The medical remedy "Levomitsetin" in the ear is prescribed for various diseases that are of bacterial origin and are accompanied by a pronounced inflammatory process, ear pain, congestion and other unpleasant symptoms. This drug contains an anti-inflammatory element and an antibiotic, and it is as a result of such a complex action that it gives a positive result.
However, with the use of a pharmacological agent, you must be careful, because it is intended for the treatment of eye diseases. With this in mind, a logical question arises: is it possible to bury the drug "Levomycetin" in the ear?

Pharmacological properties of this medication
Levomycetin solution is intended for use exclusively in ophthalmic pathologies. However, to date, clinical trials and studies have shown that such a medication is also quite effective intherapy of otitis media of bacterial origin.
In otolaryngological diseases, it is advisable to use alcohol based on chloramphenicol. However, the use of such a solution must necessarily occur under the supervision of a specialist, since this may develop a variety of side effects.
Ear drops "Levomycetin" contain the active antibacterial element chloramphenicol. It is as a result of its impact that the use of a drug is more effective.
Alcohol solution in the ears has a detrimental effect on the following types of bacterial infection:
- streptococcal;
- staphylococcal;
- pneumococcal;
- enterococcal.

In addition, this medical product inhibits the reproduction of gram-negative bacteria, therefore, in case of pain in the ear caused by this type of pathogenic flora, it is even necessary to bury it in some cases.
Treatment of ear pathologies only with the help of this drug is impossible, since complex treatment is necessary. And even if the medicine "Levomitsetin" in the ear with otitis media and purulent inflammation is prescribed by a specialist, it will be only one of the components of the therapy regimen.
Application features
If the drug is used for self-medication, you must carefully follow the instructions for its use.
Alcohol solution "Levomycetin" in the ear with otitis media is sold in glass bottles without a special dispenser, so enterit into the ear cavity is necessary with a pipette. Dosages for children and adults are practically the same, but the methods of correct administration should still be considered separately.

For the treatment of ear diseases in adults, a 3% drug in the form of drops is used. Thus, according to the instructions, "Levomitsetin" must be instilled 1-2 times a day, two drops. The drug should be administered with a sterile pipette, and only into the diseased ear canal. It is not recommended to use Levomycetin ear drops for prophylactic purposes - this can greatly harm a he althy organ.
If the patient has pain in both ears, it is necessary to enter the prescribed dosage of the drug into each of them. After processing one ear canal, it is recommended to lie on one side for 1-2 minutes, and then start processing the second (if necessary).
After instillation of the medicinal solution into the ear canal, it is necessary to insert a small piece of cotton wool into the auricle, which will help to keep warm and will help the medicine stay in the ear for a maximum period.

How to bury "Levomitsetin" in the child's ear? When treating children with a drug, the age of the patient must be taken into account. According to the instructions for this medication, it is allowed to drip it into the ears only for children after 1 year. The scheme of administration of the solution is the same as in adults, but only the dosage differs.
Thus, the alcohol solution in the ears"Levomitsetin" for children is instilled 1-2 times a day, 2 drops. If there is an abundant discharge of purulent contents from the ear with otitis media, the dosage can be increased to 4 drops. It is desirable to use the medicine at regular intervals. This helps to control the treatment regimen and avoid overdose.

The medical drug "Levomycetin" in the child's ear can be administered not directly, but through the use of cotton swabs. It is necessary to make turundas from pieces of cotton wool, which should be moistened in a 3% medicinal solution, and then insert such tampons into the ears for 20 minutes.
When using the drug "Levomitsetin" in the form of alcohol for instillation of the ears, it is necessary to pay attention to the contraindications in the instructions. This medication for ear pain is prohibited in the following cases:
- individual drug intolerance;
- pregnancy, lactation period;
- fungal or infectious diseases of the skin of the ears (in this case, the medication can cause severe itching and burning);
- liver dysfunction;
- impaired kidney function;
- lesion of the eardrum;
- under 1 year old.
Side effects
The most common side effect of this medication is itching after instillation into the ear. If you enter the drug "Levomitsetin" correctly, no adverse reactions should occur. However, to avoid this,follow the doctor's recommendations and do not increase the dosage of the medication.
When using the "Levomycetin" solution, the following side effects may occur:
- itch;
- irritation;
- burning;
- peeling of the skin of the ears;
- allergic reactions accompanied by skin rashes;
- swelling of ear tissues;
- hyperemia of the ear epidermis.

If any negative reactions occur after instillation of the Levomycetin medicinal solution, it is necessary to stop using this drug and consult a specialist. In case of adverse reactions, symptomatic treatment is carried out.
Special recommendations for the use of the medicinal product
During the period of use of this medication, systematic monitoring of the picture of peripheral blood is required, since the active elements tend to be absorbed into the systemic circulation. When used simultaneously with ethanol, disulfiram-like effects may occur, which manifest themselves in the form of vomiting, nausea, convulsions, reflex cough, flushing of the skin, tachycardia.

Interaction with other medicines
When combined with drugs such as "Erythromycin", "Lincomycin", "Clindamycin", there may be a mutual weakening of effectiveness. Medicines that inhibit hematopoiesis in the bone marrow increase the risk of myelosuppression. Atsimultaneous use with penicillins, cephalosporins reduces the antibacterial effect.
Analogues of this drug
The main analogues of the solution of chloramphenicol for instillation into the ears are the following medications:
- "Synthomycin".
- Levovinisol.
Find out what patients say about how to use Levomycetin eye drops in the ears?

Medication reviews
The drug has been known for a long time. Many patients did not even know that it was used to instill in the ears in case of ear pain and the development of otitis media, but after prescribing this medication by a doctor, they began to use it successfully.
Reviews contain very conflicting information about this drug. Some patients use it constantly, for any ear pathologies, and they say that the Levomycetin solution is a fairly effective tool in the fight against ear diseases. Despite the fact that it is not recommended for preventive purposes, many patients still do it, for example, when discomfort occurs, which often becomes a harbinger of the disease. During the use of this category of patients, there were practically no adverse reactions, and people tolerated the effects of the drug well.

Another category of patients put aside negative reviews about this pharmacological agent. They consider this drug old enough to be usedit at the modern stages of development of medicine. They prefer to use newer drugs designed specifically for the treatment of ear diseases, also containing antibiotics and anti-inflammatory agents.
We reviewed the instructions for use for "Levomycetin" in the ear.