Valerian tablets: instructions for use, composition and reviews

Valerian tablets: instructions for use, composition and reviews
Valerian tablets: instructions for use, composition and reviews

Modern pace of life makes everyone feel stressed in one way or another. Problems in the family, at work, traffic jams, poor he alth - a lump of problems sometimes takes on an uncontrollable direction. A person develops psychosomatic he alth problems, sleep disturbances, irritability, suspiciousness, asthenia, anhedonia … Those who have a weak psyche manage to escape from problems thanks to alcohol or drugs. But you can find a better way out - from time to time to drink a course of sedatives and mood-enhancing drugs. Valerian is a healing plant that has long been famous for its properties. Modern pharmacology offers valerian tablets, the instructions for which are presented in this article.

Composition and release form

The drug is produced in the form of tablets for oraluse. Sold in blisters of ten tablets. In one package - twenty or fifty tablets. The price of the drug in pharmacies varies from quantity - from fifty to two hundred rubles.

The main active ingredient is thick valerian extract. Excipients: potato starch, microcrystalline cellulose, pharmacological gelatin, calcium stearate.

valerian instruction
valerian instruction

Indications for use

Instructions for use of valerian tablets indicate that the drug is effective in the following conditions and diseases:

  • neurotic states of various origins;
  • arrhythmia and tachycardia due to stress;
  • chronic insomnia;
  • disruption of sleep cycles;
  • hangover and withdrawal symptoms;
  • migraines of a psychosomatic nature;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • anxiety, irritability.

The drug does not cause any physical or psychological dependence. It does not have a clear sedative effect and cannot be compared in action with tranquilizers. Therefore, it can be used to treat anxiety disorders in addictive individuals, adolescents, the elderly.

Instructions for use for valerian extract tablets reports that the consequences of an overdose of the drug are excessive drowsiness, lack of concentration, muscle weakness, loss of clarity of vision and hearing. For each person, the dosage is individual. For a man weighing 70 kg, the therapeutic dosage is 20 mg three times a day. The instructions for valerian tablets state that overdose symptoms begin with simultaneous oral administration of 180-200 mg of the drug.

valerian for irritability
valerian for irritability

Contraindications for taking

Instructions for use of valerian tablets informs that the drug has the following contraindications for taking:

  • fructose intolerance;
  • children under three years of age;
  • pregnancy period;
  • cirrhotic disease;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • individual intolerance to herbal ingredients.

You should stop taking pills if you have at least one of the above contraindications.

sedative and sedative effect of valerian
sedative and sedative effect of valerian

Side effects

Instructions for use of valerian tablets informs that in some cases the following side effects may develop:

  • dizziness;
  • drowsy;
  • decrease in concentration;
  • constipation and deterioration of intestinal motility;
  • Early going to bed and early waking up.

Most patients tolerate the drug well. The instruction for valerian tablets says that if you have at least one of the above side effects, you should reduce the dosage. If the condition does not return to normal, the reception should be completely abandoned.

Drug Interactions

Instructions for use of valerian tablets says that the drug enhances the effecttranquilizers. It is undesirable to combine the intake of such drugs.

When taken simultaneously with SSRI antidepressants, the drug can smooth out the side effects of the former. In some cases, homeopathic sedatives are prescribed for two weeks in parallel with the start of antidepressants in order for the body to adapt to high levels of serotonin.

When taking valerian tablets with antihistamines at the same time, a long and deep sleep is possible. Instructions for use for valerian tablets inform that before you start taking any drug, you should tell your doctor about the treatment. Valerian is not a completely harmless plant, and combining with other drugs can serve as a catalyst for he alth problems.

instructions for valerian
instructions for valerian

Special instructions for admission

When taken simultaneously with alcoholic beverages, valerian enhances the sedative effect of ethyl alcohol. Many young people try to experiment and mix different cocktails or beer with valerian extract tablets. The instruction says that such experiments may end badly. If the dosage is exceeded, an alcoholic coma may develop, during which mechanical asphyxia may occur (due to vomiting that has opened), and the person will simply suffocate.

Before you start taking valerian tablets, you should check your body for an individual allergic reaction. To do this, you need to take two pills at the same time and assess your well-being - is itnausea, dizziness, vomiting, urticaria. The instructions for valerian extract tablets (20 mg) report that at the first suspicion of an allergic reaction, the dosage should be reduced. If they do not go away, you must completely stop using the drug.

valerian for anxiety reviews
valerian for anxiety reviews

Valerian reviews of patients with insomnia

Because it is available over the counter without a prescription, it has become popular with people with sleep disorders. Many are too lazy to go to a neurologist to get a prescription for a serious drug. And the instructions for valerian tablets say that this remedy helps to establish sleep phases.

Reviews of people who took the drug for sleep disorders report its effectiveness. Patients noted a particularly noticeable effect if they refused in parallel with taking valerian extract from coffee, black tea, and alcoholic beverages. Sleep stabilizes already in the first week of admission. It is undesirable to watch action films, listen to exciting music before going to bed. If you follow these simple rules, valerian extract will help normalize sleep very quickly.

Valerian reviews of patients with anxiety and irritability

OTC sale of the drug has made it one of the most popular substitutes for specialized sedative (sedative) drugs. Valerian extract is not addictive either physically or psychologically.

valerian for irritability
valerian for irritability

Reviews of those people whotook these pills to level his emotional state, positive. Anxiety decreases from about the second week of continuous use. The effect will be stronger if you stop drinking black coffee and tea, spirits and energy cocktails.

Irritability, nervousness and psychological stress are also alleviated by taking valerian extract tablets. Reviews of people taking the drug report that with severe panic attacks, it is practically useless. If PA are still weak, then valerian may well help. The further the disease progresses, the more likely it is that prescription drugs will be required.
