Is it possible to heat hemorrhoids: contraindications, advice and expert opinions

Is it possible to heat hemorrhoids: contraindications, advice and expert opinions
Is it possible to heat hemorrhoids: contraindications, advice and expert opinions

Answering the question of whether it is possible to heat hemorrhoids, it should be noted that most doctors do not support this. And traditional medicine says the opposite - thermal procedures can have a positive effect on the treatment of this unpleasant disease. So, is it possible to heat hemorrhoids? This issue is worth looking into in more detail.

Effect of thermal procedures on hemorrhoids

During the development of hemorrhoids, the vessels in the hemorrhoidal plexus begin to become inflamed. For this reason, peculiar nodules appear, which are accompanied by severe soreness. When considering whether it is possible to heat hemorrhoids, one should pay attention to the fact that heat exposure is quite often used in medicine in inflammatory processes. However, in the case of hemorrhoids, heat exposure may be contraindicated.

Back jeans pockets
Back jeans pockets

The main reason lies in the increase in blood flow to the pelvic organs, which increases the pressure on the veins in the hemorrhoidal plexus, which are located in the anus on a straight linegut. Considering whether it is possible to warm hemorrhoids, it should be noted that this is fraught with the appearance of bleeding. In addition, exposure to heat can cause the following harm:

  1. Bleeding can lead to anemia.
  2. When discussing whether it is possible to heat hemorrhoids in the bathroom, you should pay attention to the fact that such procedures can provoke the spread of infection. If there are harmful organisms, then under the influence of heat they begin to quickly spread to nearby organs: the uterus, vagina, prostate gland. Against the background of all this, infectious diseases begin to develop.
  3. During the heating of hemorrhoids, inflammation can also spread to other organs of the small pelvis.
  4. Heat can cause an increase in the size of the nodes in the hemorrhoidal plexus, as well as their further loss.
  5. Speaking about whether it is possible to heat hemorrhoids in a bath or sauna, it should be noted that in this case the patient's blood pressure may increase. The steam that comes out in the bath provokes the removal of a large amount of moisture from the human body, which can cause thickening of the blood, as well as the formation of blood clots. This is very dangerous for hemorrhoids.
  6. If hemorrhoidal bumps increase, stagnation in the circulatory system begins to occur, as the nodules do not allow blood to flow.
  7. Under the influence of heat, the symptoms of the disease increase.
Folded hands on knees
Folded hands on knees

Is there any benefit to heat?

Will it cause any-then the benefit of thermal exposure in the treatment of hemorrhoids? Those people who adhere to non-traditional methods of treating hemorrhoids say that heat can speed up metabolic processes and blood circulation. Based on this, excess blood is released from the vessels located in the rectum.

In parallel with this, the nerve receptors present on the mucosa in the rectal region become inflamed. Proponents of traditional medicine believe that efficiency is increased due to the effects of drug therapy, especially if the procedure is carried out in a bath. Under such conditions, harmful substances and toxic deposits are removed from the human body.

Based on the foregoing, a paradoxical situation is created as to whether it is possible to warm hemorrhoids in men and women. However, it is still recommended to follow the advice of qualified specialists, rather than traditional healers. If someone still does not know whether it is possible to heat hemorrhoids with a heating pad, it is best not to risk it. Moreover, there are many different non-traditional recipes that can cope with this unpleasant disease.

girl in a skirt
girl in a skirt

Opinion of traditional medicine

Traditional medicine draws up treatment regimens for patients, directs therapies to eliminate inflammation, as well as to relieve pain. For this, cold procedures are most often used, for example, ice rectal suppositories, compresses and much more. If someone has a question about whether hemorrhoids, external or internal, can be heated, attention should be paidthat only cold can neutralize soreness and stop inflammation.

Traditional medicine also says that heat can weaken the walls of blood vessels, losing their elasticity and tone. Vasodilation during accelerated blood circulation provokes congestion, which is a contraindication for hemorrhoids. Exposure to heat contributes to the deterioration of the patient's condition, as well as slowing down the course of recovery.

hot tub
hot tub

Opinion of traditional healers

Healers and traditional healers, as mentioned above, absolutely contradict the doctors, believing that warming up hemorrhoidal bumps is useful. They drew such conclusions on the basis of practice, which proved the positiveness of this effect. In their opinion, thermal procedures help to completely overcome hemorrhoids, but this does not apply to advanced cases.

But healers still recommend not using too high temperatures to treat this disease. In folk alternative medicine, there are many different recipes for how high temperature can affect neoplasms that were provoked by hemorrhoids.

Possible harm and contraindications

Skilled doctors, as well as traditional healers agree that it is strictly forbidden to carry out thermal procedures for the treatment of hemorrhoids in the following cases:

  1. At the stage of exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
  2. In the presence of neoplasms on the pelvic organs. This applies to neoplasmsbenign form, and malignant.
  3. In the presence of serious diseases of the circulatory system and heart.
  4. With severe hypertensive surges.
  5. If there are blood clots.
  6. When bleeding from the rectal area.
Girl holding a red heart
Girl holding a red heart

If the patient nevertheless decided to warm up hemorrhoidal cones, it is imperative to make sure that he has no contraindications. If there is any predisposition to the development of the above problems, it is necessary to consult with your doctor, as well as undergo a comprehensive examination of the body.

Permissible thermal procedures

However, not all thermal procedures are forbidden to be used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. There are a number of activities that are allowed to be carried out with such an unpleasant disease. It is worth considering individually permitted procedures with heat exposure.

girl sitting on the toilet
girl sitting on the toilet

Hot Stones

The brick must be heated on fire, then wrapped in a cloth or towel. Sit on a brick, touching the anus, sit in this position for 25 minutes. To increase the healing properties, the fabric can be dipped in herbal decoction, which should be prepared from mint, chamomile and hawthorn. If during such treatment discomfort and pain are felt, then the procedure should be stopped immediately.

Thurmanium mat. Doctors' recommendations

Is it possible to heat hemorrhoids on a tourmanium mat? Treatment of this disease with a tourmanium matallowed. However, the duration of therapy should be no more than 10 minutes. The course of treatment in this case is no more than 7 days. It is worth paying attention to the fact that this type of treatment has contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to use this device in cases of aggravated hemorrhoids, benign and malignant tumors in the colon, as well as bleeding from the anus.

Steam baths

For the treatment of hemorrhoids, it is also allowed to take steam baths. To do this, pour boiling water into a bucket and pour medicinal herbs at the rate of 1 tablespoon of raw materials per liter of boiling water. After that, the patient should sit down on a bucket, wrap himself in a long towel or thick cloth so that the steam from the hot air does not come out. The duration of this procedure should be no more than 20 minutes. After the event, the inflamed area is smeared with a greasy cream.

Girl lies on the bed
Girl lies on the bed

In conclusion, only a few treatments that use heat can be used to treat hemorrhoids.
