Tendinitis of the foot: treatment and prevention

Tendinitis of the foot: treatment and prevention
Tendinitis of the foot: treatment and prevention

Everyone knows that the human foot bears the greatest burden. Therefore, the possibility of developing various ailments of this part of the body is not excluded. Foot tendonitis is one of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In this article, you will consider all the features of the treatment of the disease, its symptoms and causes of development.

What is the disease

Tendinitis of the foot is a very common disease that manifests itself in the form of inflammation and death of tendon tissue. According to experts, the course of this pathology is inextricably linked with acute inflammatory processes in the tendon tissues of the feet themselves. It is very important to pay attention to such an ailment in time. If this is not done, then the inflammatory processes begin to spread to the plantar and tibial muscles. And this, in turn, will lead to very serious problems with movement.

Main characteristics of this disease

Tendinitis of the foot is a very dangerous disease, as it leads to dystrophicprocesses in tendon tissues. Most often, this pathology can be seen in people of advanced age. After all, it is in this time period that all tissues begin to deform, and the foot no longer wants to function.

foot tendonitis
foot tendonitis

It is with the process of tissue deformation that foot tendonitis begins. And if the disease is also accompanied by inflammatory processes, this will lead to an acute stage of the disease, which will eventually turn into a chronic form.

Chronic tendonitis of the foot, the treatment of which is described below, is characterized by constant pain, which has a aching character. In this case, pain cannot be eliminated not only with the help of medications, but also with the help of surgical intervention. Therefore, in no case do not delay treatment. Start it at the first symptoms. After all, advanced forms of the disease can lead to the fact that you simply cannot move around.

Tendinitis of the extensors of the foot: causes of pathology

In fact, there are many reasons why this disease begins to develop. Consider the most common of them.

Great physical activity. Foot tendonitis (symptoms and treatment are described in this article) can appear as a result of excessive physical exertion. This is an "occupational" disease of many athletes. In the increased risk zone are people involved in running at speed. When practicing this sport, the body should give all the best, connecting all its reserves. Therefore, the loadon the foot is the maximum. Often there are injuries and dislocations. They can lead to inflammatory processes, which will be accompanied by deformation of the tendon tissues

foot tendonitis treatment
foot tendonitis treatment
  • Foot injuries. This applies not only to athletes, but also to ordinary people. Please note that even minor injuries can lead to a disease such as tendonitis of the toes. As a result of any mechanical impact, the fibers of the joints and nerve endings are damaged. Therefore, even the smallest bruise can provoke the appearance of this disease.
  • Wrong metabolism. Tendinitis of the tendon of the foot may occur as a result of the impossibility of calcium supply to the tibia and fibula. After all, it is thanks to this element that the bones and tendons function normally. However, if the metabolism is disturbed, it can lead to the formation of bone growths. And they will prevent the correct and complete movement of the feet.
  • The influence of age-related changes. In all older people (especially those who lead an unhe althy lifestyle), degeneration of bone and cartilage tissue can be noticed. Why is this happening? When the body ages, tissues begin to actively break down. And do not think that the feet do not belong here. To slow down or stop these degeneration processes, you need to eat right and take various supplements that support the musculoskeletal system.
  • Influence of infections. Often, foot tendonitis, the photo of which is posted in this article, develops due tothe course of various infectious processes in the tendon region.
  • Incorrect skeletal structure. Sometimes there are cases when a person has various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system since birth. For example, one leg will be slightly shorter than the other. It can also include acquired pathologies, such as poor posture or any injuries.
  • The use of certain drugs. Keep in mind that taking various medications can adversely affect the bones of the whole body. And feet are no exception. Significant s alt deposition can lead to the formation of growths, as well as other pathologies. In addition, some medications can destroy bone tissue. If you are taking any medication, try to take into account all aspects of its use. Adjust your diet as needed.

Tendinitis of the foot: symptoms and signs

In fact, this disease is very easy to identify, as it is characterized by sudden and sharp pain in the ankle area. The most common symptoms of this disease are listed below.

foot tendonitis symptoms and treatment
foot tendonitis symptoms and treatment

The first thing to pay attention to is pain. They can be both almost imperceptible and very tangible. Please note that if you ignore this disease, it will go from a mild form to a chronic one. In this case, very sharp or sharp pains will appear.

Do not forget that the pathology is accompanied by inflammatory processes, so you will notice how the skin onfeet begins to turn reddish.

If you actively move the tendon, you can notice a certain characteristic crunch.

Most often, pain is noticeable not only in the foot area, but also in the shin area. Usually this pain is aching in nature. This is due to the fact that the feet can no longer fully perform their functions, so a very large load falls on the shins.

Shin and foot can sometimes swell. This is due to inflammation that has formed in the tendons. Blood circulation is disturbed. Therefore, its stagnation is observed. In this regard, puffiness appears.

foot tendinitis photo
foot tendinitis photo

If you notice any of the above symptoms, see your doctor immediately. After all, you may have started tendinitis of the foot. Do not forget that such an ailment requires immediate treatment.

How the diagnosis is made

Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis. Quite often, one can understand what kind of disease it is, guided only by face-to-face information and patient complaints. But, besides this, it is also desirable to conduct a special diagnosis. Doctors usually use the following methods: x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound and laboratory tests. If the doctor will offer you one of these options (or several at once), then do not refuse.

Medicine treatment rules

Tendinitis of the foot, the treatment of which is described in our article, is carried out in several ways. One of them is conservative. Its purpose is to relieve painsensations, as well as in the elimination of the inflammatory process. Doctors usually offer complex treatment with drugs.

foot tendonitis home treatment
foot tendonitis home treatment

Pay attention to what is most often prescribed:

  • corticosteroid vaccines;
  • local ointments;
  • non-steroid drugs;

By the way, a variety of ointments really do a very good job with such an ailment as tendonitis. Apply them several times a day and only on the affected area.

foot extensor tendonitis
foot extensor tendonitis

Folk treatments

It is very important to notice the disease in time - foot tendinitis. Treatment at home will be effective only in the earliest stages of the onset of pathology. But even in this case, you should consult a doctor. And folk recipes can be used as an additional method of treatment. Here are some of them:

1. Eat meals flavored with turmeric. This will greatly speed up the healing process.

2. Prepare a vodka tincture from walnut shells. This remedy helps relieve inflammation.

3. Consume an infusion made from ground ginger roots. It will also speed up your recovery. But for a noticeable effect, you need to drink such a liquid three times a day.

Surgical treatment

Drugs, ointments and folk recipes do not give any result? In this case, the doctor may suggest you a method of surgical treatment. The operation is usually performed in cases of narrowing of the blood vessels orconnection breaks. With the help of special tools, the surgeon dissects the diseased joint, eliminating all the problems in it. If the shin and foot have already begun to swell, then you may also have to pump out the pus.

Physical Therapy Methods

How else is foot tendonitis treated? Through physical therapy. If this disease was not caused by some infections, then this method of treatment will be very appropriate. In this case, doctors suggest undergoing procedures such as electrophoresis, cryotherapy or laser therapy.

tendonitis of the toes
tendonitis of the toes

Besides these methods, you also need to do special physical exercises and massage.

Rehabilitation rules

Typically, the rehabilitation process lasts from one to three months. During this time, the patient's foot should be completely at rest. Therefore, it is best to use a special bandage. During the recovery period, doctors strongly recommend special massages and the use of certain medications.

So, we talked about how to treat foot tendinitis. Eat right, exercise and get more rest. And then you will not be afraid of any diseases. And if you do notice that you have foot tendonitis, go to the hospital as soon as possible. Stay he althy and take care of yourself!
