Primobolan, reviews of which you can read in this article, is considered an anabolic steroid intended for oral use, as well as injection. In this article, you will get acquainted with the features of this medicine, as well as with the rules for its use and reviews.
This medicine was developed for bodybuilders. It helps to achieve impressive results in the shortest possible time period. At the same time, the steroid has a very mild effect on the body.
"Primobolan", reviews of which are mostly positive, appeared on the market for a long time, so this anabolic is time-tested. Many athletes have experienced its effect and are really pleased with the results. The tool itself is available in two forms: in the form of tablets and injections for internal administration. However, according to medical research, scientists have concluded that injections are more effective for the human body.

If you are looking for a pure anabolic with a minimum content of androgenic components, then be sure to try Primobolan. Reviews indicate that this tool promotes a rapid set of muscle mass and has a minimum of side effects on the body.
What is the use of
According to consumer reviews, Primobolan most often has a positive effect on the body, namely:
- Leads to the elimination of excess fluid in the body, so experts recommend using this tool during the drying of the body.
- The tool promotes proper growth and formation of muscle tissue. This effect is achieved due to the anabolic origin of the drug. Also, do not rule out the zero level of fluid retention.
- Another very important property of this medicine is its ability to retain nitrogen in the body. And this suggests that your muscles will remain in excellent condition even with insufficient intake of calories in the body.
Before taking the product, be sure to read the instructions for use for it. Reviews confirm that both men and women can take this supplement. However, it is necessary to take into account the dosage, because for representatives of different sexes it will be different.
Most often, athletes buy the drug "Primobolan" in the form of injections, as this allows the active substances to enter the body faster, and at the same time most of them are absorbed. Many people are afraid to doinjections because they are worried that it will be very dangerous for their liver. However, it is not. This drug has no effect on her.
Main features of Primobolan
Patient reviews indicate that the remedy will be effective and will not harm the body only if it is used correctly.

The first thing you should pay attention to is that the product can be used in preparation for various competitions, as it does not allow athletes to accumulate water and body fat in the body.
When an anabolic is used correctly, people who take it notice how their muscles become quite rigid and take on an ideal shape.
Anabolic "Primobolan Depot", reviews of which are more positive, is used by many men, as they are confident in the good quality and safety of this drug. For the average athlete, a dosage of 100-150 mg per day will be sufficient. However, for many athletes, even this dose is large. A positive effect can be achieved by taking 50-75 mg of the substance per day. Although there are cases when athletes increased the dose to 800 mg per day. In any case, you need to do this very carefully and monitor your he alth indicators.

Very often, athletes take medications such as Primobolan and Oxandrolone together (the course, reviews areinformation that every he alth-conscious athlete should read).
Dosage selection for women
The anabolic drug "Primobolan" is also used by the weaker sex. Reviews of women confirm that even their muscles begin to grow actively and acquire beautiful outlines. However, it is very important to follow the correct dosage, otherwise you can cause significant harm to women's he alth.
The optimal dosage for the fair sex is about 25-50 mg per day. Almost all women perceive perfectly such an amount of active substance. However, for the sake of personal safety, the representatives of the weaker sex deliberately reduce the dosage. In this case, they combine this remedy with others, and then good results will be felt in a very short time.
What you need to know about the application scheme
To get good results, it is very important to choose the right Primobolan course. Athletes' feedback indicates that this is the basis for obtaining amazing results and safety for he alth.
Of course, the scheme of application will primarily depend on the individual characteristics of the athlete, as well as on the level of his training. First of all, you need to pay attention to the duration of the course.

It should be six to eight weeks for men and four to six weeks for women. In this case, the dosage of the active substance should be from 350 to 400 mg per week. As a result of this applicationan athlete can gain about four kilograms of muscle mass per month without harm to their he alth. However, such results can only be achieved if 45 mg of Oxandrolone is also added daily.
Such drugs as "Primobolan", "Oxandrolone" (reviews on the application you can read at the end of the article) really contribute to a quick and safe set of muscle mass. They are suitable for beginners in the sport.

But for bodybuilders who have been involved in weightlifting for more than a year, another variation is perfect. The course of application should also be about six to eight weeks, and the dosage can be increased to 600 mg of the substance per day. At the same time, you need to add 40 mg of Methandrostenolone daily.
Are there side effects
The drug "Primobolan" (reviews, the price is given in this article) is a relatively safe remedy for he alth. However, only if you have not overdosed.
If used incorrectly, anabolic will lead to the formation of blackheads and pimples on the body, as well as other androgenic effects, such as excessive hair growth throughout the body.
In some cases, excessively large dosages of Primobolan lead to the development of virilization in women. The fair sex is beginning to notice how the amount of hair on their body increases, and they become more rigid, the voice becomes rough and the clitoris grows in size.
Means can also affect the cardiovascular system. Therefore, people suffering from heart disease should not use this drug at all.
And most importantly, the drug suppresses the natural production of testosterone, so before using it, think carefully about whether you need it.
Very effective for muscle growth drug "Primobolan". Reviews of the application indicate that the tool does an excellent job with its duties and, subject to the minimum dosages, does not cause significant harm to he alth. However, it must be taken very carefully, especially for women. And at the first sign of intolerance to this remedy, its use must be urgently canceled.

The steroid "Primobolan Solo", reviews of which are impressive, is very popular among the stronger sex. However, the price of such a product is very high. For one ampoule containing 100 mg of the active substance, you will have to pay about 500-600 rubles.
Before using anabolics, think twice. This product is synthetic and therefore will provide little benefit to your he alth. Stay he althy and take care of yourself.