What is treated with menovazine ointment? According to the instructions attached to the medicine, there are several indications for the use of this drug. However, experts argue that such a local medication is not able to eliminate the causes of existing pathologies. It is intended for symptomatic therapy only.
Composition and description of the medicinal product
Menovazine ointment is a thick white mass (may be slightly creamy) with a pronounced smell of menthol. It is placed in an aluminum tube (40 g), which, along with instructions for use, is in a pack of cardboard.
One gram of the agent in question contains 25 mg of menthol, 10 mg of procaine and the same amount of benzocaine. The preparation also contains additional components in the form of white paraffin, mineral oil, water and T-2 emulsifier.
Local drug properties
Instructions for the use of menovazin ointment reports that this medication has a wide spectrum of action. The versatility of this drug is due to its active ingredients.substances.

Despite the fact that menovazin ointment is made from simple components, it is highly effective in the treatment of completely different diseases.
In pharmacy chains, this medicine is presented in two forms:
- solution;
- ointment.
Both forms of the drug have a pronounced analgesic effect.
Menthol, which is part of the ointment, is obtained by processing peppermint essential oil. This component is a transparent substance in the form of crystals. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic and decongestant properties. That is why it is actively used during the treatment of many inflammatory diseases.
It should also be noted that menthol is able to stimulate blood flow and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. It has a specific mint smell. It is very often used in aromatherapy (as additives to aromatic oils), as well as to alleviate the symptoms of colds (for rubbing).

The composition of menovazine ointment also includes such an active ingredient as procaine. This substance is a fairly strong anesthetic element. After it hits the diseased area and partial absorption, potassium channels are blocked, as well as the transmission of nerve impulses is stopped. This action of procaine contributes to the rapid and effective removal of discomfort in the area of its application.
By the way, procaine narrows wellvessels, and also has poor permeability to the nasal mucosa.
What properties does benzocaine give menovazine ointment? The instruction reports that thanks to this component, the drug in question is able to reduce pain in the mucous membranes. It should be noted that the combination of substances such as procaine and benzocaine greatly enhances the analgesic properties of the local drug.
Features of the use of menovazin ointment
Reviews of patients using such a remedy as prescribed by a doctor report that it does its job well. This is a good and affordable drug for local anesthesia. After its application to the affected area, menthol immediately has a pronounced irritating effect. This happens due to the expansion of blood vessels in the upper layers of the skin.
Patients who have repeatedly used menovazine ointment claim that its use is accompanied by a pleasant feeling of coolness. In some cases, a person may experience a subtle burning or tingling sensation.

Under the influence of menthol, the conductivity of nerve impulses decreases. This helps to eliminate all pain. As for benzocaine and procaine, they enhance the properties of menthol, which makes the drug indispensable in its kind.
When is it recommended to use the drug?
The use of menovasin ointment is indicated for the treatment of many different diseases. For example, very often this topical medicationrecommend using for symptoms of dermatosis, accompanied by pain in muscles and joints, itchy skin, as well as lesions of cartilage, spinal hernia, osteochondrosis, neuralgia and pinching of the sciatic nerve.
An anesthetic drug on menthol is also recommended for severe bruises with tissue swelling, discomfort and inflammatory reaction.
According to reports from doctors, the ointment in question can be widely used in combination therapy of respiratory infections, including those accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat and nose.
It is impossible not to mention that menovazin ointment is highly effective in the treatment of sinusitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis and pharyngitis. It is also used to relieve coughing fits that result from the accumulation of phlegm.

Contraindications to the use of local medicine "Menovazan"
Instructions for menovazin ointment (the price of the drug in pharmacies may vary slightly) reports several contraindications for its use. This drug is not used if the patient is highly sensitive to the components of the drug. Very often, an allergic reaction to the active substances of the ointment develops in children. In this regard, in young patients, such medications should be prescribed with extreme caution. The same goes for pregnant women.
It should also be noted that the medication in question is strictly forbidden to be applied to open wound surfaces and damaged areas of the skin or mucous membrane.
Kcontraindications for menovazin ointment include the presence of diseases such as weeping dermatosis, psoriasis, eczema and other lesions of the external integument.
Ways to use pain relief ointment
Menovazan ointment is for external use only. The drug is applied in a thin layer to the painful area, and then lightly rubbed with massage movements. For the effect of the drug to be most effective, experts recommend using it at least 2-3 times a day.

Usually, the use of this medicine is continued until all signs of the disease disappear. Although sometimes the duration of its use is strictly limited in time (a doctor's consultation is necessary).
How to use medication in special cases?
In some cases, Menovazan ointment is used as an alternative medicine for the treatment of hypertension, toothache and varicose veins. Doctors do not recommend experimenting on your own body. It should always be remembered that such a tool has a number of contraindications. It may also cause unwanted effects.
In the treatment of respiratory viral diseases, the medication in question is used for rubbing. To do this, the ointment is applied to the chest and back of the patient, and then lightly massaged until it is completely absorbed.
If you want to eliminate the feeling of discomfort with inflamed hemorrhoids, then a small amount of the drug is applied to a cotton swab, and then the area around the anus is not very abundantly treated.
Sin order to treat early herpes, the medicine must be applied directly to the site of the rash, using a cotton swab for this. The treatment of bubbles in this way should be carried out several times a day. In this case, it is forbidden to apply ointment to mucous surfaces.

Few people know, but Menovazan ointment for sinusitis well helps to alleviate all the symptoms of this disease. To treat such a disease, a small amount of the drug is applied to a cotton pad, and then applied to the area of the maxillary sinuses and left overnight. The described procedure is carried out no more than two weeks.
In osteochondrosis of the cervical region, the drug is prescribed as part of complex therapy. It is applied to the inflamed area, three times a day.
For a headache, the medicine is rubbed on the forehead, temples and the back of the head. A cotton pad is usually used for this.
Side effects
Side effects after applying the Menovazan ointment are very rare. If the instructions for using this drug are not followed, patients may experience such undesirable effects as general weakness, redness of the skin at the site of application of the drug, lowering blood pressure, and slight dizziness.
If at least one of the listed effects develops, the use of the ointment should be stopped immediately.
Cost of the drug, consumer reviews
How much does menovazine ointment cost? The price of such a local remedy is about 40-50 rubles. It should be remembered, however, that thisThe drug is available in two different formulations. The cost of these can vary significantly.

Reviews of those patients who have ever used Menovazan ointment are mostly positive. Many people were satisfied not only with the affordable price of this medicine, but also with its amazing effectiveness. Also, patients constantly note the versatility of the drug, its pleasant smell, instant absorption and the absence of marks on clothes.