The drug "Fromilid", reviews of which you can read in this article, is a very effective antibacterial agent intended for the treatment of many infectious diseases. It eliminates ailments that have appeared due to the activity of microorganisms that are sensitive to an element such as clarithromycin. In this article, we will consider the description of the drug "Fromilid", reviews about it, as well as instructions and indications for use.
Composition and release form
The main active ingredient of this drug is clarithromycin. One tablet may contain 250 or 500 mg of the active substance. In addition, the composition also includes auxiliary elements, namely:
- corn starch;
- silica;
- cellulose;
- talc;
- magnesium stearate;
- dyes;
- titanium dioxide;
- propylene glycol.

Pills have an oval convex shape, they are colored yellowish. The pills are placed in blisters, each containing seven tablets. The blisters are in a cardboard box, two pieces in each. In addition, the box also contains instructions for use, which should be read by every person who is going to start taking this drug.
When can I take?
Very often, doctors recommend their patients to use antibacterial tablets "Fromilid". Reviews confirm that this tool really does its job very well. Usually one course of treatment is enough to completely defeat the troubling ailment.
According to the instructions for use, Fromilid tablets can be used in the following cases:
- Infectious diseases of the respiratory system. Namely: all varieties of bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis, pneumonia of a bacterial nature, as well as various infections of the upper respiratory tract.
- The drug showed itself very well in the treatment of infectious diseases of the skin, as well as soft tissues.
- Also, the remedy can be used for infectious lesions of the digestive system.
- Doctors recommend using Fromilid (patient reviews are mostly positive) in the presence of any infections that are sensitive to clarithromycin.

Instructions for use
It is extremely important to take the rightdrug "Fromilid". Instructions for use, reviews - this is mandatory information that every patient should read. For example, it is strictly forbidden to break and chew tablets. Swallow them whole with a small amount of purified water.
The drug can be taken by adults, as well as children who have reached the age of twelve. For the treatment of diseases that are in the initial stage of development, doctors recommend taking two tablets per day containing 250 mg of the active substance. It is advisable to do this every twelve hours.
If the patient suffers from severe infections or sinusitis, it is recommended to take two tablets per day containing 500 mg of the active ingredient. A similar dosage is prescribed for the treatment of infections of the gastrointestinal tract.
Most often, the drug is continued for one week. However, for severe infectious diseases, longer treatment is usually prescribed.

No need to adjust doses for patients suffering from impaired liver function. However, if the patient has renal insufficiency, then it is recommended to either reduce the dosage by half, or increase the intervals between taking the drug.
Side effects
In some cases, the use of the drug "Fromilid" leads to side effects. Instructions for use, reviews indicate that negative phenomena can be both strong and weak. Let's take a closer look at what cangive the use of tablets "Fromilid".
Quite often, patients complain of a rash that spreads throughout the body, as well as headaches, nausea, discomfort in the abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea.
Much less often, patients experience candidiasis, discoloration of tooth enamel and tongue, and hypoglycemia.
Very carefully you need to consider the use of this drug for people suffering from weakened immunity. Typically, patients with HIV or other immune system disorders take antibiotics for much longer. Therefore, sometimes it is very difficult to understand the causes of side effects. To prevent their occurrence, visit the doctor as often as possible and take the appropriate tests on time.
In what cases is it strictly forbidden to take the remedy
The drug "Fromilid" (instruction, reviews are described in detail in this article) can not be taken by all patients. Therefore, before starting treatment, carefully read the contraindications. Otherwise, you risk causing serious harm to your body.

Buy this antibiotic only if your doctor has prescribed it for you. Reviews of people engaged in self-medication are deplorable. According to patients who treated themselves without the help of doctors, after using the Fromilid tablets, their immunity deteriorated significantly, which caused the development of many diseases of all organ systems. Therefore, take antibiotics only as directed by your doctor.
So, pay attention to which cases thisproduct not recommended:
- do not use the remedy for patients suffering from hypersensitivity to the constituent components;
- Also, do not use the drug for people suffering from acute renal failure;
- In no case should you take Fromilid tablets to people who are already taking medications such as Hypozid and Cisapride;
- it is also not recommended to use the antibiotic for people suffering from fructose intolerance and sucrose deficiency;
- the product is prohibited for use by pregnant and lactating women, as well as persons under the age of twelve.
Use in children and elderly patients
Fromilid tablets (use, reviews are described in this article) should not be taken by children under the age of twelve. Babies are shown a suspension for use, which is prepared using granules. They have a lower dosage of medication. One serving contains 125 mg of the active substance.

But according to doctors, children under the age of six months cannot use this remedy at all.
For the elderly, do not need to adjust the dosage. The only exceptions are persons suffering from severe renal failure.
Pharmacological properties
The drug can be used for both mild infection and serious infection of the body. The scope of application is quite extensive when using Fromilid 500 tablets. Reviewspatients and doctors confirm that the drug really copes with many types of bacteria. The drug is considered a semi-synthetic antibiotic belonging to the group of macrolides. It is able to inhibit protein synthesis directly in the cell of the microbe itself. Also, the drug fights bacteria such as streptococci, moraxella, legionella, bordetella and many other gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.
Pharmacokinetic properties
Tablets "Fromilid Uno" (instruction, reviews are very important information that cannot be ignored) are intended for oral use. The active ingredient begins to be absorbed in the stomach. At the same time, its bioavailability is about 55%. Of course, food slightly slows down the absorption process, but this does not affect the blood concentration of clarithromycin.
The drug perfectly binds to plasma proteins and easily penetrates into all cells and tissues of the body in need of treatment. It is excreted from the body 4-7 hours after application.
Important instructions
Each patient should especially carefully study all the nuances of using such an antibiotic as "Fromilid Uno". Instructions for use, reviews - this is evidence that, if taken incorrectly, this drug can harm the human body. Patient responses indicate that such a strong medicine can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. However, it must be combined with other drugs.

Doctors should warn aboutthat treatment with antibiotics adversely affects the intestinal microflora. Many patients complain of diarrhea and discomfort in the abdomen. Therefore, together with the tablets "Fromilid 500", instructions for use and reviews of which are given in this article, you need to take drugs that support the intestinal microflora.
Reviews of doctors
Drug "Fromilid" doctors very often recommend to their patients for the treatment of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract and digestive system. With the right dosages, it is able to cope even with serious diseases in one week. However, before using it, you need to pass a series of tests, and during treatment it is very important to control your he alth. It is necessary to keep the antibiotic away from small children, otherwise the product can greatly harm the baby if he eats it.

In order for the use of the antibiotic to be successful, doctors recommend dieting and not drinking alcoholic beverages. People suffering from immune system disorders take the drug for a longer period of time. They are also allowed to use large dosages.
Patient testimonials
Fromilid Uno 500 tablets, instructions and reviews for which are described in detail on this resource, are well tolerated by many patients. However, almost all patients taking this antibiotic complain of poor functioning of the digestive system. This is due to the fact that the active substances of the drug destroyintestinal microflora. Therefore, during treatment, it is recommended to take additional drugs that will maintain the intestines in a normal state.
Also, many patients complained of headaches, nausea, discomfort in the abdomen and allergic reactions. However, the drug "Fromilid" still has an excellent therapeutic effect. Only in some patients, after a week of treatment, no improvement was noticed. In this case, the doctor may extend the course of taking the drug or prescribe another medication.
Patients are satisfied with the price of the drug. For one package you will have to pay about three hundred rubles. The good news is that usually one pack of pills is enough for a complete cure.
Never self-medicate. Antibiotics are very dangerous substances that can cause serious harm to your body. Therefore, if you have the first symptoms of the disease, immediately consult a doctor. The sooner you do this, the easier it will be to cure your ailment. Be he althy and take care of yourself. And do not forget that the key to good he alth is leading a he althy lifestyle.