Propolis is a natural product with many unique properties. Often it is also called bee glue. This substance is a mixture of the juices of coniferous and deciduous trees, as well as pollen, which are fermented by the saliva of striped workers. For bees, this mass is vital. With it, insects cover up all the slits that are in the hive. In addition, bees process any object that enters their home with propolis.

This makes it sterile. Propolis helps to cleanse the hives by attacking bacteria in them, as well as certain viruses and fungi. At the same time, it plays the role of a natural antibiotic. This substance has approximately the same effect in the human body.
Composition of propolis
Healing bee glue can include up to one hundred and fifty different ingredients. Depending on the place of collection, propolis canhave a different color. The gamma of tones at the same time ranges from greenish and gray to brown. However, in any case, propolis is a product that tastes bitter and has a resinous smell.

It contains all the minerals that are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. In addition, the product contains vitamins P, H, C, as well as those included in group B. Propolis also contains such valuable ingredients as amino acids, essential oils, as well as flavonoids and many other important substances for our body. That is why bee glue has long been used for medical purposes.

And in the middle of the last century, the recipes of folk healers received scientific confirmation. Researchers have proven that, just like honey, propolis can be used as an internal or external remedy. Today, pharmacy chains offer various drugs based on a unique bee product. These are tablets and sprays, ointments and capsules, as well as suppositories. Propolis tincture is also in great demand - the use of reviews is usually positive, since this drug is quite effective in getting rid of many diseases.
Medication description
About what propolis tincture looks like, the instructions for use tell in detail. According to the description given in it, it is a clear liquid with a red-brown color. At the same time, the tincture has a characteristicsmell of propolis.
Medical applications
Due to its unique healing properties, propolis tincture has found wide application. Reviews of doctors and patients confirm that its use is equally effective as both external and internal means. By its nature, this drug is an ideal antibiotic. To date, scientists have not been able to identify the fact that any bacteria are addicted to propolis.

Every year, researchers develop more and more new drugs related to the group of antibiotics. However, bacteria are constantly mutating and becoming resistant to a range of drugs. The situation is different with propolis. So far, not a single bacterium has been able to adapt to this product created by nature. And not only these harmful microorganisms die. What else does propolis tincture have? Reviews of experts confirm the destruction of viruses and fungi by this tool.
Alcohol based propolis tincture
This drug is used to get rid of many pathologies of the respiratory system. Especially often for flus, colds and pneumonia, propolis tincture with alcohol is used. Application (patient reviews confirm the high effectiveness of the drug) it is justified for sinusitis and sinusitis.
Alcohol tincture of propolis is also used for internal use. In this case, it will have a quick therapeutic effect in the elimination of flatulence, colitis and gastritis. But not only with these pathologies.alcohol tincture of propolis is recommended. The use inside will allow you to get rid of such diseases of the genitourinary system as nephritis and cystitis, prostatitis and some others. The remedy is also effective if the bladder is simply cold. Tincture for a short period will effectively eliminate the problem.
Propolis tincture is also recommended for some dental problems. Ingestion will effectively eliminate diseases of the eyes and ears, relieve skin rashes and fungal infections, as well as eczema.
Recommended dosages
In many diseases, propolis tincture is used. Reviews of doctors of not only folk, but also traditional medicine positively characterize the healing properties that this remedy has.
A specialist will tell you how to take the drug. The necessary information is contained in the instructions for the drug. When setting dosages, it should be noted that propolis tincture can be either 3% or 20%.

Instructions for such a remedy as propolis tincture, the use inside recommends in the amount of fifteen to fifty drops of medicine. During the day, you need to take the drug from one to three times. The course of therapy should be individually calculated. Duration of admission will depend on the complexity of the disease. Treatment can take 3 days or 2 weeks. If necessary, the course is repeated again. This will consolidate the positive impact of the bee product on the body.
Using the product
The list of pathologies that can be eliminated with this drug is extensive. It should be noted that single dosages differ depending on the type of disease. For example, for the treatment of angina, thirty drops of alcohol tincture of propolis are recommended to be added to one hundred grams of 10% St. John's wort. This potion is used as a gargle.
Propolis is recommended to eliminate severe pain, as well as for various diseases of the reproductive system. So, in case of vaginal erosion, the introduction of tampons is recommended, which are pre-soaked in 3% alcohol tincture.
This drug helps during the treatment of dermatitis. To eliminate skin rashes and get rid of itching, it is recommended to prepare a mixture of:
- 40 ml 10% propolis tincture;
- 20ml peppermint tincture;
- 10 g of celandine, powdered;
- 30 ml glycerin.
This potion, infused for 3 weeks, lubricates itchy places.
A 20% alcohol tincture of propolis is used for a cold. A tablespoon of the drug is mixed with honey and vegetable oil and applied in the form of lotions on the nose.
Propolis is also recommended for peptic ulcer disease. To get rid of this pathology, a solution is prepared based on tincture and oil. One teaspoon of this drug is consumed 4 times a day.
Alcohol tincture of propolis helps to get rid of boils, chronic gastritis and eczema. With its help, you can treat polyarthritis, which has a rheumatoid character. With suchpathology tincture may have a faster effect than a special ointment.

Especially well, this drug has proven itself as a means for inhalation. The procedure with its use will allow you to get rid of a runny nose very quickly.
Miraculous tincture is recommended not only for the treatment of a particular disease. It helps to strengthen the immune system, acting as a prophylactic.
Propolis tincture for children
The natural product given to us by bees is so good that many parents are wondering: "Can I give it to a child?" Yes, and in this case, propolis tincture finds its application. Children, however, should be given with extreme caution. This bee product can cause severe allergies in the baby. In children, individual intolerance to propolis is possible, which cannot be predicted in advance. That is why the child must first be given the minimum amount of the drug. Only in the case when there are no manifestations of allergy within twelve hours, a large dosage of such a remedy as propolis tincture can be given. Use in children under three years of age is not recommended. Such treatment can have negative consequences.
Quite often alcohol tincture of propolis is recommended for young patients to improve immunity. The dosage is one drop per year of life. Often propolis tincture is consumed with milk. This drug is excellent for respiratory diseases. But not onlyin these cases, propolis tincture finds application. Reviews (for children) about the use of this remedy indicate its high effectiveness in eliminating bronchitis and pneumonia, tonsillitis and asthma.
External use
In what other cases is alcohol tincture of propolis recommended? Instructions for use advises treating scratches and cuts, abrasions and wounds with it. Rapid healing of the skin will be possible due to the antibacterial properties of propolis.
Fungal diseases, as well as otitis media and conjunctivitis are treated with the alcohol tincture of the bee product.
Cough treatment
To get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon, many parents use various syrups. However, they do not always help a small patient, as they contain sugar and flavors, as well as preservatives. And here propolis (tincture) can come to the aid of the baby. The use of this natural remedy for coughing allows you to get a wonderful result in the first days of the course. Just keep in mind that young patients need a tincture with low concentrations of alcohol and propolis. If the child does not want to drink this unsweetened medicine, you can add a little honey.

When starting, still dry cough, it is recommended to give the baby a glass of hot milk, to which 5-10 drops of propolis tincture are added. These two components will relieve irritation of the mucous membrane, normalize nasal breathing and improve overall well-being. This drink is given to a sick childovernight.
Milk with propolis will eliminate cough in an adult. To prepare the drug, you will need twenty drops of tincture in a glass of warm milk. To eliminate sore throat, it is recommended to add butter to this composition.
Propolis tincture has some contraindications for use. Sometimes when taking it, dry mouth, dizziness, drowsiness and allergies in the form of a skin rash may occur. The appearance of such symptoms requires immediate medical advice. Sometimes an overdose of the drug weakens the immune system and causes allergic rhinitis. In rare cases, it can lead to the development of bronchitis or asthma.