Ointment for cystitis: a review of drugs, formulations, instructions

Ointment for cystitis: a review of drugs, formulations, instructions
Ointment for cystitis: a review of drugs, formulations, instructions

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder. An unpleasant, painful, but easily curable disease. The symptoms that cause discomfort are softened within 1-2 days after the timely start of treatment. What drugs to take - only a doctor can decide. But now it's worth talking about the most popular, most commonly used ointments.

ointment for cystitis in women
ointment for cystitis in women


This remedy has anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial effects. The composition of this ointment for cystitis includes:

  • Clotrimazole. An antifungal agent that disrupts the synthesis of fungal cell membrane components.
  • Gentamicin. An antibacterial agent.
  • Betamethasone dipropionate. Relieves inflammation and itching.

These are the three main substances, and thanks to them the drug has a complex effect.

This ointment for cystitis in women helps quickly. It should be applied in a small amount to the genitals (not inside!). According to the reviews of the girls, itching and inflammation are weakeningafter a couple of hours, and after a few days, they practically cease to be felt.

It should also be noted that "Triderm" prevents the fungus-causative agent from entering the bladder. Therefore, this remedy is also used for thrush.

cystitis treatment ointment
cystitis treatment ointment


This is another effective ointment for cystitis. This is a homeopathic remedy that helps with chronic and acute inflammatory processes. It contains only herbal ingredients:

  • Oils: linseed, eucalyptus and palm.
  • Chamomile extract.
  • Extraction of thuja shoots.

The remedy is prohibited during pregnancy, as it has a very powerful effect. You can also take alcohol tincture or decoction of thuja inside. According to reviews, this quickly helps to get rid of the discomfort of inflammation of the bladder.

Vishnevsky's ointment

This remedy has a healing, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Here is its composition:

  • Castor oil. Produces anti-inflammatory effect, and also accelerates regenerative processes.
  • Birch tar. Serves as a powerful disinfectant.
  • Xeroform. It is an antibacterial component of synthetic origin.

Ointment should be lubricated with a tampon, and then immersed in the vagina overnight. Remove in the morning. The drug used in this way prevents pathogenic microflora from entering the genital tract. 10 days after the start of treatment, unpleasant symptoms disappear completely.

According to reviewsgirls who decide to cure themselves of an illness in this way, relief comes after two nights. The only disadvantage of using Vishnevsky's ointment for cystitis is an unpleasant odor. But it is important not to overdo the tampon! If you forget about his presence inside, there is a risk of earning candidiasis (thrush).

levomekol ointment cystitis
levomekol ointment cystitis


This cystitis ointment is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It quickly helps to get rid of inflammation of bacterial etiology. Metronidazole is also known as Metrogyl.

It can also be taken as a powder or tablet. Then the drug will be absorbed through the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it acts directly on the cause of the disease.

The ointment will be effective if the microflora is in the bladder in an ascending way. It should be used in the same way as the previous remedy - soak a tampon and immerse it in the vagina overnight.

The duration of the course is 10 days. If you believe the reviews, then the drug helps faster - the symptoms disappear after 2-3 days. The ointment has a pronounced antiulcer and bactericidal effect. There are also tablets that are recommended to be taken with milk. But the need to combine them with an ointment should be discussed with your doctor.


This well-known drug quickly copes with inflammation of various etiologies. Most people know it as a remedy for burns or wounds. But even with cystitis, Levomekol ointment is effective.

Basicthis remedy is methyluracil. This is a substance that improves tissue trophism, and also stimulates the regeneration process. In addition, the product contains chloramphenicol, an antibiotic that effectively eliminates diseases of an infectious nature.

If a woman with cystitis develops swelling of the urinary organs during inflammation, then Levomekol will help to eliminate it. The girls who used this ointment say that tissues recover very quickly, and this has the best effect on the body's fight against the disease.

synthomycin ointment for cystitis
synthomycin ointment for cystitis

Synthomycin ointment

This is a popular antibacterial agent that quickly copes with inflammatory and infectious diseases. Accordingly, synthomycin ointment also helps with cystitis.

It is also impregnated with tampons. Such a tool allows you to improve your general condition in a short time. Girls say that, in addition to eliminating discomfort, the temperature decreases, swelling decreases, diuresis normalizes. But after using such tampons, it is strongly recommended to take a course of using vaginal synthomycin suppositories.

And before you start treating yourself with ointment, you need to be examined by a doctor. It is necessary to determine the cause of the disease. Since this drug is not able to overcome fungal diseases, the use of the ointment in this case will be meaningless.


Not to mention this popular remedy. Against cystitis ointment "Clotrimazole" is also used. This remedy relieves inflammationprocess in the bladder and eliminates other diseases of the urinary system. The main active ingredient is an imidazole derivative. It is it that has a destructive effect on the cells of the causative agent of the disease.

A tampon soaked in "Clotrimazole" is inserted into the vagina before going to bed, and removed in the morning. There are also special vaginal suppositories with the same name, which come with a special applicator in the package, which facilitates the process of drug administration.

The remedy must be applied within one week. But the medicine works after the first application. According to reviews, the decrease in the intensity of symptoms occurs very quickly.

clotrimazole ointment cystitis
clotrimazole ointment cystitis


The active substance of this remedy is natamycin, which acts on yeast-like fungi and bacteria. On average, the course of treatment with this ointment is 3-4 weeks. It is important to note that Pimafucin is also available in the form of a cream and vaginal suppositories.

Women who have used this ointment say that when applied to the genitals, burning and itching appear, but these reactions are short-lived. They pass after 2-3 minutes. But if the girl has too sensitive skin, and the burning sensation does not go away, then it is recommended to stop using the product.

It is important to make a reservation that even with cystitis in children, Pimafucin ointment is used. Pregnant and lactating women are also allowed to use this remedy. They even treat babies.

ointments for cystitis in women
ointments for cystitis in women


This Austrian drugis an effective adjuvant in the fight against cystitis. Its active ingredient does not directly affect the source of inflammation. By the way, it is hydroxyethyl cellulose.

"Montavit" has a moisturizing, lubricating effect. This ointment compensates for the deficiency of vaginal secretion, which is a side effect of this ailment.

The mucous membrane tolerates the composition of the product well, since it does not contain fat. In addition, the ointment is compatible with latex.

By the way, many doctors recommend that girls use this gel if they feel that there is not enough lubrication during intercourse. Otherwise, cystitis will torment. And if a girl feels a burning sensation after sex, she should heed this recommendation.

"Phytolysin": the composition of the miracle remedy

This is a very popular ointment for cystitis among women. This paste-like substance, which has a memorable aroma of fresh grass, has a quick action. It has a unique composition:

  • Stems and leaves of goldenrod. Helps relieve spasms, relieve pain and stimulate the immune system.
  • Onion peel. Prevents the growth of bacteria on the walls of the bladder.
  • Root of creeping wheatgrass. Restores metabolic processes in the body.
  • Fenugreek seeds. They have an antispasmodic, calming and relaxing effect.
  • Parsley. Tones the walls of the bladder and has a positive effect on urination.
  • Knotweed. Eliminates pain and spasms, improves urination, reduces oxalate and phosphate kidney stones.
  • Field horsetail. Has a diuretic property. Helps flush out stones and sand from the urinary tract.
  • Birch leaves. Have a decongestant effect.
  • Lovage root. Produces antispasmodic, diuretic, antiseptic and mild analgesic effect.
  • Gryzhnika Grass. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.

This ointment that helps with cystitis in women also contains various essential oils (sage, mint, orange, pine), which enhance the effect of these herbs.

Thanks to the natural basis, the product does not give side effects. That is why it is prescribed at any age, as well as pregnant women.

Application of "Phytolysin" and reviews

It is necessary to tell about the reception of this remedy separately. Fitolizin is an ointment, but it is not intended to be used on the genitals.

One teaspoon of this remedy is diluted in 100 ml of warm water. It turns out an emulsion that you need to drink. It should be cooked three times a day, and taken after meals for 2-4 weeks.

This paste has an unattractive brownish-green color and a strong, specific smell that fades when diluted in water.

Girls who treated cystitis with Fitolizin ointment claim that it is a safe, effective and good long-acting medication. The disease disappears after one course and does not appear again, even in those women who had it only after a slight freezing.

ointment for cystitis in children
ointment for cystitis in children

Other remedies

The most famous ointments that help with cystitis in women were listed above. You can also look at these tools:

  • Miramistin. The active ingredient is chlorhexidine. It affects the cell membrane of pathogenic bacteria. The substance has an antifungal, healing and anti-inflammatory effect. The effect is already noticeable on the 2nd day.
  • "Econazole". A germicidal vaginal ointment that works for 3 days when combined with suppositories.
  • Urinal, Canephron and Urolesan. These are ointments of plant origin, they help to fix the result that was achieved with antibiotics.

It is recommended to soak tampons with these products and insert them into the vagina. It can be used not only at night, but also during the day. However, in this case, you will need to change tampons every 2 hours.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that you should not treat cystitis on your own. Be sure to contact a gynecologist. After conducting an examination and examining the tests, he will prescribe an effective treatment using agents that will act on the pathogen. Random selection of ointment can lead to unpleasant consequences.
