For some people, taking the drug becomes a he alth necessity. But often you have to look for an analogue of "Tebantin" for one reason or another, usually this is a rather high cost of the drug. In pharmacies, you can find many substitutes with similar properties, but in different price categories. So, let's consider what is the peculiarity of the drug "Tebantin". Instructions for use, analogues are discussed in the article.
Tebantine: instructions for use
The main indication for the use of the drug "Tebantin" (analogues will be discussed later) is epilepsy (convulsive conditions, partial seizures). It is used as a main or additional treatment. Assign to adults, children from 12 years old, with a resistant form of epilepsy, it is possible to use for babies from 3 years old. Also, "Tebantin" treats neuropathy in patients aged 18 years and older. Active substanceThe drug is gabapentin, which belongs to the group of anticonvulsants. Auxiliary components - lactose monohydrate, talc, starch, magnesium stearate, iron oxide, titanium dioxide, gelatin.

Produced in the form of tablets and capsules of 100, 300 or 400 mg. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the constituent components, pregnancy, lactation, kidney disease. Take orally with water, 300 mg three times a day (for adults and children over 12 years old). The maximum dose per day should not exceed 3600 mg. Break between doses no more than 12 hours.
It is possible to use the remedy according to an individual scheme prescribed by a doctor. Children from 3 to 12 years old are prescribed 25-35 mg per kilogram of body weight per day, calculated for 3 doses. There is also a treatment according to the scheme that the specialist will offer. Neuropathy in adults is treated starting with 300 mg 3 times a day, gradually increasing the dose. The maximum should not exceed 3600 mg per day. The active substance is rapidly absorbed, regardless of the dose taken. The maximum concentration in blood plasma is observed 3 hours after ingestion, with repeated administration - after 1 hour. Bioavailability decreases with increasing dose. Excreted by the kidneys unchanged, and removed from the plasma by hemodialysis.
Tebantine side effects
Inform about the numerous side effects of the drug "Tebantin" instructions for use, reviews. Analogues are also not without them. Side effects can be observed from the following body systems:
• Cardiovascular. Vasodilation (expansion of blood vessels due to a decrease in the tone of the muscles of the vascular walls), when used with other drugs for epilepsy, an increase or decrease in blood pressure, flushing of the face.
• Nervous. Dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, irritability, headache, tremor, depression, incoordination, irritability, anxiety, anxiety. In rare cases, there is confusion, thinking, asthenia, nystagmus, anxiety, when taken with other similar drugs, insomnia is possible.
• Urogenital. Rarely - urinary incontinence, decreased potency.
• Digestive. Dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, increased appetite, dry mouth, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, anorexia, gingivitis, dry mouth, hemorrhagic pancreatitis, discoloration of tooth enamel.
• Respiratory. Rhinitis, pharyngitis, cough, pneumonia, shortness of breath.
• Musculoskeletal system. Back pain, arthralgia, myalgia, excessive bone fragility.
• Sense organs. Visual disturbances, ringing in the ears.
In rare cases, taking the drug causes leukopenia (decrease in the number of leukocytes), allergic reactions in the form of skin rash, itching, fever. Possible peripheral edema, acne, fluctuations in blood sugar levels in diabetics. In case of an overdose, dizziness, drowsiness, impaired vision and speech, diarrhea, lethargy are observed. In this case, symptomatic treatment is carried out, absorbent substances (activated charcoal) are used,gastric lavage. Removal of the drug from the body is possible with the help of hemodialysis.
If it became necessary to cancel the drug or replace it with another, this should be done gradually, over the course of a week, since abrupt discontinuation of the drug can cause status epilepticus. Not used for the treatment of absence epilepsy due to its ineffectiveness.
During pregnancy and lactation, the drug is prescribed only for absolute indications, when the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus (possibly affecting the slow development and growth of the child). Tebantin can be taken in combination with other antiepileptic drugs such as valproic acid, Carbamazepine, Phenytoin, Phenobarbital.
"Neurontin": instructions for use
Like the drug itself, the analogue of "Tebantin", produced in Germany, has gabapentin as an active ingredient. It belongs to the group of antiepileptic drugs, it is prescribed for localized idiopathic, symptomatic epilepsy, as well as epileptic syndromes with simple and complex convulsive seizures. Indication for use, in addition, is neuralgia in adults. Usually acts as an additional therapy as part of complex treatment. Available as film-coated tablets of 600 or 800 mg.

The price of this drug ranges from 900 to 1600 rubles per package. Excipients - crospovidone, poloxamer 407, magnesium stearate, corn starch,talc, wax. Neurontin has instructions for use similar to Tebantin (analogues have the same active ingredient). Take it orally 300 mg three times a day, if necessary, the daily maximum can be equal to 3600 mg. As a rule, the attending physician prescribes the drug according to a certain scheme. The maximum concentration of the substance after ingestion is reached after 2-3 hours. Eating during treatment does not affect the pharmacological properties.
Features of Neurontin application
Like "Tebantin", analogues are contraindicated for use in children under 3 years of age, persons with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. With caution and only under the supervision of a doctor, take the drug for kidney disease. During pregnancy, taking the medication is possible only in extreme cases, because it can slow down the growth and development of the fetus. The same applies to the lactation period, since gabapentin enters the baby's body with milk.
"Neurontin" is an analogue of "Tebantin", instructions for its use contain the same list of side effects affecting all body systems:
• vasodilation, arterial hypertension;
• malfunctions in the digestive system (flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, dental disease, etc.);
• purpura, leukopenia;
• back pain, brittle bones, arthralgia;
• dizziness, confusion, hostility, depression, drowsiness, general malaise;
• pneumonia, rhinitis, cough, otitis media;
• visual impairment, diplopia;
• disruption of workgenitourinary system.

Overdose can cause dizziness, impaired speech and vision, drowsiness, lethargy, in this case, symptomatic treatment is used. With a sharp withdrawal of the drug, such reactions of the body as nausea, insomnia, anxiety, increased sweating and pain of various localization, the development of seizures are possible. For the fight against absence epilepsy, the drug is ineffective. Treatment of neuralgia in patients younger than 18 years was not carried out, there are no safety data. It is worth refraining from driving until the identification of possible reactions of the body to the drug.
This is an analogue of Tebantin produced by the Russian company Pharmstandard. The instruction informs that the active substance in its composition is also gabapentin. Auxiliary components - magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide, iron oxide, talc, corn starch, gelatin, lactose monohydrate. Available in the form of yellow capsules with white powder inside in the amount of 30 or 50 pieces per pack. The price of the drug is within 550 rubles, it differs in different pharmacies. It has an antiepileptic and analgesic effect. The analogue of "Tebantin" has the same indications for use - for epilepsy as the main or additional remedy for adults and children over 12 years old, as well as for neuropathy accompanied by pain.

The drug is taken regardless of food intake, orally with water. Initial dose - 300 mg, then increasedup to 900 mg per day (in equal parts at intervals of 8 hours). The daily maximum is 3600 mg. Like any other analogue of "Tebantin", "Konvalis" requires strict adherence to the scheme prescribed by the doctor. Possible simultaneous reception with other anticonvulsants, as well as oral contraceptives. When combined with ethanol, the risk of side effects increases.
Contraindications and side effects of Konvalis
Like Tebantin tablets, analogues have contraindications. Do not take children under 12 years of age, patients with acute pancreatitis, persons with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and lactose intolerance. With caution - with kidney disease. Side effects during treatment for neuropathic pain may include:
• dizziness, drowsiness, tremor, confusion, memory loss, hypoesthesia, ataxia;
• nausea, diarrhea, flatulence, constipation, dry mouth, abdominal pain;
• skin rashes, shortness of breath;
• headache, weakness, swelling, weight gain.
During the treatment of partial seizures, the following side effects are possible:
• oral diseases, digestive disorders;
• dizziness, depression, insomnia, anxiety;
• purpura, leukopenia;
• pruritus, rashes, acne;
• rhinitis, pneumonia, cough;
• diseases of the genitourinary system, problems with potency;
• Nervous system disorders, visual impairment, fatigue.

There have been cases of development of kidney diseases, mastopathy, gynecomastia, hallucinations, diseases of the pancreas. Some patients experienced symptoms such as dystonia, palpitations, and tinnitus. After a sharp cessation of administration, a withdrawal syndrome occurs - pain of different localization, nausea, sweating, sleep disturbance, depression. Overdose causes dizziness, drowsiness, diarrhea, dysarthria, diplopia. It is treated with gastric lavage (during the first hours), enterosorbents, symptomatic therapy, if necessary, hemodialysis is used.
Another analogue of Tebantine is Katena. Produced in the Republic of Croatia by Belupo, the price is from 300 to 800 rubles, depending on the size of the package, city and supplier. It is used for epilepsy, partial convulsions with secondary generalization, as well as without it.

According to the doctor's indications, it is used as the main or additional means of therapy. Available in the form of coated tablets and capsules of 300 or 400 mg. The active substance is still the same - gabapentin. Additional components - lactose monohydrate, talc, corn starch, titanium dioxide, iron oxide dye, gelatin. Contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The method of application does not differ from other similar preparations containing gabapentin. It is prescribed according to the scheme, which must be strictly observed by the patient.
Special Instructions
Katena is prettypopular analogue of "Tebantine". Reviews about the drug are mostly positive, they talk about a noticeable improvement in the condition and a reduction in convulsive seizures. Indications and contraindications are similar to the previous drugs, because the active ingredient in these drugs is the same. It is used strictly according to the scheme, in case of an overdose, the patient needs symptomatic treatment. Side effects are as numerous as those of analogues, and can occur from all body systems. During treatment, it is worth refraining from driving and performing hazardous work that requires concentration. During pregnancy, take only when absolutely necessary, as the drug adversely affects the fetus, its growth and full development. The same applies to breastfeeding, the main component is excreted in milk, harming the baby.
Other analogues of Tebantine
On the pharmacological market, there are a fairly large number of drugs containing gabapentin. They are produced under different brands, have a fairly wide price category and are imported from many producing countries. The most popular among them is the Tebantin drug produced in Hungary by the Gedeon Richter OJSC. Analogues are also often purchased by patients, mainly because of their lower price. Its cost varies from 800 to 3000 rubles, depending on the dosage, the number of capsules and the pharmacy.
Another analogue of "Tebantin", reviews of doctors about which are mostly positive, is called the active substance itself - "Gabapentin". It is produced in Russia and India, produced inthe form of capsules (50 pieces per pack) of 300 mg. Its price is within 500 rubles.

"Gabagamma" - a drug made in Germany, is available in the form of capsules of 100, 300 and 400 mg. The average price for a large pack of 50 capsules of 400 mg is 1100 rubles.
"Gapentek" - a drug in the form of capsules of 100 or 300 mg. Not popular in our country.
Despite the fact that all of the listed medicines contain one active ingredient, when prescribing Tebantin, analogues and substitutes should be used only after consultation and with the permission of the attending physician.
Reviews about "Tebantine" and analogues
Despite the fact that this drug is an antiepileptic, it is often prescribed for pain of a neuropathic nature. Many patients suffering from similar problems note a quick effect that did not occur with the use of other pain medications. However, it should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor (in pharmacies, it must be dispensed by prescription), since the drug is serious, with a lot of possible side effects and a strong effect on the body.
People who took "Tebantin", analogues, reviews leave the opposite character: someone likes its high effectiveness against pain, while others are afraid of addiction or side effects. Are the fears justified? Indeed, gabapentin preparations can be addictive, as evidenced by the reviews of people who have taken them for a long time. Therefore, abrupt cancellation is prohibited.drug, this should be done gradually, following the recommendations of the doctor. Some note the short-term effect of taking the medicine, that is, it helps only during the period when you take it. The disease is not cured, but only the symptoms and excruciating pains disappear. That is, you have to take the drug constantly in order to have an effect. This most often concerns the responses of patients with epilepsy, who are forced to take pills continuously to avoid the occurrence of convulsive seizures.

Such drugs are often taken by older people who are characterized by painful conditions when the weather changes, with exacerbation of chronic diseases. Assign and inflammation of the trigeminal nerve "Tebantin", analogues. Reviews of patients on this score are positive, it is called a life-saving drug. If the doctor prescribed "Tebantin" (or its analogue), then there are good reasons for that and you should listen to him. But it is impossible to make a decision on taking such serious drugs on your own, without proper supervision of a specialist, he alth problems may arise. Serious complications from taking such drugs are rare, but they are severe, so you need to carefully monitor your he alth and general well-being in order to notice a deterioration in the condition of the body in time and seek help from a specialist. It is strongly not recommended to stop taking the drug on your own, as this will cause even more serious consequences.