A huge number of young people suffer from various pathologies of the joints and degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine today. To maintain physical activity and normal performance, it is important to choose the right treatment. Dikul's balms for joints can serve as an auxiliary component of therapy. Patient reviews prove the effectiveness of these funds in relation to many pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Balms are also often used as a preventive measure. Let's take a closer look at their most popular varieties.
How were balms created?
Dikul's balms are the result of many years of work and experiments, which resulted in preparations that are unique in composition and properties. Their therapeutic effect has been confirmed by numerous studies. The creator of these funds, Valentin Ivanovich Dikul (an ardent supporter of natural methods of treatment), is a world-famous master of sports who, after a severeinjury was doomed to become disabled. Disagreeing with such a fate, the future doctor of medical sciences independently developed a rehabilitation program for himself, which gradually returned him to normal life.

In order to maintain good he alth, Dikul began to develop a natural remedy - a balm, the effect of which he personally tested on himself. The development turned out to be so effective that over time, Valentin Ivanovich restored colleagues after sports injuries with its help. Currently, mass production of healing balms has been established. The drug is produced by the pharmaceutical company ForaPharm.
Types of balms
Currently, six types of Dikul's healing balms are produced, each of which differs in composition and purpose. Each drug has passed numerous clinical trials and is completely safe for use. Dikul's balms for joints, reviews of which can be heard not only from patients, but also from specialists, are successfully used in the treatment of a variety of pathologies and syndromes. For example, the "Sports" balm, due to its composition, is ideal for restoring muscle tissue and tendons after regular physical exertion.

Folk recipes of oriental medicine, combined with the experience of doctors, became the basis for creating a unique "Tibetan" balm. In addition, in the arsenal of funds there are such gel-balms as "Radikulin", "For joints", "Winter"and "Massage".
Dikul's balm "For joints"
Valentin Dikul's balms have gained immense popularity. Among all varieties, the balm "For Joints" is in the greatest demand, the price of which is affordable for every customer.

Powerful therapeutic action provides the natural composition of the drug, which includes the following components:
- sea buckthorn oil;
- Australian tea tree oil;
- extracts of ginkgo biloba, chamomile, rosehip, celandine, aloe;
- chaga extract;
- collagen hydrolyzate;
- bear bile;
- bee venom, propolis, mummy, wax;
- vitamins A, E.
Indications for appointment
Dikul's balm (the price for a 75 ml tube is about 170 rubles) "For the joints" can be used in the complex treatment of osteochondrosis. Recently, this pathology is increasingly common in young people. Although more recently, elderly patients were at risk. The balm helps relieve pain and inflammation, stimulating the restoration of cartilage tissue.
The drug can be prescribed for the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spinal column, helps with myositis, polyarthritis, spondylosis, neuralgia. A therapeutic effect is achieved due to increased metabolism and blood circulation in the localization of the pain syndrome. The anti-inflammatory effect of the balm can significantly reduce the intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.drugs that have a detrimental effect on the condition of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Valentin Ivanovich Dikul recommends using the remedy for the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Increased production of synovial fluid improves joint mobility and thus prevents their destruction. It is important to follow the rules for applying the medicine.
Dikul's Balm "Sports"
The variety of products created by Valentin Dikul allows everyone to choose the most suitable option for treatment. In the process of therapy, it is important to accelerate the process of healing and regeneration of bone tissue, relieve swelling and pain. It is these unique properties that are inherent in natural remedies.

For various injuries, ligament injuries, bruises, sprains, Dikul's balms for joints can also be used. Reviews of many athletes confirm their effectiveness. In the process of rehabilitation after sports injuries, it is often recommended to use the "Sports" balm. Apply the product to the damaged area several times a day. Rub the gel-like substance vigorously for 3-4 minutes. It is important to achieve a warming effect so that the components of the medicine can penetrate deeper.
Dikul's balms for joints: reviews
Many patients with various diseases of the joints, spine, injuries and bruises were able to appreciate Dikul's unique balms. The significant advantage of these funds, judging byreviews - natural composition, no parabens and analgesics. To achieve a positive result, a 4-week course of therapy should be completed.