"Trajenta": reviews of diabetics, composition, indications and contraindications

"Trajenta": reviews of diabetics, composition, indications and contraindications
"Trajenta": reviews of diabetics, composition, indications and contraindications

The seventh year since the market appeared a wonderful remedy for the treatment of diabetes, the reception of which does not exacerbate the existing ailments of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver, says the reviews of diabetics. "Trajenta", which is based on the blocker of the enzyme dipeptidyl peptidase-4 linagliptin, refers to hypoglycemic agents. The pharmacological action of the drug is aimed at reducing the synthesis of the hormonal substance glucagon, as well as increasing the production of insulin. This class of drugs is currently recognized as one of the most promising for the control of a dangerous disease - the second type of diabetes.

What is diabetes?

This is a pathology of the endocrine system, as a result of which the concentration of glucose in the blood of an individual increases, as the body loses the ability to absorb insulin. The consequences of this disease are very severe - metabolic processes fail, blood vessels, organs and systems are affected. One of the most dangerous and insidious is type 2 diabetes. This disease is called the real threat to humanity.

Among the causes of death of the population over the past two decades, it came out on top. The main provocative factor in the development of the disease is the failure of the immune system. The body produces antibodies that have a destructive effect on the cells of the pancreas. As a result, glucose in large quantities freely circulates in the blood, having a negative effect on organs and systems. As a result of the imbalance, the body uses fats as an energy source, which leads to an increased formation of ketone bodies, which are toxic substances. As a result, all types of metabolic processes occurring in the body are disrupted.

type 2 diabetes
type 2 diabetes

Therefore, it is especially important, when an illness is detected, to choose the right therapy and use high-quality drugs, for example, Trazhent, reviews of doctors and patients about which can be found below. The danger of diabetes is that it may not give clinical manifestations for a long period, and the detection of overestimated sugar levels is detected by chance during the next routine examination.

Consequences of diabetes

Scientists around the world are constantly conducting research aimed at identifying new formulas for creating a medicine that can defeat a terrible disease. In 2012, a unique drug was registered in our country, which practically does not cause side effects and is well tolerated by patients. In addition, it is allowed to be taken by individuals with renal and hepatic insufficiency -so it is written in the reviews about Trajent.

The following complications of diabetes are a serious danger:

  • decrease in visual acuity up to its complete loss;
  • failure in kidney function;
  • vascular and heart disease - myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease;
  • stop disease - purulent-necrotic processes, ulcerative lesions;
  • appearance of abscesses on the dermis;
  • skin fungus;
  • neuropathy, which is manifested by convulsions, peeling and decreased sensitivity of the skin;
  • coma;
  • lower limb dysfunction.

"Trajent": description, composition

The drug is produced in tablet dosage form. Round biconvex tablets with beveled edges have a light red shell. On one side there is a symbol of the manufacturer, presented in the form of an engraving, on the other - an alphanumeric designation D5.

The active ingredient is linagliptin, due to its high efficiency, five milligrams is enough for a single dose. This component, by increasing the production of insulin, reduces the synthesis of glucagon. The effect occurs one hundred and twenty minutes after ingestion - it is after such a time that its maximum concentration in the blood is observed. Excipients required for tablet formation:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • pregelatinized and corn starch;
  • mannitol is a diuretic;
  • copovidone is absorbent.
medicinal product
medicinal product

The shell consists of hypromellose, talc, red dye (iron oxide), macrogol, titanium dioxide.

Features of the drug

According to doctors' opinions, Trazhenta has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus in fifty countries, including Russia, in clinical practice. Studies were conducted in twenty-two countries, in which thousands of patients with type 2 diabetes took part in testing the drug.

Due to the fact that the drug is excreted from the body of the individual through the gastrointestinal tract, and not through the kidneys, if their work worsens, dosage adjustments are not required. This is one of the significant differences between Trazhenta and other antidiabetic drugs. The next advantage is as follows: the patient does not experience hypoglycemia when taking pills, both in conjunction with Metformin and as monotherapy.

About drug manufacturers

Production of Trazhenta tablets, reviews of which are freely available, is carried out by two pharmaceutical companies.

  1. Eli Lilly has been a global leader in providing innovative solutions to support patients with diabetes for 85 years. The company is constantly expanding its range, applying the latest research findings.
  2. Boehringer Ingelheim has been leading its history since 1885. Engaged in research, development, production, and sale of medicines. This company is one of the twenty world leaders in the field of pharmaceuticals.

Early 2011Both companies have signed a cooperation agreement in the fight against diabetes, thanks to which significant progress has been made in the treatment of the insidious disease. The purpose of the interaction is to explore a new combination of four chemicals that are part of drugs designed to eliminate the signs of the disease.

Indications for use

According to reviews and instructions for use, Trazhenta is recommended for use in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus both as monotherapy and in conjunction with other tableted antidiabetic agents, as well as insulin preparations. In the first case, it is prescribed at:

  • contraindications to taking Metformin or kidney damage;
  • Inadequate glycemic control due to exercise and a special diet.
insulin syringe
insulin syringe

In case of ineffectiveness of monotherapy with the following medicines, as well as with the help of dietary nutrition and physical activity, complex treatment is indicated.

  1. With sulfonylurea derivatives, Metformin, thiazolidinedione.
  2. With insulin or Metformin, pioglitazone, sulfonylurea derivatives and insulin.
  3. With Metformin and sulfonylurea derivatives.


According to reviews and instructions, "Trazhent" is forbidden to take while waiting for the baby, as well as breastfeeding. In preclinical studies, it was found that the active substance (linagliptin) and its metabolites pass into breast milk. Therefore, it is impossibleeliminate the negative impact on the fetus and crumbs that are breastfed. If it is impossible to cancel the drug and replace it with a similar one, doctors insist on switching from natural to artificial feeding.

Taking pills is also contraindicated under the following conditions:

  • under eighteen;
  • diabetic ketoacidosis;
  • diabetes type 1;
  • individual intolerance to the ingredients that make up Trazhenta.
Determination of glucose in the blood
Determination of glucose in the blood

In the reviews of doctors, as well as in the instructions for use of this drug, there is information that it should be used with caution by people over eighty years of age while taking it with insulin and (or) drugs based on sulfonylurea. Studies on the effect of the drug on the ability to drive mechanisms and vehicles have not been conducted. However, due to the possible occurrence of hypoglycemia, especially when receiving combination therapy, care must be taken. If acute pancreatitis is detected, the drug should be discontinued. In this case, the doctor will select a different therapy.

Special Instructions

It is important to remember that for the treatment of type 1 diabetic ketoacidosis, Trazhenta is prohibited. In the reviews of diabetics, such a warning is quite common. In addition, it is noted that the risk of pathologies of the cardiovascular system does not increase. Individuals with impaired liver and kidney function can safely take the drug at the usual dose,no adjustment required.

In the age group from seventy to eighty years, the use of linagliptin showed good results. There was a significant decrease:

  • glycosylated hemoglobin;
  • Plasma sugar levels on an empty stomach.
Diet for diabetes
Diet for diabetes

The use of the drug by persons over the age of eighty should be carried out with extreme caution, since the clinical experience of use in this group is very limited.

The incidence of hypoglycemia is minimal when taking only one Trazhenta. Patient reviews also confirm this fact. In addition, in their comments, they note that in combination with other medicines for the treatment of diabetes, the development of glycemia is negligible. In these cases, if necessary, the doctor may reduce the dose of insulin or sulfonylurea derivatives. Taking Trajenta does not increase the risk of heart attack or stroke, which is important when taking it at an older age.

Adverse reactions

Many medications used to treat diabetes mellitus can lead to a pathological condition in which the level of glucose in the blood drops sharply, which poses a serious danger to the individual. Trazhenta, in reviews of which it is said that taking it does not cause hypoglycemia, is an exception to the rule. This is considered an important advantage over other classes of hypoglycemic agents. Of the adverse reactions that may occur during therapy with Trazhenta,the following:

  • pancreatitis;
  • coughing fits;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • increase in plasma amylase;
  • rash;
  • and others.

In case of overdose, routine measures are indicated to remove unabsorbed drug from the gastrointestinal tract and treat symptomatically.

"Trajenta": reviews of diabetics and medical practitioners

The high efficiency of the drug has been repeatedly confirmed by medical practice and international studies. Endocrinologists in their comments recommend using it in combination treatment or as a first-line therapy. If an individual has a tendency to hypoglycemia, which is provoked by malnutrition and physical activity, it is advisable to prescribe Trazhent instead of sulfonylurea derivatives. It is not always possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the drug if it is taken in complex therapy, but in general the result is positive, which is also noted by patients. There are reviews of Trazhenta when it was recommended for obesity and insulin resistance.

Glucometer with test strips
Glucometer with test strips

The advantage of these anti-diabetic pills is that they do not contribute to weight gain, do not provoke the development of hypoglycemia, and do not exacerbate kidney problems. Trazhenta has increased safety, which is especially important for diabetics. Therefore, there is a fairly large number of positive reviews about this unique tool. Among the minuses arehigh cost and individual intolerance.

Analogues of "Trajents"

Reviews left by patients taking this medication are mostly positive. However, for some individuals, due to hypersensitivity or intolerance, doctors recommend similar remedies. These include:

  • "Sitagliptin", "Januvia" - patients take this remedy as an addition to exercise, dietary nutrition, to improve glycemic control; in addition, the drug is actively used in combination therapy;
  • "Alogliptin", "Vipidia" - most often this medication is recommended in the absence of the effect of dietary nutrition, physical activity and monotherapy;
  • "Saxagliptin" - is produced under the trade name "Ongliza" for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, used both in monotherapy and with other tableted medicines, as well as inulins.

Selection of an analogue is carried out only by the attending endocrinologist, independent change of the drug is prohibited.

Renal failure patients

"Excellent highly effective medicine" - these words usually begin rave reviews about Trazhent. Individuals with kidney failure, especially those undergoing hemodialysis, have always been of great concern when taking antidiabetic agents. With the advent of this drug in the pharmacy network, patients with kidney pathologies highly appreciated it, despite the high cost.

Everything you need for type 2 diabetestype
Everything you need for type 2 diabetestype

Due to the unique pharmacological action, glucose levels are significantly reduced when taking the drug just once a day at a therapeutic dose of five milligrams. Moreover, the time of taking the pills does not matter. The drug is rapidly absorbed after penetration into the gastrointestinal tract, the maximum concentration is observed one and a half or two hours after ingestion. It is excreted in the feces, i.e. the kidneys and liver are not involved in this process.


According to the reviews of diabetics, "Trajent" can be taken at any convenient time, regardless of food and only once a day, which is considered a huge plus. The only thing to remember is that you cannot take a double dose on the same day. With combination therapy, the dosage of Trazhenta does not change. In addition, its adjustment is not required for problems with the kidneys. Tablets are well tolerated, adverse reactions are quite rare. "Trajenta", reviews of which are extremely enthusiastic, contains a unique active ingredient with high efficiency. It is also important that the drug is included in the list of drugs that are omitted in pharmacies according to free prescriptions.
