In the article, we will consider whether children can take propolis tincture.
Giving a child propolis for immunity (in order to strengthen and restore) is the best way recognized by modern and folk medicine. Today, many mothers and fathers prefer to use natural preparations and medicines.
How should children be given propolis?
In order to prevent viral, allergic and chronic diseases that occur for various reasons during the periods of spring and autumn epidemics, doctors recommend using propolis tincture for children once a day, immediately before dinner. Babies who are aged three to seven years should take this remedy fifteen to twenty minutes before meals, five drops (one tablespoon of water) three times a day. The course of using propolis to increase immunity is ten days.

Agedfrom seven years, five drops of propolis tincture are prescribed to the child, plus one more - for each year. It is best to take this tincture with warm tea or in combination with boiled milk, adding a spoonful of natural flower honey without a slide.
Types of tinctures and dosage of propolis product
Propolis is used as an independent product and in the form of water, alcohol and oil tinctures. Children under three years of age should be given only the aqueous version of the drug. To increase immunity, drink it three times a day. Propolis tincture for a child on alcohol is allowed for use from the age of three. It is used externally in the form of rubbing, compresses, applications. Alcohol tincture is also often replaced with oil, diluted in water or dripped onto a piece of bread. For children who have reached the age of fourteen, it is quite possible to offer an adult amount of the drug.
Alcohol tincture is sold in every pharmacy, it is not difficult to find it. Water medicine can be made by yourself. Propolis needs to be dipped in a glass container, then poured with boiled warm water. Next, the product is tightly closed and left for a day. The finished medicine must be stored within three days.
When children are shown rinsing with propolis tincture?
The impact of propolis is very diverse. With its help, you can defeat almost any ailment of the throat. Apply rinses based on propolis tincture to a child when a sore throat is observed, as well as the following diseases:
- The patient has tonsillitis in acute orchronic form.
- Development of pharyngitis in any form.
- Presence of laryngitis, nasopharyngitis or allergic throat irritation.
- Occurrence of an overvoltage (due to a long conversation, a strong cry, and so on).
- Presence of thermal damage.
- Getting mechanical damage.
In the event that a person is not exactly sure that there is no allergy, it can be checked quite simply within the framework of home conditions. The tincture is applied to the elbow, or to the wrist area, or to the area under the knee. After a few hours, you need to see if there is any redness or rash. If no manifestations of allergy are found, propolis can be used to improve immunity and treatment as well.
You also need to consider the following factor. Despite the fact that such a remedy as propolis does not give complications and does not clog internal organs, before using it to increase the baby's immunity, you should definitely consult a pediatrician.

General recommendations
It is recommended to give propolis tincture to a child during the season of catarrhal pathologies that occur in autumn and spring. The course of prevention is carried out within two weeks. In some situations, as the epidemic grows, it can be extended up to thirty days. As part of preventive goals, propolis should be taken once a day, but in case of a noticeable decrease in the protective functions of the body, the daily volumeis doubled. After a two-week break, the course is repeated.
Alcohol tincture of propolis should be given to children very carefully. For kids who visit the garden, natural propolis will be useful. Every morning it is necessary to offer the baby only one ball of this bee product, which he must chew for several minutes and then spit it out. Do not worry if a child accidentally swallows propolis: in such minimal doses, it does not pose any threat to he alth. It is not recommended to take the remedy randomly, the same rule applies to too long a course.
In order to increase immunity, propolis tincture for children will bring double benefits if combined with honey. Pediatricians recommend giving this remedy at bedtime. Honey enhances the healing effect of propolis and enhances its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

It is possible to restore the protective function of the body not only thanks to the internal reception. An excellent preventive procedure is to lubricate the feet with natural propolis. This is especially prescribed in cases where children are often in public places. In addition, external use is fully justified when irrigating the nasal passages. In such a situation, use a water tincture. It is used twice a day in order to prevent the development of a cold and four times a day - if available.
As part of the prevention of influenza, water tincture is taken oneonce in half a glass. This volume is calculated for very young children, and for babies over the age of three years, it is increased to a whole glass. How to give propolis tincture to children, it is important to find out in advance.
Treatment of diseases in children
Propolis can be used not only to increase children's immunity, but also in the treatment of pathologies such as runny nose, conjunctivitis, otitis media, tonsillitis or inflammation of the oral cavity. So, tincture is often used for a cold. To do this, add 5 milliliters of the drug and half a spoon of sea s alt to the water. The resulting product is poured three drops into each pass three times a day. For the smallest patients, the water infusion is replaced by an oil one, but it is still used only after the child reaches one year.
For the treatment of otitis media, propolis, which is insisted on water, is slightly warmed up and two drops are instilled into the ears. In the case of the development of conjunctivitis, compresses are made for the eyes by wetting a piece of natural tissue in the product. With angina, children irrigate the tonsils several times a day with the help of an aqueous infusion, it is very convenient to do this with a conventional syringe (without a needle). In order to achieve greater effectiveness, the remedy should be used for gargling. This greatly speeds up the healing process.

In the event that inflammation of the gums is noted during teething, or wounds are found in the oral cavity, propolis tincture for children for rinsing should also be used. But for the therapy of her little childrenshould first be diluted with water (ten parts of boiled warm water are added to one norm of tincture). In the presence of wounds and abrasions, the injured area of \u200b\u200bthe skin is lubricated with a small amount of the drug. It also shows a very good result in the treatment of fungal disease. Now let's find out what are the contraindications.
It is strictly forbidden to give propolis to children if they have individual intolerance. When a child's body reacts to this product with an allergy, then its use should be stopped immediately and a doctor should be consulted so that he can prescribe antihistamines that will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms.
In general, propolis can provoke allergic reactions extremely rarely, this is observed only in three percent of cases. In addition, caring parents must conduct a preliminary sensitivity test in order to make sure that there are no problems. When using propolis to increase immunity in a baby, you should not refuse to consume other drugs and drugs that are prescribed by a pediatrician.

Inhalations with propolis tincture
This procedure is recommended to increase immunity, as well as to relieve inflammation of the lower respiratory tract, thin viscous sputum, eliminate the common cold and get rid of wheezing. In addition, inhalations relieve perspiration in the presence of a dry cough, they help with sinusitis and sinusitis. resort to thistreatment as often as possible, such as every two to three hours.
Pure propolis can be used for inhalation. 3 grams of the product is crushed, heated, poured with 200 milliliters of water. For one procedure, it is required to inhale the vapors of the resulting mixture five to six times. The course of therapy is ten days. For inhalation, you can use water and alcohol tincture.
Propolis with milk
This version of the tincture is more effective than on water. Thanks to the fats contained in milk, the concentration of useful components increases, resulting in an ideal cure for colds and all kinds of viruses. To increase their immunity, children need to drink propolis thirty minutes before meals. And in the event that the baby is sick, you should use the drug before bedtime.
Healing solution is prepared as follows: put a liter of milk on the stove. Then, after boiling, add 100 grams of the product, grinding it first. Stir, cook the mixture for about fifteen minutes. Remove from heat, strain through cheesecloth, set to cool. Remove the layer of wax. Ready broth must be put in a cold place. Next, find out what parents write about this natural product in their reviews.

Reviews on propolis tincture for children
Reviews about this tool to increase the strength of immunity in children on the Internet are usually positive. This is especially true of reports of oil infusions. It has been reported that no allergic reactions to thisremedy is not usually seen in children.
Besides the fact that this natural medicine is an excellent preventive product, it is noted that it successfully copes with such ailments in children as tonsillitis, laryngitis or tonsillitis. But, according to parents, the result is most often achieved through the use of infusion as part of a comprehensive treatment. It is better for children to read reviews about propolis tincture beforehand.

Thus, this bee product is known for its high efficiency in the treatment and prevention of many different diseases. Propolis is of particular value for the child's body. During the period of development and growth, babies especially need vitamins, as well as active biological substances that help to become stronger and more resilient. It is for these reasons that propolis tinctures are most often used for immunity. We reviewed the instructions for propolis tincture for children.