Throughout life, a person faces a huge number of dangers, one of which is infection. The virus spreads throughout the body, penetrating the cells and devouring them. The infection can manifest itself very violently, but it can also remain in a latent state for a long period, and sometimes for a lifetime.
Today, there are more than 450 viruses in medicine. According to the WHO, eighty percent of the world's infectious diseases are caused by strains.

The spread of pathogens occurs from individual to individual, and an animal can also be a carrier. Viruses are divided into two types according to their form:
- Chronic, which affects the body over a long period.
- Acute, when introduced into the body, the disease develops rapidly.
At the same time, infections are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, and many patients and doctors seek to quickly eliminate the symptoms of pathologicalprocess with antibacterial drugs.
But you need to understand that antimicrobial agents are not able to eliminate a viral infection.
A virus is not a cell, it cannot divide, it develops only in a living organism. An infected person transforms into a portable incubator that spreads the infection around him by airborne droplets, as well as by contact or otherwise.

Antibiotics against viruses and bacteria: help or not
The most effective medicine for a viral infection is not antibacterial drugs, but antiviral medicines.
Viral infections are divided into the following types:
- Respiratory, which includes about 170 pathogen names.
- Intestinal lesions - have 90 names.
- Arbovirus infection - about 100 species.
- Hepatitis infections.
- Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and 2.
- Human papillomas - over 100 species.
- Herpetic lesions, adenovirus infection, hantavirus infection and others.
Consider, for example, an acute respiratory viral infection that affects both adults and children. Inflammation in ninety-nine percent of cases is triggered by a viral infection. The use of antimicrobial agents against it is ineffective, because the drugs are aimed only at eliminating harmful bacteria.
On the contrary, the use of antibiotics in this situation is fraught with negative effects - these drugs destroy not only pathogens, but alsobeneficial bacteria, adversely affecting the immune system.
Have you heard that people drink antibiotics for a virus? Perhaps these people are just self-medicating! Unlike bacteria, viruses are just a system that is close to a life form. Doctors still cannot agree on whether this organism is alive or not.
So, antimicrobials are substances of plant or synthetic origin that can inhibit the growth of certain bacteria or provoke their death.
Do antibiotics kill viruses? Antimicrobials are different, but, as a rule, they do not work on viruses, because the strain does not have its own metabolic system. After all, viruses are parasites that can live and spread only in the cells of the host. So it is useless to drink antibiotics against the flu virus, herpes, measles and hepatitis.
For this, there are strong drugs that have the ability to influence large viruses, but at the same time harm the cells and the human defense system. Therefore, it makes no sense to use antibacterial drugs against viruses in most situations.

Why do doctors prescribe antibiotics for SARS and other viral infections?
Why use antibiotics against viruses or bacteria? Antimicrobial drugs are designed to stop the spread of a bacterial inflammatory lesion in the underlying pathology.
The expediency of such treatment is highly doubtful, since the destruction of all bacteria withoutexceptions takes away from the human body the ability to effectively fight SARS.
Do antibiotics treat viruses in children? Often there is rotavirus, which in most cases affects preschool children. The disease is characterized by inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. The main symptom of rotavirus infection is sudden diarrhea.
Therapy in this situation is based on the resumption of water-s alt balance. Antibacterial agents are also often prescribed to prevent rotavirus in children.

Antibiotics for viral diseases
Antimicrobial drugs can be prescribed for the return of chronic otitis media, for severe symptoms of immunodeficiency, for acute viral infections.
Do antibiotics treat viruses in some special cases? A number of reasons why antibiotics are a necessity:
- Chronic inflammation of the middle ear.
- Underweight babies, vitamin D and calcium deficiencies, weak immune system.
- Signs of insufficiency of the protective functions of the body, among which there are frequent inflammatory processes, colds, unreasonable rise in temperature, fungal infections of the nail plate, regular digestive problems, autoimmune diseases, cancerous tumors, purulent processes.
Treatment for a virus with antibiotics is done to prevent certain complications. For example:
- If with a viral diseasebacterial purulent tonsillitis appears, while there is a streptococcal or anaerobic infection.
- When inflammatory lesions occur in the lungs.
- In the formation of inflammatory processes in the ears.
When a purulent infection joins a viral infection, it is observed:
- lymph node involvement;
- sinusitis (inflammation of the maxillary sinuses);
- phlegmon (acute diffuse purulent inflammation of cellular spaces, unlike an abscess, has no clear boundaries);
- bacteria infect the airways and throat.

The use of antibiotics against viruses is indicated as a preventive measure to prevent complications.
In case of rotavirus, it is necessary to carry out early diagnosis, rehydration, and also take absorbent drugs - activated charcoal, "Smektu", "Polysorb". Enterosorbents help to combine viruses and "remove" them from the human body. As a rule, the use of antimicrobial agents to eliminate rotavirus infection is strictly contraindicated so as not to destroy an already affected gastrointestinal tract.
With rotavirus, it is recommended to follow a diet and take medications that can replenish the water balance in the body ("Rehydron"), and you should also use enzymes, among which are "Pancreatin" and "Creon", regenerating microflora. But in rare situations, antimicrobial drugs are also prescribed against rotavirus infection. itpossible under the following conditions:
- Cholera suspected with severe dehydration.
- Presence of blood in feces.
- Chronic diarrhea that lasts more than ten days and in the presence of giardia in the feces.
It must be remembered that antibiotics against viruses can be used in rare cases. For the effectiveness of treatment, the correct selection of antibacterial agents is important. You also need to know the localization of the virus and the spectrum of activity in order to establish the correct dosing.

What doctors prescribe for a viral infection
As a rule, preference is given to antimicrobial agents with a general spectrum of action, with increased absorption and low toxicity.
When a viral infection requires a minimum effect of the antimicrobial drug on the beneficial intestinal microflora and the absence of an excess or lack of beneficial bacteria in the body when using it. Names of antibiotics against viruses:
- Medicines of the penicillin series, which include Oxacillin, as well as Ampiox and Ampicillin. Such drugs have the ability to be instantly absorbed, they effectively eliminate streptococci, pneumococci, meningococci.
- Cephalosporin drugs include "Cefalexin", "Cefazolin", "Cefaloridin". The drugs are considered to have low toxicity, work against both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, and can also suppress penicillin-resistant viruses.
- Macrolides are "Erythromycin" and "Azithromycin", which are designed to inhibit the spread of pathogens.
- Tetracyclines include "Doxycycline" and "Tetracycline". Drugs prevent protein synthesis in the cell.
- For severe infections, use aminoglycosides, which include "Gentamicin" and "Amikacin".
- Other groups of antibiotics that act on viruses include Lincomycin and Rifampicin.

When combining a bacterial intestinal infection with a rotavirus, patients can use Enterofuril, Furazolidone and other antimicrobial agents. They help prevent prolonged diarrhea (diarrhea). As a rule, these drugs are prescribed according to the results of the tests.
Among the most common symptoms that confirm the addition of a bacterial lesion are sudden changes in temperature and the nature of bowel movements.
Result of wrong treatment
The most dangerous consequences of rotavirus for a child can be critical dehydration and rapid weight loss. The smaller the age of a small patient, the more serious the problem will be in this condition. Dehydration in the rotavirus pathological process, as a rule, entails:
- The occurrence of pneumonia, because with the loss of fluid, the blood becomes thicker and the pathological secret also disrupts the functioning of the lungs, as well as the bronchi and cardiovascularsystem.
- The stability of the central nervous system is disturbed. Complications are manifested by spasms and loss of consciousness. Due to the deficiency of sodium and calcium, there is a failure in the supply of electrical signals that pass through the cells. They mix, which provokes involuntary muscle contractions.
- With insufficient blood volume, there may be a sharp decrease in pressure, as well as a decrease in oxygen levels, hypovolemic shock is possible.
What really helps in the fight against viral diseases
The virus is treated with antibiotics? Antimicrobials are drugs, for the most part, of natural origin that fight bacterial pathogens. But they, as noted above, are absolutely useless in viruses, since the latter is considered an extracellular agent, on which antibacterial treatment does not work.
To eliminate the virus, you can use antiviral medicines and drugs that can not only resist the attack of a foreign microorganism, but will also be effective in preventing future infections. You need to know that antimicrobial drugs for a virus are useless and even harmful.
Since viral infections can provoke serious illnesses (for example, upper respiratory tract), there are certain antiviral drugs that eliminate this pathology.

Against the influenza virus, SARS and respiratory diseases are used:
- "Orvir", "Mindatan" from influenza group A.
- "Arbidol", "Aflubin", "Amiksin", "Tamiflu" are suitable for influenza categories B, C and SARS.
- "Ribavirin" is effective for respiratory infections.
For viral hepatitis, a group of interferon inducers and "Ribamidil" for hepatitis B and C are recommended.
"Aciclovir", an effective remedy against the herpes virus, is not an antibiotic.
From contagious lesions:
- "Metisazan" from ordinary smallpox.
- Aciclovir for shingles and chickenpox.
Antimicrobials cure most diseases. However, they have proven themselves not only as bacteria killers, but also as pests to human he alth. Antiviral medicines and medicines are also not considered safe.
Interferon Alpha-2B
For example, with SARS and influenza, many patients take the antiviral drug "Interferon Alpha-2B". He does his job admirably. But the use of this medication is fraught with negative consequences for the body. Like an antibiotic, an antiviral drug has certain contraindications.
For example, "Interferon Alpha-2B" can provoke:
- Allergic reactions.
- Itchy skin.
- Indigestion.
It is important to note that the above reactions may occur in those patients who are prohibited from using this medication:
- When pregnant.
- When lactating.
- Babies and toddlers under three years of age.
- For people of retirement age.
- In case of acute drug intolerance in a patient.
Undoubtedly, when the first symptoms of infection appear, you should contact a medical specialist. Before taking this or that drug, you must consult a doctor, having previously passed the tests.
Only a doctor can prescribe antibiotics to a child. At the same time, improper administration of the drug can lead to the fact that the next time the child catches a viral infection faster, since treatment with the use of antimicrobials causes a significant blow to the child's immune system.
Prevention methods
The most natural, as well as effective and one hundred percent helping drug for all diseases and infections is not an antibacterial agent, but the human immune system. If it is in order, then the body is fighting a virus or a bacterium.
You can also strengthen your he alth by hardening with cold and hot water. But if taking a contrast shower is useful, then drinking cold water is very dangerous. He althy and natural foods, fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy products also help to strengthen the body's defenses.
In order to prevent viral diseases from catching a person by surprise, it is necessary to be vaccinated.
What are the advantages of vaccination:
- The body will be able to develop immunity against infection.
- Don't have to spend money on expensive drugs.
- Minimum side effects.
- Absencecontraindications.

Given all of the above, we can conclude that sometimes the use of antibacterial agents, even in the presence of viral infections, becomes a necessity. In this case, only a medical specialist has the right to determine the type of infection and choose an effective medicine.
Most often, antimicrobial agents cannot be used to treat viral infections, since they are aimed at inhibiting the reproduction of bacteria (living cells), and a virus is not a cell. It can only be inside living organisms, devouring them. In other words, it's a parasite.
Need to remember forever that antibiotic therapy:
- Prescribed by a doctor only to eliminate bacterial infections.
- Cannot have any effect on the virus and infection because the antibiotic only eliminates living cells. With a viral infection, it is completely useless.
The virus, penetrating into the body, functions as a parasite, affecting living cells. Antimicrobial drugs cannot eliminate viral diseases, but they can be easily eliminated with the help of antiviral drugs, which neutralize the most common diseases of the upper respiratory organs in children and adult patients without any problems. Antiviral agents, for example, Amiksin, must be consumed after meals. It must always be remembered that in most cases, antibiotics do not work on viruses.
Due to the illiteracy of many people, most ofof them is self-medicating, putting, as a rule, an incorrect diagnosis to himself. It is important to consider that an antimicrobial drug is considered a powerful medicine, and its effect is aimed not only at neutralizing harmful bacteria, but also at destroying the microflora of the body. This can lead to disastrous consequences.
First of all, you need to consult a medical specialist. You cannot self-medicate! Before using any medication, you need to thoroughly study the instructions for use.