Hemorrhoids is a fairly common pathology in people of different ages and gender. It is important not to miss the first signs of the disease. When it just begins to develop, it can be eliminated with the help of conservative therapy. According to reviews, candles for hemorrhoids "Natalsid" will help in solving this problem.
Characteristics and description of the drug
According to the instructions and reviews, Natalsid candles are used quite often for hemorrhoids. They are quite convenient to use, effective, have a quick effect and bring relief to a person who suffers from this pathology. Can be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women.
The drug has mostly positive reviews. Candles from hemorrhoids "Natalsid" in the composition contain sodium alginate and solid fat. They have a light gray or brown tint, the presence of a white coating is allowed. Rectal suppositories are placed in cell packs in the amount of five pieces, inone pack contains two blisters.

Indications for use:
- Bleeding hemorrhoids in chronic form.
- Anal fissures.
- Proctosigmoiditis.
- Inflammation of the rectum after surgery.
According to reviews, Natalsid suppositories are quite effective for bleeding hemorrhoids.
Therapeutic effect
"Natalsid" - hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, reparative agent. The active ingredient in suppositories is a natural polysaccharide found in brown seaweed. The drug has a pronounced hemostatic, anti-inflammatory effect.
According to reviews, Natalsid candles are often used for hemorrhoids in men and women. Doctors recommend this drug to their patients.
Instructions for use
Suppositories must be administered rectally into the rectum. The procedure is carried out only after emptying the intestines. To do this, you can use a cleansing enema, laxative drug or glycerin suppository.

It is also necessary to carry out hygiene procedures using soap. Before use, the candle is slightly moistened with water to facilitate its introduction. The patient lies down, presses his knees to his chest, spreads his buttocks with one hand, and gently inserts the suppository with the sharp end forward into the anus with the other hand. It is not necessary to inject the drug deeply - a medicinal substance thatpresent in it, should affect the area of the rectum, which is located behind the anus.
According to reviews, candles "Natalsid" with hemorrhoids in women or men, located externally, should not be administered completely. It is recommended to hold the candle with a napkin until it is completely dissolved. This usually takes a few minutes. Then gently roll over on your stomach and lie quietly for half an hour.
After the introduction, you must refrain from defecation for about an hour. Many patients recommend using a tissue or sanitary napkin to avoid staining underwear as the drug may leak from the anus.
Adults and children should use one candle twice a day. The course of therapy is usually one to two weeks.
If, according to reviews, Natalsid's suppositories for hemorrhoids did not eliminate the negative symptoms within a week, and the patient's condition worsened, then you need to contact your doctor. Self-medication is not recommended.

Use restrictions
The drug is not used in such cases:
- High susceptibility to drug ingredients.
- Children under 14.
The drug can be used during the period of gestation and breastfeeding. According to reviews, Natalsid candles for hemorrhoids during pregnancy help well. The drug does not harm either the expectant mother or the child that is in the womb.
Development of adverse reactions, overdose
According toreviews, candles "Natalsid" with hemorrhoids are well tolerated by patients. In rare cases, an allergic reaction to the components of the drug may develop. In this case, its use should be stopped, and also consult a doctor.
In medical practice, there have been no cases of drug overdose. When using the drug in large quantities, adverse reactions may occur. Therapy is symptomatic.

Additional information
The drug can be used in conjunction with other medications.
Store it in a well-ventilated place where the air temperature does not exceed twenty-five degrees. The drug is not frozen. The shelf life is three years from the date of issue, then it must be disposed of.
The drug does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions. During therapy, you can drive a car or other complex mechanisms.
Cost and purchase of medication
According to numerous reviews, it is not difficult to buy candles for hemorrhoids "Natalsid". The drug is dispensed in many pharmacies of the country. In addition, you do not need a prescription from a doctor to buy it. The cost is three hundred twenty-five rubles for a pack of ten suppositories.

If for some reason it is not possible to use this medication, the doctor may prescribe a similar drug that will eliminate the pathology. Toanalogues of "Natalsid" include:
- "Beauty extract" - rectal suppositories that contain herbal ingredients. They have a vasoconstrictive, anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Often prescribed for hemorrhoids, anal fissures. Have some contraindications and side effects.
- "Betiol" - a preparation of plant origin. Eliminates pain, swelling, inflammation, bleeding from hemorrhoids, accelerates the process of tissue regeneration. Has some usage restrictions.
- "Olestezin" has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and antimicrobial effect. Adverse reactions are extremely rare.
- Nigepan has a similar therapeutic effect. Acts as a direct anticoagulant.
- "Gepatrombin G" is available in the form of suppositories and ointments. The drug is not used during the period of bearing a child. Has a similar therapeutic effect with the above medicines.
Many women experience anal fissures and hemorrhoids after childbirth. Candles "Natalsid" received enthusiastic reviews. They note that the drug is quite effective: in a short time it helped to cope with the disease without causing the development of side effects.

Doctors often prescribe the drug to their patients. They focus on the fact that before using it, you need to study the instructions well and follow them strictly if the doctor does notprescribed a different treatment regimen. It is necessary to use suppositories only after defecation.
Some patients talk about the high cost of medication. One package is enough for only five days, and the course of therapy is up to two weeks. Nevertheless, the drug is effective and safe, the therapeutic effect comes quickly.
According to some reviews, Natalsid suppositories for hemorrhoids help eliminate pain and inflammation on the third day of their use. But patients note that the drug eliminates only the negative symptoms of the disease, and not its cause. After some time, the pathology returns again. Therefore, you have to undergo therapy twice a year.

Candles "Natalsid" - a universal preparation, which includes herbal ingredients. A positive characteristic is that the medicine can be used during the period of gestation and breastfeeding. It well eliminates the symptoms of hemorrhoids. In the absence of the drug in pharmacies, it is easy to replace it with an analogue, but it is recommended that you first consult a doctor. You can’t self-medicate, as you can only aggravate the problem.