It's no secret that cancer is the most dangerous malignant disease that disrupts the growth of human cells, turning them into oncological ones. For each type of tissue, it is considered absolutely normal for cells to grow and divide. But if this process stops and new cells do not appear, then neoplasms appear in the tissues. Therefore, many people are interested in information about what causes cancer. In this article, we will consider all the nuances.

In the body of each person there is a special mechanism that is responsible for the proper growth and division of cells of all types of tissues. However, there are some factors that cause this mechanism to fail, thereby causing cancer. Keep in mind that the sooner you can diagnose the disease, the more chances you have to cure it.
What is cancer
Before you understand what causes cancerappears, it is necessary to disassemble the main features of this disease. Note that there are benign and malignant tumors. Well, cancer is a malignant neoplasm. This disease can be characterized as follows:
- cells begin to divide very quickly and uncontrollably;
- the disease can also "attack" neighboring organs and tissues;
- but metastases can form absolutely in any organs.
If this disease is simply ignored, then it will begin to grow and affect neighboring organs, and for cancer it does not matter which ones. When the disease has moved to the metastatic level, bad cells begin to move through the blood throughout the body and settle in different organs. There they take root and actively share. It is very difficult to treat the disease, because even if you kill thousands of cells, but leave only one, the disease will begin to progress again.

Cancer can occur regardless of the patient's age. But the older he gets, the harder it is to treat the disease. After all, elderly people no longer have such strong immunity, and cancer can spread through the body much faster.
Where Cancer Comes From: Causes
In fact, there are a huge variety of reasons that can lead to the appearance of atypical cells. This disease has been known for quite a long time, but in the last two decades, the percentage of occurrence of the disease has increased dramatically and continues to grow further. And this speaks ofthat there are some factors that contribute to the appearance of this disease.
Carcinogenic factors
Carcinogens are one of the most common causes of cancer cells in the human body. There are carcinogens that can not only increase the rate of cell division, but also have a mutagenic effect, damaging the structure of DNA itself. These substances can have three types of origin: physical, biological and chemical.

The first type includes ultraviolet and X-rays, as well as gamma radiation. That is why try to avoid long exposure to the hot scorching sun.
Biological factors include some diseases. The most common of them are the Epstein-Barr virus, as well as papillomavirus.
Chemical carcinogens
Cancer because of what appears is a question, by answering which you can save yourself from such a dangerous disease. Chemical carcinogens are substances that, if ingested, can cause cancer.
Here is a list of the most dangerous of them:
- arsenic;
- various dyes;
- nitrates, cadmium and benzene;
- aflatoxin, asbestos and formaldehyde;
- also do not forget about various nutritional supplements.
A large number of carcinogens enter the air when burning garbage, as well as when burning plastic and oil. In industrial cities, the air contains a huge amount of harmful substances. And the larger the city, the more in it andcarcinogens.
If we consider what causes cancer, then we should not forget about food. In no case do not eat excessively large amounts of very fatty foods. When buying products in stores, be sure to pay attention to their composition, because in almost every one of them you can find carcinogens, which are usually denoted by the letter E. Moreover, E123 and E121 are considered the most dangerous for human he alth.
Pay attention to food
If you are interested in what causes cancer, then first of all think about what you eat. Try to avoid various smoked foods such as ham, bacon, sausage and sausages. Also be sure to read the ingredients of foods like white bread and pasta. Avoid popcorn, sugary sodas and breakfast cereals.
Viruses are one of the main causes of cancer. Most often, infections such as papilloma, polyoma, retrovirus, adenovirus and Epstein-Barr virus lead to it. In oncology, fifteen percent of all cancer cases are viral diseases. Quite often, infections that can affect the development of cancer simply dormant in the human body and can be passed on to the next generation.

Experts advise taking appropriate tests when papillomas appear on the body. This will help determine if the tumor is cancerous or not. And only based on the information received, further treatment can be prescribed.
A few words aboutradiation
Radiation is another reason why cancer appears. In order for the cells of the human body to begin to mutate, it is not necessary to stay in a room with an increased level of radiation for a long time. A simple stay in the sun will suffice. Of course, ultraviolet in small doses is good for human he alth, but in cases with excessive love for sunbathing, a person may develop a disease such as melanoma.
Therefore, it is not recommended to abuse trips to the solarium, and when going to the beach, still control the time intervals of being under the scorching sun. Be sure to use special sun protection. And also go to the beach only in the morning and in the evening. In such time frames, the sun acts on human skin most sparingly.

If you have large moles and other skin conditions, be sure to hide them from ultraviolet exposure.
Hereditary factor
Heredity is another reason why a person develops cancer. If the genes work correctly, then they are able to maintain normal cell division. But if a mutation occurs in the body, then this process is completely disrupted. Please note that if someone in the family had cancer, then there is a high probability of passing this disease on to children. Moreover, it is not even necessary that the parent himself had this disease. It will be enough for him to pass on the mutated gene to the offspring.
Modern medicine allowsundergo special examinations, which make it possible to identify this gene in the human body. With the help of such tests, anxiety can be reduced if someone in the family already has cancer, as well as treatment can be started at the very first stages of the disease. Indeed, in this case, getting rid of the disease will be much easier.
Mutations in human genes
Many people are interested in the question of how a person develops cancer. One of the reasons is the mutation of genes, which occurs due to external and internal factors. Cell mutation can occur completely spontaneously and unexpectedly, or under the influence of factors such as poor ecology, malnutrition and ultraviolet radiation.

If a gene begins to mutate, then the activity of cells begins to deteriorate, which can lead to their death. However, in some cases, a cell may simply not notice a gene mutation and continue its further existence and division. Therefore, the mutation spreads to neighboring cells, which begin to work in a completely different way. This is how cancer appears. Even the smallest mutation in the human body can lead to the development of severe cancer.
Is it possible to protect yourself from oncology
Why cancer appears has been discussed in this article. But it is also very important to know whether the disease can be prevented. Unfortunately, no one can say for sure. But any specialist strongly recommends taking care of your he alth and avoiding factors that provokedevelopment of cancer.

Take care of your he alth, go in for sports, eat right, get plenty of rest and visit the doctor on time, and then you will not be afraid of any diseases. Be he althy. And don't forget that cancer is not a death sentence.