leads to problems with conception, infertility and the following problems:
- Muscular dystrophy, thinness and anorexic appearance are the earliest signs of vitamin E deficiency. Muscle tissue breaks down, calcium compounds begin to actively form in its place.
- Infertility occurs due to a long-term deficiency of vitamin E. The balance of sex hormones is disturbed, and long-term and serious treatment is required. Tocopherol has long been successfully used in veterinary medicine to increase the number of offspring.
- The liver reacts to beriberi with a chronic decrease in glycogen levels, expansion of sinusoidal capillaries. Subsequently, fatty degeneration of the liver may develop. In some cases, it can come to necrotic processes in the organ.
- Due to the deformation and partial destruction of red blood cells with tocopherol deficiency, anemia and anemia develop.
Option altaking vitamin E capsules (named Enat 400, VitAE, Euzovit, Doppelherz Vitamin E Forte) is an easy way to prevent such conditions.

Vitamin E for women's he alth
Tocopherol (pharmaceutical name for vitamin E) has a truly miraculous effect on the female body. Doctors call it "beauty No. 1".
It is effective for missed periods, infertility and problems with conception. But vitamin E is useful not only in gynecology. It is important for the normal course of the following processes:
- Ensuring the normal production of red cells in blood cells.
- Increasing skin elasticity, improving the condition of nails and hair.
- Protection of cells from the effects of free radicals, and as a result - rapid aging.
- Preventing the formation of fat deposits in the circulatory system.
- Normalization of the reproductive system. Regular intake of tocopherol has been proven to increase the chance of conception.
- Speed up metabolism and help in the process of losing weight.
- Removal of free radicals that destroy entire cells and harm the body.
- Normalization of female cycles. Vitamin E during menstruation normalizes the functioning of internal organs and eliminates pain.
- Easy breathing in asthma and lung pathologies.
- Support for cardiovascular work and prevention of cardiomyopathies of various etiologies.

Vitamin E and the human nervous system
Neurologists often prescribe vitamin-mineral complexes with a high content of tocopherol for the following mental problems:
- obsessive-compulsive mental disorders;
- chronic depression;
- increased unmotivated irritability, outbursts of aggression;
- premenstrual syndrome in women;
- mental disorders in menopause.
Tocopherol together with vitamins of the B group can work real miracles with the nervous system: a person becomes calmer, happier, the manifestations of depression go away and smooth out.
Tocopherol overdose
Excess of vitamin E in the body will not bring benefits. Regular intake of large doses leads to irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, which can cause gastritis.
There is a theory about the relationship between an overdose of tocopherol on an ongoing basis and the formation of gallstones. To date, studies are underway that could confirm the validity of this phenomenon.

Pharmacy preparations and dietary supplements with tocopherol
Vitamins of group E in tablets, names of vitamin-mineral complexes:
- "Alphabet Classic", "Alphabet Mom's He alth", "Alphabet Teen".
- "Vitrum Beauty", "Vitrus Classic".
- "Supradin", "Supradin kids".
- "Doppelhertz Classic","Doppelhertz Vitamin E Forte".
- Zentiva, Aevit, Aekol.
Medical advice for admission
Combining tocopherol preparations with the use of alcoholic beverages is meaningless: ethanol does not allow even a small amount of vitamin E to be absorbed. If the patient wants to experience the full range of healing effects, then alcohol will have to be completely excluded for some time.
Vitamin D is a tocopherol antagonist and may reduce its absorption. Doctors recommend taking these substances separately from each other. Ammonium chloride, atropine, barbiturates and antihistamines, emotional disorders are also vitamin E antagonists.
Vitamin E pharmacy trade names may vary depending on the manufacturer. For example, an oil solution of this substance is produced by one company under the name "Tocopherol", and by another - "Tocopherol Forte". Do not worry about this, because the main active ingredient in both cases will be the same component, the difference in price and dosage.