"Lozap": side effects, contraindications, compatibility, reviews

"Lozap": side effects, contraindications, compatibility, reviews
"Lozap": side effects, contraindications, compatibility, reviews

Before analyzing the side effects of Lozap, you need to understand what the drug is intended for. The medicine is antihypertensive. It helps to maintain blood pressure at a safe level for the patient. Let's talk about the drug in more detail.


Blister with pills
Blister with pills

To identify the side effects of "Lozap", you need to know what is included in the medication. The base substance is losartan potassium. As for auxiliary substances, they are also present in the composition. We are talking about magnesium stearate, povidone, dye, dimethicone, talc and others.

Any auxiliary substance that is in the composition does not have additional properties, which means that it cannot cause side effects of Lozap. In addition, these substances do not have a significant effect on the human body.

In what form is it produced?

The release form of the drug "Lozap" is the only one - biconvex tablets that contain 12, 5, 50 or 100 milligrams of losartan potassium. for salemedication in blisters, which are in cardboard boxes. There are always ten tablets in the plate. One box can contain from three to nine blisters.

Lozap Plus contains 50mg of losartan potassium plus 12.5mg of hydrochlorothiazide.

When applicable

To make everything clear, we must first analyze the indications for use, and then the side effects of Lozap.

So, patients take the drug in the following cases:

  1. Hypertension.
  2. Diabetic Nephropathy.
  3. Chronic heart failure. In this case, the medicine is part of the complex therapy.

The above are the main reasons for the use, but there are less obvious ones. These include depletion of the left ventricle. Often, doctors prescribe a medication for the prevention of hypertension. In this case, the side effects of Lozap pale in comparison to the benefits that the patient receives.

Rarely, but nevertheless, a drug is prescribed in order to reduce the risk of complications associated with the work of blood vessels and the heart.

Who should not use?

In addition to side effects, Lozap has a number of contraindications that cannot be ignored. Among them:

  1. Under the age of eighteen.
  2. The period of pregnancy and lactation.
  3. Increased sensitivity to one of the components that make up the drug.
  4. Renal stenosis.
  5. Disturbances in the process of water-electrolyte metabolism.
  6. Liver failure.
  7. No urine.
  8. Obstructive diseases of the biliary tract. This item applies only to Lozap Plus.
  9. Gout and hyperuricemia with clinical symptoms. This is Lozap Plus.
  10. Cholestasis is also a contraindication for Lozapa Plus.

As you can see, there are not so many contraindications, but nevertheless, if they exist, they cannot be ignored.

When to use with caution?

Taking pills
Taking pills

There are conditions during which the drug is not forbidden to use, but it should be done with extreme caution. What are we talking about? About such states and situations:

  1. Low pressure.
  2. Chronic heart failure in severe degree of the fourth functional class.
  3. Heart failure along with severe kidney failure.
  4. Heart failure combined with arrhythmia.
  5. IHD.
  6. Impaired cerebral circulation, cerebral atherosclerosis, intracranial pressure.
  7. When blood potassium levels are higher than normal.
  8. Patients over the age of seventy-five.
  9. Low circulating blood volume.
  10. Bilateral narrowing of the renal arteries.
  11. Impaired water and electrolyte balance.
  12. Liver or kidney failure.
  13. History of kidney transplant.
  14. Mitral and aortic valve stenosis.
  15. Primary hyperaldosteronism.
  16. Angioedema in history.
  17. Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy.
  18. Diabetes. Item refers to Lozap Plus.
  19. Hypochloremic alkosis. Also relevant only for Lozap Plus.
  20. Hypomagnesemia - for Lozap Plus.
  21. Diseases of the systemic connective tissue. A prime example is lupus erythematosus.
  22. History or current asthma.

Also, do not take the drug along with Ibuprofen, Nurofen or Nemisulide. In acute attacks of myopia or angle-closure glaucoma, it is also necessary to take the medicine with great caution.

Pharmacological action

Before talking about side effects with long-term use of Lozap, it is necessary to understand how the drug works.

So, tablets have a complex effect. If you take the medicine constantly, then the resistance of peripheral vessels will decrease, and because of this, blood pressure will also decrease.

The drug can reduce the load on blood vessels and the heart and reduce the amount of adrenaline in the blood. Doctors also warn about the diuretic effect of the drug. They also note that this is rather good, because excess fluid is removed from the tissues.

Side effects with long-term use of "Lozap", of course, appear, but there are also positive aspects. For example, patients note the body's resistance to physical stress. As a result, the exhaustion of the heart muscle practically does not occur. It is worth noting that this effect is observed only in those people who suffer from heart failure.

The maximum effect of the drug is achieved after sixhours after taking. Over the next twenty-four hours, the drug slowly wears off. With constant use, the hypotensive effect will appear after 3-6 weeks.

Pills are perfectly absorbed by the body. Substances are excreted through the kidneys and intestines.

Application features

Timely treatment
Timely treatment

It is foolish to judge the effectiveness of Lozap by side effects and reviews, because you need to look first of all at how the drug copes with problems. And for the medicine to really help, you need to know certain features of the application. What are we talking about? For example, that only a doctor can determine the dosage and frequency of administration. However, there are general guidelines to keep in mind.

Patients suffering from hypertension, the drug is prescribed to drink once a day, 50 milligrams. In the case when the dosage does not give the desired effect, it is allowed to increase to 100 milligrams. Before studying the reviews and side effects of Lozap, you should consult with your doctor. He will explain that the effect occurs after constant use for 3-6 weeks.

There are several conditions:

  1. When taken simultaneously with diuretics, the amount of medication cannot exceed 25 milligrams per day.
  2. For patients with impaired liver function, the doctor selects the dosage separately.
  3. For chronic heart failure, a maximum of 12.5 milligrams per day can be consumed.
  4. To achieve the effect, patients are prescribed 50 milligrams.

Reviews aboutside effects of "Lozapa Plus" can be seen quite often. For this reason, many patients refuse to use the drug, but this is stupid. If you read the same reviews thoughtfully and carefully, you will notice that many people did not follow the dosage or took the drug differently than it is written in the instructions.

To get the desired effect, you need to drink the pill without chewing it. The drug can be drunk at any convenient time, no need to guess whether to do it after or before meals.

Treatment begins with a minimum amount of the drug, over time it increases to the maximum limit. This process takes 2-3 weeks.

Side effects

Lozap plus
Lozap plus

Now let's move on to the side effects of Lozap (we will study doctors' reviews of this medicine later). In clinical studies with losartan and hydrochlorothiazide, no adverse reactions associated with the combination of these substances were observed. From this we can conclude that the side effects of Lozap Plus are limited to those previously observed with the use of losartan and hydrochlorothiazide separately. Usually, adverse reactions from the drug are minimized. But sometimes the patient can feel the whole spectrum.

What are the side effects of "Lozap" in honey. sources? The list is quite extensive:

  1. Dizziness, headache, asthenia, fatigue, insomnia. All of these symptoms occur in one percent or more of patients.
  2. Abdominal pain and nausea also affects 1% of those using the medicine.
  3. Upper infectionsrespiratory tract, nasal congestion accompany already 1% of people who take the drug.
  4. Pain in the chest, legs, cramps, back pain also torment 1% of patients.
  5. Orthostatic dose-dependent hypotension, tachy- and brachycardia, palpitations, angina pectoris, arrhythmia. If you believe the instructions and reviews of doctors about the side effects of Lozap Plus and Lozap, no more than 1% of people taking the medicine are affected by this.

Other side effects include anemia. The same doctors say that, as a rule, the medicine does not have such pronounced side effects, but its effectiveness has been proven.

In some people, long-term use may even contribute to the development of hepatitis, but this is not a reason to refuse effective treatment.

Unfortunately, this is not the whole list of side effects. Recent studies have revealed a whole list of "gifts":

  1. Decrease in the level of platelets in the blood below normal.
  2. Eosinophil levels above normal.
  3. Schönlein purpura - Henocha.
  4. Quincke's edema.
  5. Skin rash.
  6. Vasculitis.
  7. Itchy skin.
  8. Photosensitization.
  9. Depression.
  10. Worry.
  11. Sleep disturbance or drowsiness.
  12. Numbness or goosebumps.
  13. Tremor.
  14. Violation of memory.
  15. Disorder of coordination of movements.
  16. Increased sensitivity to certain stimuli.
  17. Panic attacks.
  18. Strange dreams.
  19. Confusion.
  20. Pain along the waysciatic nerve.
  21. Violation of taste.
  22. Tinnitus.
  23. Visual acuity decreased or double vision.
  24. Vertigo.
  25. Conjunctivitis.
  26. Burning sensation in the eyes.
  27. Blurred vision.
  28. Faints.
  29. Cough.
  30. Acute cerebrovascular accident.
  31. Nosebleeds.
  32. Myocardial infarction.
  33. Shortness of breath.
  34. Sinusitis.
  35. Rhinitis.
  36. Bronchitis.
  37. Dyspnea.
  38. Intestinal obstruction.
  39. Constipation or diarrhea.
  40. Vomiting or nausea.
  41. Gastritis.
  42. Pancreatitis.
  43. Anorexia.
  44. Toothache.
  45. Dry mouth.
  46. Joint pain.
  47. Muscle pain.
  48. Muscle breakdown.
  49. Muscle spasms.
  50. Impotence. Perhaps this is the only side effect in men from Lozap. All other effects do not have a division into female and male.
  51. Decreased libido.
  52. Urinary tract infections.
  53. Frequent urination at night.
  54. Increased blood potassium levels.
  55. Increased levels of urea, bilirubin, creatinine.
  56. Lower blood glucose.
  57. Dry skin.
  58. Edema.
  59. Excessive sweating.
  60. Bald loss.
  61. General malaise.

Only Lozap Plus is characterized by the following adverse reactions: agranulocytosis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, hyperglycemia, hypokalemia, hyponatremia, secondary acute angle-closure glaucoma and / or acute myopia, pneumonitis and non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema,jaundice, toxic epidermal necrolysis, glycosuria.

What do doctors think about this? They advise not to use the drug uncontrollably and not to self-medicate. If you notice any side effects, you should immediately visit a doctor and consult. In this case, the doctor will either reduce the dose or select an analogue that will not act in this way on the body.

Why not use while breastfeeding or pregnant?

Above, we described the side effects of Lozap with prolonged use. But judging by the reviews, many people believe that a drug that should not be taken by pregnant women is harmful to everyone. Is it so? Let's figure it out now.

Why does the instruction not allow the use of the drug in pregnant women? This happens because there are no data on the use of the drug. However, it is known that a drug that affects the renin-angiotensin system, when used in the second and third trimester, can cause fetal death or a developmental defect. This is the reason for the use of the drug during pregnancy.

If it becomes necessary to use the drug while a woman is breastfeeding, then the question of what is more important - stopping treatment or stopping feeding should be decided.


What can't be used
What can't be used

We figured out the side effects of Lozap with long-term use (reviews will be given at the end of the article), but there was no talk of an overdose yet. Let's fix this.

What happens if you overdose?According to studies, patients have a strong decrease in blood pressure, bradycardia or tachycardia.

The treatment is forced diuresis, symptomatic therapy. With an overdose, hemodialysis does not give the desired effect.

Interaction with other drugs

We figured out the side effects of "Lozap" for the joints and not only, as a result of which you understand that everything is not so scary. Let's talk now about how Lozap "behaves" in combination with other drugs.

According to studies of clinically important drug interactions with digoxin, hydrochlorothiazide, cimetidine, indirect anticoagulants, phenobarbital were not found.

In patients suffering from dehydration due to high doses of diuretics, blood pressure may decrease significantly along with the use of the drug.

If the drug is used together with other drugs of the same properties, then the hypotensive properties are enhanced.

When the patient is taking Lozap and potassium-sparing diuretics, he must be prepared for the fact that the risk of developing hypoglycemia becomes higher. By the way, this also includes other preparations containing potassium.

Drug and children

We have already found that among the side effects of "Lozap" - cough, nasal congestion and other not very pleasant "bonuses". So, maybe this is the reason why it should not be taken by children? No, it's something else. There simply have not been studies that can confirm the safety of the drug. And timesnot enough data, it's better not to risk it.


Does medicine affect driving? In no way will taking the drug prevent the patient from working with mechanisms or driving a car.


The indications and contraindications of Lozap are now clear, but what if for some reason you cannot use this medicine? Look for analogues. There are quite a lot of drugs on the modern pharmacological market that are similar in their actions, so there will be no problems with the choice.

So, what medicines can be called analogues?

  1. "Blocktran".
  2. Vazotenz.
  3. "Brozaar".
  4. "Vero-Losartan".
  5. "Cardomin-Sanovel".
  6. "Zisakar".
  7. "Kozaar".
  8. "Karsartan".
  9. "Lozarel".
  10. "Lakea".
  11. "Losartan".
  12. Losartan McLeods.
  13. "Losartan Potassium".
  14. "Losartan-Richter".
  15. "Lorista".
  16. "Losartan-Teva".
  17. "Losacon".
  18. "Renicard".
  19. "Presartan".

As you can see, if you wish, you can find a drug that has the same properties, but without side effects or contraindications.


Tablets to go
Tablets to go

Today we have analyzed the instructions for the use of "Lozap" and what it is for. It's time to move on to the reviews.

Up to 90% of drug reviewspositive, as the drug has proven to be effective. Patients note a significant decrease in blood pressure. Judging by the reviews, the drug helped even in cases where other drugs did not help the person.

As for negative reviews, they are extremely few. Usually in such cases, intolerance to the drug by a particular person is described. The only thing that the reviews complain about is the side effects of Lozap Plus and Lozap, due to which the drug was replaced with another one for all its effectiveness.

What doctors think

Reviews of doctors also differ. Some consider the drug effective in cases where hypertension is present in a mild form. Other doctors believe that it is pointless to use the drug for severe hypertension in combination with other heart diseases. In this case, the effectiveness of the drug is quite low. For this reason, patients are forced to use stronger drugs in addition.

To summarize, in general, doctors believe that the drug is good, but it should be used only at certain stages of the disease, otherwise it is pointless.

Doctors also remind that unauthorized use of medicine can only aggravate the course of the disease. For this reason, you should always consult your doctor.

How much does it cost

Lozap costs differently, depending on the dosage. The cheapest dosage is considered to be 12.5 milligrams. A pack of 30 tablets will cost 245 rubles.

The most expensive LozapSold in a dosage of 100 milligrams, 90 tablets per pack. Such a package costs 810 rubles.

The price of Lozap Plus, of course, is different. It is from 350 rubles.


Doctor's appointment
Doctor's appointment

Whatever option you choose: the original drug or its analogue, always remember to consult a doctor before use.

Now there are a lot of skeptics who think they know better. Actually this is not true. Just think, you haven’t studied all the intricacies of the profession for about ten years, and sometimes you can’t even imagine how complicated everything is arranged in the human body. However, you try to treat yourself on your own, and then you come to the doctor with an advanced disease and demand an immediate magic pill. What for? Isn't it easier to come to a specialist at the slightest ailment and extinguish the disease in the bud than to try to recover from a severe form later?

Even if you do not trust a particular doctor, you can consult with several specialists, and then choose the optimal treatment strategy. But no, everyone considers themselves the smartest and make things worse for themselves first of all.

Of course, in our country, unfortunately, there are many frankly bad specialists, but this is not a reason not to take care of your he alth. Even a bad specialist will help with a mild form of the disease, but at an advanced stage, you will already have to look for a competent doctor. Remember that you can’t buy he alth for any money, even if you have it, so it’s better to think about it in advance.

Regardingmedicines, always read the instructions for use and do not self-medicate. Whatever the neighbor advises, always consult a doctor. One person will get one drug, and another patient will die from it. Maybe too harsh, but that's the way it is. Have you seen the list of contraindications and side effects for Lozap? And probably concluded that it can not be used? But such a conclusion is fundamentally wrong, because only a doctor is able to correctly select the dosage and frequency of use, or find a suitable analogue. Stay he althy!
