The life of any drug begins with a name, which can be several - chemical, trade, national nonproprietary, generic or international nonproprietary name of the drug (abbreviated as INN). The latter is considered especially important for all medical and pharmaceutical workers. This name is assigned to the active substance of the drug, has worldwide recognition and is considered public property.
Some historical facts about INN
The beginning of the system of international generic names was laid by the resolution of the World He alth Assembly in the fiftieth year. The first INN list was published three years later.

From this period the system started working. Currently, this organization constantly publishes a directory of international generic names of medicinal products.funds and a journal containing a list of INNs. The essence of the system is to help he althcare professionals, using an exclusive and at the same time common worldwide name, to identify each pharmaceutical substance. An international range of such substances in INN form is required for:
- international exchange of information between medical and pharmaceutical workers, as well as scientists;
- safe appointment and release of the sick;
- drug identification.
Tasks of the INN system
The international generic name of medicines is unique and should not be consonant with other names so that it cannot be confused with other commonly used names. In order to be used worldwide, these names are non-proprietary, i.e. they can be used without restrictions to identify pharmaceutical substances. One of the features of the INN system is that due to the use of common elements of words in the names of substances that are similar in pharmacological properties, their relationship can be traced.

As a result, any specialist in the field of pharmacy or medicine understands that substances belong to a certain group with similar activity.
Use of INN
INN belonging to the same pharmacological group have similar properties. International Generic Names of Medicines use:
- when marking;
- in promotional publications;
- in scientific literature;
- in regulatory documents;
- in the medication information;
- in pharmacopoeias.

Their application is provided for by international or national legislation. To avoid confusion and in order to exclude a threat to the he alth of individuals, it is forbidden to borrow trade names from the INN. There are countries where a special font size is defined that allows the generic name to be printed under an advertisement or brand name.
Why is INN assigned?
International generic names of drugs in accordance with a certain procedure are assigned by a specially created commission of the World He alth Organization (WHO). The generic name helps specialists understand the many drugs that appear on the pharmaceutical market after the expiration of the patent for the original drug. Many drugs with the same INN have different trade names. For example, a drug called "Ciprofloxacin" - this INN has about thirty-eight trade names, "Diclofenac" - fifty-two, and the well-known "Paracetamol" - thirty-three. Many preparations are made on the basis of one substance, for example:
- 55 drugs are made from penicillin;
- from nitroglycerin – 25;
- from diclofenac – 205.

Every year the total number of INNs increases by more than one hundred items. Currentlythere are more than eight and a half thousand of them.
How is the list of international generic names of drugs selected and published?
INN is assigned only to those substances that can be characterized by a chemical formula or nomenclature. In accordance with the policy followed by WHO, names are not selected for herbal preparations and homeopathic preparations, as well as mixtures. In addition, names are not selected for substances used for a long period of time for medical purposes under specific names and for some common chemical names, such as acetic acid. The selection process itself is quite long, and lasts more than two years. After notification of the submitter, all names are printed by WHO in a special magazine. Throughout the year since 1997, the following lists of titles have been released:
- offered;
- recommended.

Moreover, they are compiled in Spanish, English, French, and also contain the Latin name of each INN. In addition, a complete list of international generic drug names is printed. It is subject to regular updates. It lists the names in six different languages, including Latin.
Use of INN
Growth in the number of generic names expands the scope of their application. Due to the global recognition and active use of the INN system in practical medicine, most pharmaceutical substances are designated using the internationalnon-proprietary name. When filling out clinical documents or conducting various studies, INN is used quite widely and has already become quite commonplace. In addition, the importance of INN is increasing as a result of the active use of generic names for pharmaceutical products.
Use of INN in practical medicine
What is the international non-proprietary name of medicines? In the Federal Law "On the Circulation of Medicines" this concept is deciphered as follows - this is the name of the pharmaceutical substance proposed by WHO. As mentioned above, the INN system was invented to classify and record the names of active substances and their free use in the medical and pharmaceutical community. Starting from 2012, in practical medicine, all prescriptions and prescribing of medicines are carried out according to INN, and in their absence - according to grouping names. When choosing a drug, doctors need to distinguish between concepts such as:
- name of active ingredient;
- trade name of a medicine containing a pharmacologically active, i.e. active substance.

In the pharmaceutical market, there are a huge number of trade names of drugs that are manufactured by different manufacturers, but have the same active ingredient. In all official instructions for the medical use of the drug, as well as on the packages, there is an international non-proprietary name of the drug. Knowledge andthe use of INNs enables doctors to prescribe drugs efficiently and rationally, as well as use scarce financial resources.
Search for analogues and synonyms
Analogues are drugs that have a similar pharmacological effect and mechanism of action. Such drugs may belong to different pharmacological groups, have different therapeutic effects, have different contraindications and side effects. For example, "Remantadin", "Kagocel", "Ingavirin" are similar means. Synonyms are drugs with different trade names, but having the same INN. Consider a few examples of drugs-synonyms. Listed below are drugs with the international non-proprietary name "Drotaverine" and "Paracetamol".

The first includes "No-shpa", "Spazmol", "Spakovin", "Spazmoverin", the second - "Kalpol", "Ifimol", "Prohodol". Many people confuse these two concepts and often look for cheap analogues in pharmacies. It is important to understand that analogues are not synonymous, and only a doctor can choose them correctly. And any patient is able to choose a synonymous drug on their own, depending on the preferences of a particular trade name and the country of origin of the drug.