Lidocaine spray is a medicine that is designed for longer intimacy. A large number of representatives of the strong half of humanity are faced with premature ejaculation. Physiologically, this phenomenon can hardly be considered a problem, since a man experiences the same pleasure from sex as any other person.
At the psychological level, there may be discomfort due to the fact that he cannot present a woman with a full-fledged sexual intercourse. And in this situation, lidocaine spray for longer intimacy is one of the effective and reliable drugs.
Before understanding how and when to use a remedy, it is necessary to have a general idea of this remedy. How to use lidocaine spray for men correctly? The solution has an antiseptic as well as analgesic effect.
In other words, the drug suppresses the sensitivity of the mucous membrane for a while, therefore, when applied to the headpenis sex lasts several times longer.

Lidocaine spray for men: how to use
According to reviews, it is known that before using the drug to prolong intimate relationships, you should make sure that sexual intercourse requires prolongation.
If sexual intercourse lasts longer than three minutes, no means are needed to increase the duration of intimacy. If everything happens within a minute after the start of the act, you can apply lidocaine.
After that, you should figure out how to apply the remedy to the genitals. As with any drug, it is important to read the label before use to make sure that the action of lidocaine (spray) is safe for he alth.
In order for the drug not to cause discomfort, it is important to know about some of the nuances:
- Make sure you are not allergic by applying a small amount to the crook of your elbow and waiting 20 minutes.
- When spraying the drug, keep the bottle at a distance of 10 centimeters.
- It is not recommended to apply the product more than three times in a row.
According to the instructions for use for lidocaine spray for men, it is known that you need to start using a lubricant with small doses, since resistance develops with constant use - lack of sensitivity to the drug.

How to use
Before spraying on the genitalmember, it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures so that the components of the drug are better absorbed. After that, the medication is applied over the entire surface of the head and left for 10 minutes.
According to the instructions for use for lidocaine spray for men, it is known that when a slight numbness is felt on the skin, the genitals should be rinsed with water to remove any remaining medication.
During sex, the drug can "freeze" the mucous membrane of the female genital organs, and the level of her pleasure from intimacy will noticeably decrease. That is why you need to know how to apply the spray for men safely.
Flush spray, you must wear a condom. It is important to know that the drug does not violate the integrity of the contraceptive.

Pros and cons
According to reviews, lidocaine spray for men has many benefits:
- Instant effect.
- Increase the duration of the act up to 4 times.
- Small price.
- Availability of medicine without a prescription.
- Easy to use.
However, there are a number of negative points. Premature ejaculation spray cannot work with the same effectiveness for a long time: its effect decreases with each use.
According to reviews, lidocaine spray for men, like any other anesthetic, causes an increased risk of developing allergies. When using the drug, you can face serious consequences.

And also the main feature of this method of prolonging intimacy is the decrease in the brightness of pleasant sensations that can be obtained during intercourse. In order to delay the onset of "pleasure", the concentration of the spray has to be reduced.
In rare situations, this even leads to the inability to experience an orgasm. In this case, such therapy is ineffective, and you need to look for another way to solve the problem.
It is not recommended to use lidocaine in ampoules to prolong sex - in this situation it is difficult to control the amount of the applied drug. It is better to use special medicines.
Lidocaine spray: analogues
Pharmacy option is not the only drug that is designed to reduce tactile sensations in the area of the mucous membrane of the penis and increase the longitude of intimacy. There are a huge number of remedies that have been developed to solve this delicate problem - premature ejaculation.
All of the sprays listed below are designed specifically to improve the quality of intimacy. But a significant disadvantage is that they must be ordered from foreign Internet resources, where delivery time can take up to several months.
This tool can be purchased on Chinese sites for 500-2000 rubles. The volume is 10 milliliters and the concentration of lidocaine is 9%.
According to the instructions for the spray with lidocaine for men, it is known that the numbness of the mucous membrane of the penis occurs almost immediately, but the maximum effect is manifestedonly after 30 minutes. The indisputable advantage of the drug is that it lasts for a long time: with constant use for about a year.

Minilav Man Spray
The price of the medicine is 200-2500 rubles on various Chinese Internet resources. He has a record concentration of lidocaine in the composition - about 20%. On average, the agent applied to the mucous membrane of the penis begins to act after 15-20 minutes. The positive effect, as with many substitutes, lasts about an hour.
A distinctive feature of "Minilav Maine Spray" is the manufacturer's declared ability to use the product not only for vaginal, but also for oral sex. Despite the fact that the content of lidocaine in the composition is high, the time of its action differs little from preparations with a ten percent content of lidocaine.

Long Hot Spray
Among generics, this remedy has the highest cost, the minimum of which is 1.5 thousand rubles. The drug is released in vials of 12 milliliters and with an active ingredient content of 20%.
According to reviews, lidocaine spray for men, unlike Minilav, which has a similar concentration of the active ingredient, this drug can last up to two hours. At the same time, the volume of the container will last at least a year with constant use.

Year of Oil India
This Indian-made drug will cost a man only 200 rubles. The 12ml bottle contains a 12.2% concentration of lidocaine, which helps to maintain positive effects for up to 60 minutes.
Spray "God Oil India" is very popular due to its low price (300-350 rubles). The manufacturer of the drug promises an increase in the organ with constant use of the drug. But no scientific justification for this promise is presented. Therefore, such a positive property is considered a publicity stunt.
According to customer feedback, the effect obtained after application to the mucous membrane lasts longer than 80 minutes.
Chinese tool "TaTai" will cost the buyer from 0.3-6 thousand rubles for a bottle of 9 milliliters. The content of lidocaine in the composition of the drug is at around 9.2%, and the duration of the spray varies from 50 to 60 minutes.
Scorol Man spray
This Indian medicine will cost the buyer from 600 to 850 rubles. A bottle with a volume of 14.8-15 milliliters includes a structure with a content of lidocaine and a volume of at least 12.8%. A rather high concentration of the active ingredient, in comparison with most substitutes, will give a more noticeable effect that lasts up to 70 minutes.
When the drug is prescribed
The only indication for the use of lidocaine sprays is early ejaculation. As practice and numerous responses show, the method has increased efficiency, theneating helps to solve the problem without resorting to methods such as circumcision, which, among others, has a similar effect due to the deterioration of the sensitivity of the mucous membrane.
Lidocaine is not suitable for every man. It cannot be used by representatives of the male half of humanity with any diseases of the heart and blood vessels:
- Hypertension (persistent increase in blood pressure - more than 140/90 at rest).
- Hypotension (a prolonged state of the body characterized by low blood pressure and various autonomic disorders).
- Tachycardia (sudden increase in heart rate, a sign of serious disorders).
Lidocaine spray should be used with extreme caution by people with liver damage and allergies. If a man has a chronic disease of any system of his body, he should be well acquainted with the annotation for the use of the drug.
In addition, lidocaine spray is not used in conjunction with substances that contain soap or iodine.
Adverse reactions
According to the instructions for use, it is known that drugs containing lidocaine can provoke certain negative effects when used:
- Allergic manifestations.
- Migraine (a neurological disease characterized by periodic or regular attacks of headache).
- Change in blood pressure.
- Loss of vision.
- Tremor (involuntary as well as rhythmicmovements of body parts or the whole body, which are provoked by muscle contractions and are associated with a temporary delay in afferent signals, in connection with which the movement is realized and the posture is maintained by regularly adjusting the body position to some average value).
If one of the above symptoms occurs, lidocaine therapy must be discontinued. If the symptoms do not go away after a long time, you need to see a doctor.
Where to buy
Lidocaine spray to prolong sexual intercourse can be bought at any pharmacy, and special anesthetics can be purchased online.
The price of the drug varies from 400 to 2600 rubles. It is not recommended to buy a drug whose cost is less than the specified range, since there is a possibility of stumbling upon a low-quality product, which will further damage he alth.
Reviews of lidocaine (spray) for men are positive. The main advantages are ease of application and an instant effect that lasts for a long time.
Separately stand out positive feedback about the use of the spray to improve sexual life. Of the negative aspects of lidocaine, men noted the difficulty in accurately determining the dose for the best effect. No adverse reactions are generally reported.
According to people, lidocaine spray is considered one of the effective means to use it as an anesthetic and intimacy prolongator. It is used by those whohas rapid ejaculation and want to reduce hypersensitivity.
After applying the drug, a positive effect can be felt after about a minute. This makes it possible not to be distracted from the process, that is, from sexual intercourse.
After the onset of analgesic action, the head on the man's penis loses a little sensitivity. This makes it possible to delay orgasm and reduce the severity of sensations. Moreover, nothing will prevent the representative of the strong half of humanity from prolonging sexual intercourse, bringing pleasure to himself and the woman.