Candles for external hemorrhoids: a list of drugs, instructions and reviews

Candles for external hemorrhoids: a list of drugs, instructions and reviews
Candles for external hemorrhoids: a list of drugs, instructions and reviews

External hemorrhoids differs from internal ones in that with it, the hemorrhoids are located around the anal ring. This greatly facilitates the treatment of the disease. This form of hemorrhoids is perfectly treated with the help of suppositories. For external hemorrhoids, ointment, cream, ice compresses, washing with medicinal decoctions and other similar remedies are also used.

Causes and treatment of hemorrhoids

Treatment of hemorrhoids
Treatment of hemorrhoids

This disease was described by ancient healers. According to statistics, every second person on Earth has experienced symptoms of hemorrhoids. With early detection of the disease, it can be easily eliminated with the help of folk remedies. The advanced stage of hemorrhoids requires surgical intervention. The most common causes of this disease are the following factors:

  • Sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Overload during training of athletes.
  • Hard physical work most often provokes hemorrhoids in men.
  • Women often suffer from hemorrhoids during pregnancy.
  • Promotesappearance of hemorrhoids alcohol and smoking.
  • Spicy food and constant constipation also provoke the occurrence of this disease.

Distinguish between external and internal hemorrhoids. In the first case, hemorrhoids are formed in the interval between the transition of the rectum to the anal canal.

Features of external hemorrhoids

With this form of the disease, a person does not feel any discomfort and pain for a long time. While with external acute pain occurs immediately. Therefore, external hemorrhoids can be identified at the initial stage of the disease and can be cured quite quickly. The symptoms of this type of hemorrhoids are as follows:

  • Painful stools with blood.
  • Itching or dull pain almost does not leave throughout the day.
  • The formed bumps begin to bulge and become noticeable.
  • Anus turns red and even blue.

In total, the disease goes through 4 stages. Hemorrhoids begin with itching and redness of the anus, and ends with an inflammatory process and sphincter incontinence.

Hemorrhoid treatment

Many different remedies are used to treat this disease. Non-traditional methods of treatment have proven themselves well: hirudotherapy, acupuncture and so on. Traditional medicine also offers good remedies. However, according to patients, the best result is obtained from the use of rectal suppositories. In the pharmaceutical market, you can find a lot of similar medicines. In their composition, plant components are often used: sea buckthorn, honey, propolis, and so on. Further. They are easy to use, and the price of these drugs is affordable for all categories of the population.

In addition to suppositories, for the treatment of external hemorrhoids, drugs are used that improve the condition of the veins and strengthen the capillaries. They are able to prevent the appearance of new blood clots and hemorrhoids. Most of these drugs have anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. Among them, the most popular are Ginkor Fort, Detralex and Asklezan.

How to use candles

Using Candles
Using Candles

Suppositories are usually sold in packs of 20 each. They are small and cone shaped. Candles tend to melt in the hands, so after the package is opened, the suppositories should be inserted into the anus as soon as possible.

Before the procedure, the patient prepares: emptying the stomach and washing the anus with soapy water. If there is no urge, then you can do an enema. Sometimes, with the introduction of suppositories, there is an urge to defecate. Because of this, I have to insert another candle, since the extracted candle is considered unusable.

The patient lies on his stomach or side and inserts a candle into his anus. Next, the suppositories are pushed with a finger as deep as possible. After that, the patient lies on his stomach for 20 minutes. During this period, the suppository has time to melt and evenly distribute in the rectum.

Methyluracil suppositories

The basis of these suppositories for the treatment of external hemorrhoids contains the substance methyluracil, which is used to treat radiation sickness. Hehas a wound healing property, stimulates metabolic processes in the tissues of the diseased organ, and is also a fairly powerful anti-inflammatory agent. It is actively used in gynecology, and it is also used to treat hemorrhoids in the early stages of the disease. The active components of the drug are quickly absorbed into the rectal mucosa, and after 15 minutes their concentration reaches a maximum.

Ichthyol candles

These suppositories have a dark brown color and a specific smell. The main component of the drug is the substance ichthyol. The basis of candles consists of solid fat. The anti-inflammatory properties of ichthyol were known in antiquity and were actively used by folk healers. These pretty good suppositories for external hemorrhoids are also used to treat prostatitis in men and inflammation of the ovaries in women. The course of treatment is one week, during which one to two candles are used per day.

Sea buckthorn candles

Many patients prefer suppositories with sea buckthorn. These are inexpensive and effective suppositories for external hemorrhoids with an extremely mild effect. They practically do not cause irritation and side effects. The basis of candles contains sea buckthorn oil and solid fat. The drug is freely sold in a pharmacy and is available to everyone. Sea buckthorn contains vitamin A, which regenerates the skin, as well as such important vitamins as E and D. They are used, like other similar drugs, from one to two times a day.

Suppositories "Relief"

Candles "Relief"
Candles "Relief"

The basis of this drug contains the active ingredient fluocortolone pivalate, and as additional components lidocaine hydrochloride. Candles "Relief" with external hemorrhoids have a pronounced analgesic effect, which is essential for acute symptoms of the disease. During the period of exacerbation, candles should be used up to three times a day. In the future, they switch to single use. Sometimes patients experience side effects in the form of redness and rashes in the anus. This is primarily due to an overdose of the drug. Due to the lidocaine contained in this product, changes in the skin in the form of stretch marks or depletion of the epidermis may occur.

Proctosan preparation

The drug "Proctosan"
The drug "Proctosan"

This tool contains several active components at once:

  • Titanium dioxide with drying and regenerating properties.
  • Bismuth subgallate, which effectively stops bleeding.
  • Painkiller - lidocaine.
  • Anti-inflammatory component - bufeksamak.

All substances with the exception of lidocaine are contained in approximately the same amount. Usually this remedy is very well tolerated and has practically no contraindications and side effects. This remedy is often recommended in a pharmacy if the patient does not know which suppositories for external hemorrhoids he should buy.

Candles "Natalsid"

Candles "Natalsid"
Candles "Natalsid"

This product contains a vegetablea component derived from the processing of brown algae. And also candles for external hemorrhoids "Natalsid" contain hyaluronic acid, which has a moisturizing and wound-healing property. It can be used to treat adolescents over 14 years of age. Among the side effects, the appearance of a rash in the anus is likely.

The duration of the course of treatment depends on the nature of the disease. On average, "Natalsid" is used for two weeks. If necessary, after a short break, treatment is continued. Instructions for the use of "Natalsida" is no different from other similar drugs. Before the procedure, the patient is emptied, washes the anus and lies on his stomach. After entering the suppository, the patient lies for some time on the stomach or side, until the molten agent is distributed in the rectum.

Glycerin suppositories

In addition to glycerin, these inexpensive suppositories for external hemorrhoids contain sodium carbonate and stearic acid. They are prescribed for chronic constipation, as well as in the case of painful stools with external hemorrhoids. Dissolving, glycerin suppositories envelop the mucous membrane of the rectum and anus, so that the passage of feces no longer causes pain. Thus, bleeding from the anus gradually disappears and pain and itching disappear.

Sometimes side effects include frequent bowel movements and loose stools. Symptoms disappear immediately after stopping the use of the drug. One package contains 10 suppositories located on convenient blisters. This remedycan be used by children over five years old.

Means "Olestezin"

The drug "Olestezin"
The drug "Olestezin"

These popular sea buckthorn oil suppositories are often prescribed by doctors for the treatment of external hemorrhoids. The drug has excellent wound healing properties, due to which cracks in the anus are quickly healed. If necessary, these candles can be used up to three times a day. It should be borne in mind that sea buckthorn candles have a bright orange tint and can stain underwear and sheets. Therefore, you should worry about oilcloth and loose shorts in advance. This preparation retains all the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn oil. That is why sea buckthorn candles are very popular with patients.

Posterisan Candles

Candles "Posterizan"
Candles "Posterizan"

This German drug is based on the active ingredient hydrocortisone. And also the product contains biologically active microorganisms that enhance metabolic processes. Thanks to this composition, "Posterisan" has a pronounced regenerative property, capable of eliminating hemorrhoids in a fairly short time. It is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. Do not use this drug for people prone to allergies.

Home cooking

Effective candles from external hemorrhoids can be prepared independently. As a material, propolis, wax, aloe leaf, a cotton swab soaked in sea buckthorn oil, as well as ordinary water, are suitable. Most Popular Recipespreparations are as follows:

  • A narrow cup is formed from thick paper, and chilled, boiled water is poured into it. The glass is placed in the freezer until the water is completely frozen. After the ice candle is ready, it is freed from paper. To do this, the candle is dipped in hot water. Ice suppositories are inserted, like regular suppositories, after the stomach is emptied and the anus is washed. Do not leave the candle for too long. 2-3 minutes are enough, otherwise hypothermia of the body may occur, resulting in spasms of muscles and blood vessels. This remedy perfectly stops bleeding, anesthetizes and accelerates tissue regeneration.
  • Pretty effective candles for external hemorrhoids can be prepared from a cotton swab and sea buckthorn oil. They are made as follows: an ordinary vaginal tampon is abundantly moistened in sea buckthorn oil and inserted into the anus. It is advisable to do an enema before using this remedy. Keep the suppository for 3-4 hours, after which it is removed. This remedy can be used twice a day until complete recovery.
  • A thick leaf of aloe is washed and peeled. In the end, a small elongated stick, of small diameter, should remain. It is inserted into the anus and left in it for one hour. The juice of this plant has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Unfortunately, aloe irritates the anal mucosa and can cause discomfort. Therefore, such suppositories are not used toooften.

Folk remedies are a good analogue of medicines. Especially if the patient doubts which suppositories for external hemorrhoids are best used. If desired, you can prepare a real pharmaceutical preparation. To do this, purchase solid cocoa butter, beeswax or edible fat. The composition of the suppository can be added to a solution of lidocaine, sea buckthorn oil, liquid vitamins A and E, propolis, honey, and so on. All components are dissolved in a water bath and candles from external hemorrhoids are formed from a warm composition.

User reviews

In their patient reviews, candles are often praised for external hemorrhoids. They are easy to use, have an affordable price and act quickly enough. In advanced cases, suppositories are an addition to the main treatment, but in the initial stages of the disease, they can completely get rid of hemorrhoids. It is enough to undergo one course of treatment, consisting of 10 days, to completely forget about this disease. According to users, all the symptoms of hemorrhoids disappear already on the third day, and preventive measures continue on the remaining days to prevent further manifestations of hemorrhoids.

Most often, doctors recommend the use of suppositories for external hemorrhoids "Posterizan". Unfortunately, in some people, the phenol in this product causes an allergic reaction. But it is thanks to this component that a very rapid improvement occurs. Already after three suppositories, itching and pain disappear, and the rest of the symptoms of the disease disappear at the end of the course of treatment.

If hemorrhoidsis at the earliest stage of the disease, when nodes have not yet formed and there is no puffiness, then you can use sea buckthorn suppositories. According to users, their effect is rather weak. Sometimes they become completely useless, as they absolutely cannot remove puffiness and expand the anus for defecation.

However, each patient is guided by the recommendations of the attending physician, who prescribes suppositories for external hemorrhoids, according to the current state of the disease.
