Chordoma of the base of the skull: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis

Chordoma of the base of the skull: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis
Chordoma of the base of the skull: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis

Chordoma of the base of the skull is a very rare tumor-like disease of the bone tissue. According to scientific research, this pathology originates from the notochord. The notochord is the primary skeleton of the embryo. Over time, it is replaced by the spine, however, those people who have particles of the notochord left are at risk of getting a disease such as chordoma of the base of the skull. In this article, we will look at the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of this pathology, as well as analyze the forecasts for the future.

Features of this disease

Chordoma of the base of the skull occurs in about forty percent of bone tumors and usually affects young people. The development of this pathology is also possible in the coccygeal-sacral spine and in other departments.

skull base chordoma
skull base chordoma

This type of bone cancer usually develops slowly and oftenbenign. However, as it progresses, this pathology has a significant impact on the brain. She begins to squeeze it strongly, which has such a negative effect on the body. In addition, the pathology affects the nasopharynx and the ocular orbit, which leads to dysfunctions of these parts of the body.

Main causes of this disease

Chordoma of the base of the skull, as of today, does not have an exact cause of origin. According to scientists, deviations in genetics and exposure to radiation can provoke the development of this disease.

In addition, there are several other factors that can increase the risk of developing a pathology such as chordoma of the base of the skull. You can find photos of the manifestations of this disease in this article. So, pay attention to additional risk factors:

- living in areas with poor ecology;

- bad habits;

- maintaining a sedentary lifestyle;

- contact with chemicals, as well as work in hazardous industries.

Spine problems can often begin under the influence of excessive physical exertion, as well as after suffering serious injuries.

Signs of this pathology

The chordoma of the nasopharynx and base of the skull looks like a knot, which is covered with a thick capsule. If this tumor-like formation is cut, then inside it you can see whitish-gray cells with obvious signs of tissue death.

skull base chordoma photo
skull base chordoma photo

Becausechordoma grows very slowly, the first symptoms of the disease are unlikely to be recognized. However, gradually, patients begin to notice a growing headache, pain in the neck, as well as inhibition of mental reactions. Vision problems may begin. However, they usually have the most diverse character. It is not excluded the development of strabismus, double vision, as well as complete loss of vision.

In addition, the patient complains of a constant feeling of fatigue, drowsiness and lethargy. At the same time, in many patients, appetite disappears and body weight begins to decrease rapidly. Experts recommend that you go to the hospital as soon as possible, if you have the very first symptoms. Only in this case it is possible to have good forecasts for the future.

Diagnostic Methods

When a chordoma of the base of the skull is detected, life expectancy depends on how early the disease was detected. First of all, the diagnosis is carried out by external examination and with the help of a large number of neurological tests. If the specialist notices a combination of specific symptoms, he will suggest further examination to the patient.

skull base chordoma life expectancy
skull base chordoma life expectancy

Diagnostic methods such as MRI and radiography are also used. If necessary, a study of the joints of the brain, as well as a measurement of its activity, can be carried out.

Treatment methods

Skull base chordoma and proton beam therapy are two allies. However, surgery can also be used to treat this pathology.intervention. Such methods of therapy are carried out only in special neurosurgical centers. Since the tumor is located in a very difficult place, it is almost impossible to completely remove it. However, even incomplete removal greatly facilitates the patient's condition, because the pressure on the brain decreases. The operation ends in death in only five percent of cases. This suggests that the surgical intervention is as safe as possible. In some cases, patients undergo multiple surgeries spaced about one month apart.

chordoma of the nasopharynx and base of the skull
chordoma of the nasopharynx and base of the skull

Most often, surgery is complemented by treatment with proton beam therapy. Irradiation contributes to a significant reduction in the size of the residual tumor formation, as well as the prevention of progressive processes of the development of the disease. This method of treatment is prescribed not only after the surgical intervention, but also before it. Please note that a disease such as chordoma cannot be treated with chemotherapy.

After undergoing treatment, the patient must monitor their he alth and undergo a scheduled medical examination every three to six months. Each case is individual, so the specialist will find an individual approach to all patients.

Possible consequences

Chordoma of the base of the skull (ICD code - C41.0) very often continues to grow even after surgery and radiation. The morethe number of cells could not be removed, the greater the likelihood that the pathology will recur. According to statistics, about a quarter of all patients complained about the progression of this disease even after a full course of medical therapy. Recurrent cases require repeat operations.

skull base chordoma prognosis
skull base chordoma prognosis

Metastases form in about forty percent of cases. This type of cancer can pass to various organs and their systems with the help of blood vessels. When performing a second surgical intervention, the risk of death increases several times.

Chordoma of the base of the skull: prediction

Because this tumor cannot be completely removed, patients cannot be completely cured. Therefore, all treatment methods are not completely effective. According to statistics, in the presence of such a disease and after the operation, the patient can live an average of five years in 60% of cases, but about ten years - only in 40%.

skull base chordoma and proton beam therapy
skull base chordoma and proton beam therapy

At the same time, all forecasts will directly depend on the size of the malignant tumor and the degree of its manifestation.

Prevention of malignant bone tumors

It is actually very difficult to determine where a disease like bone cancer comes from. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly what measures should be taken for prevention. The only thing that doctors can advise is to conduct the correctlifestyle, as well as contact a medical institution at the first symptoms of malaise. It does not matter what signs of the disease you have. Be sure to monitor the immune system. After all, it is she who is responsible for the state of the whole organism.

In closing

Chordoma of the base of the skull is a very dangerous disease that quite often ends in death. To date, there is no method that allows you to completely eliminate this tumor-like formation. Surgical operations and radiation proton therapy cannot provide a 100% result, since most often a malignant formation cannot be completely removed. Therefore, in no case do not run the state of your he alth. If you suffer from headaches, nausea, high blood pressure and other symptoms, be sure to contact a medical institution.

chordoma of the base of the skull, ICD code
chordoma of the base of the skull, ICD code

When a chordoma is detected at an early stage, you have a much better chance of living your life happily ever after. In another case, you can not even count on recovery. You can start changing your life today. No one is stopping you from eating right, exercising, and being outdoors more often. It is in your power to get rid of your bad habits.

Please note that chordoma is not a sentence if treatment is started on time. Therefore, monitor your he alth with all responsibility and visit a doctor as often as possible. Be he althy and take care of yourself. And don't forget that ourthoughts can work wonders, so always stay positive, regardless of life's obstacles.
