Many people have probably heard of such a drug as Ritalin. What it is? It is an uplifting medicine that helps to get rid of depression and gives strength when you are very tired. All over the world, millions of people regularly use it, without even realizing what consequences await them. This is due to the fact that in the pursuit of profit, pharmaceutical companies try not to talk about its harm. Such silence has already undermined the mental and physical he alth of hundreds of thousands of people, many of whom have died.
Medication description

"Ritalin" - what is it? It is a drug that stimulates the central nervous system. Its main component is methylphenidate. In terms of its pharmacological action and composition, it resembles amphetamine, which is considered a powerful stimulant. In contrast, Ritalin has a milder effect. In many countries, it is banned for manufacture and sale. This ban is due to the fact that it is classified as an addictive drug.
Indications for use
Doctors quite often prescribe Ritalin to their patients. Instructions for use describe the drug as a stimulant used to treat hyperactive children and those suffering from attention deficit disorder. The child cannot sit in one place, concentrate, because of this, problems arise with solving school problems. During treatment, the child calms down and concentrates on any action, without being distracted by extraneous stimuli.
Ritalin can also be used to treat narcolepsy. What it is? Narcolepsy is a disorder characterized by extreme drowsiness and attacks of sudden falling asleep during the daytime. After awakening, there is sometimes a short-term paralysis of the body. The drug "Ritalin" helps to bring a person out of such a state.
Instructions for use indicate that the drug can be prescribed to people who suffer from severe depression to enhance the effect of antidepressants.
Ritalin action
The effectiveness of the drug depends on the dose taken, the result usually occurs in 40-50 minutes. The doctor should prescribe such a dose that the effect is not too strong. A person's attention increases and his concentration improves. Extraneous thoughts cease to climb into the head, the mood improves and a feeling of cheerfulness appears. As a result, a person gains confidence in himself, it becomes much easier for him to communicate with strangers and express his thoughts.

If the drug is abused, the effect is amplified several times. A person feels a huge charge of vivacity, consciousness clears up, mood improves greatly, euphoria sets in. This is due to the high content of domaphine in the brain caused by the stimulant.
Drug "Ritalin": analogues
Since this drug is recognized as a narcotic, addictive and destructive to he alth, it is prohibited in our country. Its analogues are antidepressants, psychostimulants and narcotic drugs, which can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription. These include Dexedrine, Concerta and the latest drug, Straterra.
Ritalin as a drug

The drug is produced most often in the form of tablets. Less commonly, it is presented as a liquid or capsules.
People who abuse methylphenidate inject it intravenously, inhale it through the nose, smoke it, and also take it by mouth. For this purpose, the tablet is crushed into a powder to be smoked or inhaled through the nose, like cocaine. In an effort to avoid this, most pharmaceutical companies have begun to produce special tablets that cannot be crushed into powder. But people get out here too. To enter intravenously, the tablet is dissolved in water, and the resulting liquid is injected into the vein using a syringe.
Consequences of admission
The drug "Ritalin" when it is abused has a very strong effect on human he alth, as it is addictive, and it is quite difficult to stop taking it. First, there is insomnia, loss of appetite, sleep patterns are disturbed, psychoses, panic and even hallucinations may begin. Then, with regular use, the drug begins to destroy the liver, lungs and kidneys. The worst thing is damage to brain cells, resulting in strokes or epileptic seizures. If a person inhales the drug through the nose, the mucosa also begins to break down, causing problems with the respiratory system.

If the drug is taken for medicinal purposes, then the he alth consequences are no less dangerous. With prolonged use, a person is not able to solve any problems on his own. To forget, he can once again take a pill, without which he becomes aggressive and defenseless. As a result, the question arises about the drug "Ritalin". What is it - medicine or drug? Rather, the latter, so you should not take it unless absolutely necessary.
If the child is hyperactive or suffers from attention deficit disorder, then it is best to do without a drug such as Ritalin. Recognized as a narcotic substance, it is addictive, and the consequences of its use are terrifying. A doctor who cares about the patient's he alth is simply obliged to prescribe another medication.