Surgical excision of scars

Surgical excision of scars
Surgical excision of scars

Proper and timely excision of scars can make life as easy as possible for everyone, especially for the fair sex, for whom appearance plays such an important role. Believe me, there are just a huge number of different methods on how to reduce the appearance of scar tissue or eliminate it completely. Scar removal is the safest and most effective method that has already helped many people achieve a beautiful appearance. In this article, we will pay attention to it.

Scar Removal Key Benefits

This method is so popular because it has just a huge number of advantages. That is why experts recommend it to almost all patients. Pay attention to the following advantages of the excision method:

scar excision
scar excision

- after the procedure, you will not need hospitalization, so you can safely go home;

- excision of scars can reduce the widthunwanted connective tissue or eliminate it completely;

- all inhomogeneous particles will be removed from the scar, and the tissue will become more embossed;

- the procedure is painless;

- if desired, the scars can be shifted to hidden areas.

Indications for use

The procedure called scar excision, the photos of which are simply amazing in their effectiveness, is very often recommended by doctors to many groups of patients. Pay attention to the cases in which this operation will show the best results:

- With its help, you can eliminate traces after household injuries, burns, as well as after firearms and knives.

- When a large surface of the skin is damaged. At the same time, scars can be not only very large, but also small, but in large numbers, so their presence is very noticeable on the skin.

excision of scars photo
excision of scars photo

- This procedure is also indicated if you have had a cosmetic stitch after surgery.

- Doctors can also prescribe this operation if you already have chronic hypertrophic or keloid scars.

How is the preparation for the operation going

Surgical excision of scars can be performed only if the doctor has determined that this operation will really have a positive effect. According to the experts themselves, it is very difficult to completely remove scars, but it is quite possible to make them almost invisible. This operation cannot be performedimmediately after you notice the scar. It must fully mature, so you will have to wait from a few months to two years. Each case has an individual character. If you start working with scar tissue earlier, it may be fraught with relapse.

So, before the procedure, you will have to do the following:

- Consult with an anesthesiologist about the possibility of anesthesia for you.

scar removal before and after
scar removal before and after

- Start eating right. Eliminate all unhe althy foods from your diet and include as much milk, vegetables, meat and fruits as possible.

- Avoid alcoholic beverages, as well as some drugs that will impair the ability of blood to clot. First of all, Aspirin should be attributed here.

- Be sure to tell your doctor if you have any food or drug allergies.

- A couple of days before the operation, try to ensure that various cosmetics (especially those containing alcohol) do not get on your scar.

- Be sure to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases, as well as determine the blood type.

All the described stages of preparation are mandatory, so it's better not to joke with your he alth. Excision of scars on the face and body, of course, is a cosmetic procedure, but still it hides its dangers. Therefore, carefully follow all the recommendations that the specialist will give you.

How is conducted itselfprocedure

This operation is always performed under anesthesia. After it works, the specialist will excise each scar with a laser or scalpel. Now the edges of the connective tissue are lifted and connected with a suture that is made on the inside of the skin. Usually the procedure is done very quickly. It takes from half an hour to an hour to carry out all the actions.

Recovery period

Scar removal (before and after results are amazing) is a very effective procedure. However, do not think that the very next day after the operation you will see excellent results. Unfortunately not, a recovery period will await you.

surgical excision of scars
surgical excision of scars

So, as soon as the operation is over, a bandage will be applied to the affected area to stop the bleeding. You can take it off the next day. Protect the skin from any mechanical damage, as well as from sunlight. The stitches are usually removed after a week. After that, the skin will need maximum hydration, so do not ignore the advice of doctors and purchase special moisturizing formulations.

cosmetic excision of scars
cosmetic excision of scars

Usually, the postoperative period lasts about three to four weeks, so at this time it is better for you to stop playing sports at all. The maximum that is allowed is walking. But the final results after the procedure can be seen only six months after the operation. Sometimes the doctor also prescribesadditional procedures that help accelerate the effect and improve the result. As you understand, it is strictly forbidden to engage in amateur activities in this case.

Are there any contraindications

Doctors strongly do not recommend cosmetic excision of scars for women during menstruation. It is also better to refuse the operation for people suffering from diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. It is better not to have surgery for people with clearly noticed mental disorders.

Does this procedure have disadvantages

Any procedure, including excision of scars (you can read the reviews below), has its drawbacks. Therefore, before the operation, be sure to read them, and only after that draw conclusions whether this method of scar removal is suitable for you.

excision of facial scars
excision of facial scars

One of the biggest drawbacks is the discrepancy between results and expectations. The specialist is obliged to warn his client that, most likely, the scar will still be slightly noticeable. But many people simply ignore this information.

This method is quite traumatic, and prolonged neuralgia may occur, and bruises and bleeding may also appear.

Usually, in place of the old scar, a new one, albeit less noticeable, appears. And over time, it will have to be sanded a little to make the skin look neater.

Reviews of patients and doctors about this procedure

Scar removal is a safe procedure only if you find a good specialist andYou will strictly follow all his recommendations. Only in this case, you can achieve a good result from this procedure.

According to patients who have already experienced scar removal, the operation is really very effective, but the results after it are not as impressive as we would like. Of course, scars after surgical scars become much smaller, and this is good news. But the skin is restored for a long time. If the scar is large enough, then be prepared for the fact that after this procedure it will have to be corrected a little more.

scar excision reviews
scar excision reviews

The operation itself is really painless, as it is performed under anesthesia. However, even after it stops working, patients do not complain of severe pain, which is a definite plus.

Take responsibility for your he alth. Excision of scars is a rather dangerous, but at the same time effective procedure. Therefore, take the issue of finding a specialist seriously. Do not forget that your he alth is in your hands, and you always have the opportunity to look your best. Stay he althy.
