Dolphin is ideal for washing the nose. Why? You will learn about this from the materials of the presented article. We will also tell you how much such a drug costs, what properties it has, whether it has contraindications, analogues, and so on.

Composition, packaging and release form
Why do doctors prescribe Dolphin for washing the nose? The fact is that this is a very effective drug that contains sodium bicarbonate, sea s alt, dry extract of licorice and rose hips. It should also be noted that the medication goes on sale without herbs. As a rule, such products are intended for people who often have allergic reactions to herbal ingredients.
In what form is the drug "Dolphin" sold (the price of the drug is indicated below)? The manufacturer produces whole sets for adults and children. The kit includes a mineral-herbal medicine in various dosages (in sachets of 2 or 1 g), as well as a nasal inhaler.
Pharmacological action of a local drug
Dolphin drug forchildren and adults are appointed for a reason. This is an antiviral and antimicrobial agent that removes various viruses and microbes from the mucous membrane of the pharynx and nose, and also prevents their reproduction and further development of the disease.
According to the feedback from patients, the effect of using this drug is noticeable after the first application. Experts say that this remedy helps to quickly eliminate sore throat and runny nose. It also removes disease-causing mucus and relieves swelling.
The drug "Dolphin" for children and adults consists of a mixture that forms a solution similar to physiological fluids (in composition). The action of the drug is due to the properties of the constituent substances (plant extracts and minerals).

Rosehip extract, sodium chloride and iodine are a kind of antiseptic. It should also be noted that these trace elements stimulate the secretion of mucus, which protects the lining of the nose and pharynx. The medicine is able to have a regenerating effect.
As for licorice extract, it is an antiallergic and protective substance.
Dolphin is very good for washing the nose. It removes pathogenic agents that provoke the inflammatory process, and also reduces swelling, prevents the development of otitis media, restores nasal patency, increases the outflow of mucus and pus from the paranasal sinuses.
Indications for the use of the medication
In what cases are patients prescribed washing with "Dolphin"? The drug helps with a cold,sinusitis, adenoiditis, SARS, rhinitis, allergies, pharyngitis, influenza and tonsillitis. It should also be noted that the agent is actively used for sinusitis and rhinosinusitis, before and after surgical interventions in the nasal cavity and in case of dryness of the nasal mucous membranes. In addition, the product can be used for irritation of the nasal mucosa, which was provoked by dust, detergents, washing powder, etc.
Contraindications for use
The drug "Dolphin" for washing the nose for children and adults is not prescribed in the following cases:
- When the septum is deformed, as well as in the presence of another cause of mechanical obstruction of the nose.
- With nosebleeds, as well as a predisposition to them.
- People with malignant and benign tumors.
- Babies up to four years old.
- When severe nasal congestion.

Dolphin nasal wash: instructions for use
Before using this tool, it is recommended to carefully study the instructions. It explains in detail how to dilute the drug and use it for its intended purpose.
Pour about 240 milliliters of boiled water into the irrigator bottle (preheat to 35°C). After that, the contents of one sachet should be poured into the liquid. Next, you need to tighten the endonasal cap and shake the vial vigorously. In this case, the powder should completely dissolve.
After performing all the above steps, you mustbend over the sink, and then attach the bottle cap to the nostril. Holding your breath, you need to gently press the bottle. In this case, the liquid should flow out of the other nasal passage. After that, blow your nose alternately through each nostril.
As mentioned above, this drug should not be used with complete nasal congestion. In this case, it is recommended to first drip a vasoconstrictor and clean the nasal passages well.
Dolphin should be used twice a day to wash the nose. This treatment is designed for 2 weeks.

Can it be used by small children?
Now you know how to rinse your nose with Dolphin. However, many parents are interested in the question of whether such a drug can be used to treat children. According to the instructions, this product is allowed to wash the nose of babies, but only after they reach the age of four.
This medication effectively removes pathological secretions from the nasopharynx of children, and also treats adenoiditis well. Means "Dolphin" for a child can be prescribed for allergic, acute or chronic rhinitis, in case of sinusitis, for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, with frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis, tonsillitis, "dry nose" syndrome, pharyngitis and preoperative preparation of the nasal mucosa.
Experts say that the drug in question is safe for the he alth of the child and often turns out to be much more effective than other solutions that contain sea s alt.
Can I use during the periodpregnancy?
The drug "Dolphin" during gestation should be used with extreme caution. The fair sex should carefully monitor their own condition.
The treatment regimen with such a drug must strictly comply with the instructions. It should be especially noted that the use of the drug "Dolphin" during pregnancy can cause nosebleeds.

Dolphin drug: price and analogues
For those who do not fit the drug "Dolphin", experts prescribe the Croatian analogue of "Aqua Maris". It should be noted that such medicines cost almost the same. Although most Russian experts note that Dolphin is still better than the Croatian drug.
In addition to the Aqua Maris drug, the remedy in question has other analogues. Among them are the following: "Delufen", "Rolinoz", "Sinupret", "Naso-spray", "Akvalor", "Atomer", "Prevalin", "Grippocitron", "Pinosol", "Suprastin", "Rinital", "Beclomethasone", "Cetrilev", "Baconase", "Erespal", "Rinazolin", "Allergodil", "Isofra", "Erius", "Nazol", "Rinonorm", "Nazivin", "Salin", "Ximelin" Extra”, “Physiomer”, “Aleron”, “Sinomarin”, “Dlyanos”, etc.
As for the price of the drug "Dolphin", it is considered very high. Despite this, many patients purchase exactly the considered nasal rinse. They explain their choice by the fact that this medicine shows itself to be very effective, fighting the common cold well.
You can buy it for 220 Russian rubles. By the way,a product designed specifically for children costs a little more (about three hundred rubles).
Specialists believe that one package of the drug "Dolphin" is enough for a full course of therapy for colds, allergy symptoms, flu, as well as for monthly prevention of these diseases. If the bags run out, you can buy them separately.

Many patients are also interested in how much analogues of this washing agent cost. There is no single answer to this question. As you could see above, there are many analogues of the drug, each of them has its own characteristics.
Having learned how to rinse the nose with Dolphin, many patients are trying to find more information about whether this remedy is really effective.
Those who often use the medication in question for sinusitis and other diseases leave a variety of opinions. Although they are mostly positive.

Reviews of patients report that this remedy is quite effective and quickly helps to get rid of problems with the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa. However, some people talk about such unpleasant consequences as otitis media, frontal sinusitis, and so on.
Specialists say that such side effects occur only if this remedy is used for too long and not according to the instructions.
In relation to children, the drug should also be used with extreme caution.