The skin of babies is delicate and thin. This is especially evident in places near the eyes. Changes in the skin are indicative of a state of he alth. Parents should not ignore the appearance of swelling under the eyes of a child, as this can be a symptom of severe ailments. The causes of this phenomenon and treatment are described in the article.
Swelling under the eyes in newborns is considered normal, this is due to changes in blood circulation, which is carried out in the body after birth. If the violation disappears within a few days, then parents should not worry. But why does a child have bags under the eyes appear at an older age? This may be related to:
- Conjunctivitis or sinus inflammation.
- An imbalance in the ratio of s alts and fluids, which manifests itself when drinking or eating food with s alt in large quantities.
- Allergies manifesting as bags due to the fact that the skin under the eyes is considered to be moresensitive.
- Additional symptoms - fatigue, shortness of breath.
- Lack of sleep and other sleep disturbances, which is more common in infants.

Why bags under the eyes of a preschool child? This may be due to a large load on the eyes, which appears during a long stay at the computer, classes, reading in low light.
So why does the child have bags under his eyes? It should be borne in mind that if the symptom does not disappear for a week or more, then the reason for this may be related to:
- barley and conjunctivitis;
- kidney disease;
- heart failure;
- metabolic disorder;
- high intracranial pressure;
- vegetovascular dystonia;
- liver dysfunction;
- diabetes.
If even after these symptoms, you still do not know why the child has bags under the eyes, then the provoking factor can be viral pathologies of any organs and systems. In any case, you must consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
Red bags occur after sleeping or crying. But it quickly disappears. If the swelling under the eyes of the child does not go away, then this may be a symptom of diseases, each of which has other symptoms:
- If swelling occurs suddenly, and the eyes are red and there is discharge from the nose, then this is a sign of an allergicreactions.
- Edema, in which swelling of the inner corners of the eyes, is a confirmation of the obstruction of the lacrimal ducts.
- If, in addition to the bags, there are lumbar and headaches, as well as difficulty with urination, then this may be a kidney disease. Bags under the eyes will then disappear after the treatment of the disease.

Urgent medical attention is needed when:
- swelling of other parts of the body;
- abdominal pain;
- fatigue;
- headaches;
- excessive lacrimation;
- sharp reddening of the conjunctiva.
The causes and treatment of bags under the eyes in children may differ, so each situation requires an individual approach. Only a doctor can determine why this symptom appears. He will prescribe an effective method of treatment based on the condition of the baby.
After sleep
What causes bags under the eyes of a child after sleep? This occurs due to a violation of the regime, when there is a lack of sleep or sleep lasts more than normal (12-14 hours). The appearance of bags is associated with inflammation of the tissues of the eye and impaired fluid exchange in the eyeball.
When sleep continues beyond the norm, which is equal to 8 hours, the swelling is associated with a prolonged lack of bladder emptying at night. This organ receives excess fluids, including waste products from the stomach and excess intravascular fluid, which are removed through the kidneys. This process is continuous, and a littleliquids. And with prolonged abstinence, the bladder overflows - the fluid does not leave the kidneys.
Then, fluids exit the kidneys into the surrounding tissues, which causes swelling, and not only under the eyes: in these cases, hands and feet often swell. Another cause of bags under the eyes in a 1-year-old child is a lying position, in which there is a slowdown in vascular microcirculation in the lymphatic and venous systems of the facial epithelium. Therefore, fluid accumulates under the eyes.
The first test to determine the cause of the swelling is done by the parents. It is easy to establish the presence of edema on the face, since it is striking. If there is such a symptom on the limbs, you need to put a little pressure on the arm or leg of the child. If the trace remains for a long time, then the problem is likely to have deeper roots.

If, after examination by a doctor, inflammation of the genitourinary system is established, then a urine test is required, as well as an ultrasound examination of the kidneys and urinary tract. If there is a risk of allergy, a biochemical blood test and an allergy test are prescribed.
How to eliminate this symptom?
The causes and treatment of bags under the eyes are interrelated. That is why it is important to see a doctor. Symptomatic treatment of this disorder is excluded. It is important to get rid of the root cause of swelling:
- If the symptom is related to sleep disturbance, it needs to be restored. If necessary, add orincreasing daytime sleep. You also need to go for a walk at the same time every day. This restores the metabolism in the body.
- When edema occurs from allergies, interaction with the allergen should be limited. If this cannot be done (for example, if there is no possibility of contact with pollen during flowering plants), then antihistamine therapy is necessary.
- During the examination of a child by a pediatrician, additional diagnostics may be prescribed by certain specialists: urologist, nephrologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist. This is required for diagnostics to identify pathologies of internal organs.
If bags occur in infants and young children in the morning, then it is necessary to limit the intake of drinks and food before bedtime. It's important to have your last meal at least 3 hours before bedtime to prevent bags.
Fluid restriction
Doctors usually advise limiting fluids. When breastfeeding, you should not abuse water, as a lot of fluid comes from mother's milk. If nutrition is artificial, then the daily rate should not be more than 50 ml up to six months and 200 ml at the age of one.

At 2 years, the water rate per day rises to 500 ml. At 3-4 years old, it is destroyed to drink no more than 1.3 liters of liquid. And at 7-8 years old, if there is swelling, fluid restriction to 1.7 liters is required.
Proper nutrition
It must be balanced. But with edema, a low-s alt diet is prescribed by the doctor. Eliminate s alt completely from your child's dietsucceed, as it is considered an important component of metabolism, as well as a catalyst in the creation of digestive enzymes.
Parents should not feed students:
- smoked cheeses, sausages, meat;
- pickled vegetables and pickles;
- canned fish and meat;
- semi-finished products - dumplings, meatballs.
With allergic puffiness, these products are excluded from the diet. Proper nutrition is essential for a child's well-being.
Conjunctivitis treatment
It is not uncommon for a child to develop conjunctivitis and bags under the eyes due to allergies or bacteria in the eye. Only an ophthalmologist can establish this. If the child's eyes are red, there are bags, then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Treatment of eyes in newborns is performed after establishing the nature of conjunctivitis:
- In case of bacterial antibiotics are prescribed: "Furacilin", "Oletetrin ointment".
- Hormonal and antihistamines are needed for allergies.
- Tetracycline drugs are effective for chlamydia.
Treatment of the genitourinary system
The eyes of newborns and older children are pasty if the urinary system is inflamed. The cause may be cystitis. With this ailment, the appointment is likely:
- Monurala.
- "Nitroxoline".
- "Palina".
With other disorders of the genitourinary system, bags also appear. In any situation, treatment shouldbe prescribed by a doctor.
Treatment of intracranial pressure
The eyes of newborns are pasty due to high intracranial pressure. In addition to the resulting bags under the eyes, strabismus, headaches, weakness, and irritability develop. It is treated with:
- sedatives and diuretics;
- electrophoresis;
- massage;
- pool swimming;
- vitamins.

Usually, doctors with this phenomenon advise long-term breastfeeding. After all, breast milk is not only food, but also a cure for many ailments. Such feeding should continue for at least six months. With high intracranial pressure of an anatomical nature, the appointment of a surgical operation is likely. This resumes the outflow of CSF from the brain.
Treatment of hormonal disruptions
The eyes of newborns are swollen and due to hormonal disorders. Puffiness can be a sign of diabetes, an enlarged thyroid gland. An endocrinologist can establish these ailments. After the tests, hormone treatment is prescribed.
With hormonal diseases, it is important for parents to monitor the diet, sleep, physical activity of the child. In any situation, remember that bags under the eyes are a symptom. With the care of parents and timely treatment, serious illnesses can be prevented.
To prevent red and blue bags under the eyes of a child, you need:
- restore daily routineand sleep;
- ensure the optimum temperature in the room;
- do not drink fluids before bed;
- avoid contact with allergens.

Thanks to these preventive measures, the occurrence of this symptom is excluded. When red, blue or black circles appear under the eyes of a child, the cause must be identified. Timely treatment will prevent complications.