Balm "White tiger". Ancient secrets of the East

Balm "White tiger". Ancient secrets of the East
Balm "White tiger". Ancient secrets of the East

Many of us, as soon as we feel unwell, immediately rush to the pharmacy to somehow alleviate the condition. However, few people think that by swallowing a "magic" pill, we cause irreparable harm to the body. The main problem lies in the fact that almost all drugs are of chemical origin with all the ensuing consequences. But, unfortunately, we have long become accustomed to this state of affairs. What can not be said about the Vietnamese, who for many centuries have been using the gifts of nature for treatment. From generation to generation, they pass on miraculous recipes for ointments, decoctions and infusions based on medicinal plants.

White Tiger balm, which is a truly folk remedy for the treatment of many ailments, has received great recognition and respect all over the world.

white tiger balm
white tiger balm

About the balm

An ointment preparation called "White Tiger" is produced by the famous Vietnamese pharmaceutical laboratory "Bao Lin". Since it is based on traditional ancient recipes,Balm "White Tiger" has an exclusively natural composition in the form of extracts of medicinal plants.

Cream-balm, due to the effective herbal composition, has a high therapeutic effect: it improves local blood circulation, dilates superficial vessels and warms up tissues, and has a local analgesic effect. Most often, the remedy is used to eliminate joint, muscle and headaches.

The effect of the balm is achieved through point stimulation of biologically active points that are on the surface of the skin.

Compared to numerous synthetic preparations, White Tiger balm is safe for human he alth, has proven high efficiency, natural composition and affordable price. The low cost is due to the fact that all medicinal components of the balm grow in Vietnam, and the production process is quite simple and low-cost.

The product has a pleasant smell and comes in a convenient 20 gram transparent glass jar. Consumed quite sparingly, so one package is enough for almost 500 point applications.

What's in

What active ingredients does the White Tiger balm contain? The instructions for the medicinal product indicate the following composition:

  • camphor oil;
  • eucalyptus oil;
  • mint essential oil;
  • cinnamon oil;
  • clove oil;
  • menthol (alcohol solution);
  • methyl salicylate.
balm white tiger instructions
balm white tiger instructions


The healing properties of the balm are as follows:

• has a local analgesic effect;

• improves blood circulation;

• produces a healing warming effect;

• Protects against hypothermia.

The most effective treatment result can be obtained by applying the point impact technique. In this way, it is possible to reduce pain, reduce nervous and muscle tension, balance the energy balance, increase blood circulation, regulate blood supply to tissues and endocrine organs, excite or calm (depending on the method of exposure) the autonomic nervous system.

Due to the peculiarities of the manufacture of the balm, its active ingredients are able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin when applied and rubbed. Studies have proven high therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of various ailments.

White Tiger balm provides significant help:

• for neurological back problems (sciatica, lumbago);

• for muscle and joint pain;

• for arthritis;

• for PTSD;

• for insect bites.

Through exposure to special points, the remedy showed high efficiency in toothache and headache, colds and gastrointestinal disorders.

An important advantage of the balm is that after a while its healing effect is not lost.

white tiger balm vietnam
white tiger balm vietnam

How to apply

White Tiger Balm is only foroutdoor use.

Apply it in a thin layer, rubbing into the skin with light massage movements for 5 minutes. The procedure is recommended to be repeated 3-4 times a day. To obtain the maximum therapeutic effect, it is recommended to use the method of acupressure, applying the Vietnamese White Tiger Balm to special acupuncture points.

The rules of application also depend on specific situations. For example, for headaches, a remedy is applied to the temples and forehead.

For colds, the balm is rubbed into the area of the bridge of the nose, chest, back and neck.

In case of rhinitis, it is recommended to apply it on the bridge of the nose, wings of the nose and temples.

In order to warm up the muscles before sports training, 5 minutes before class, make a light massage using a small amount of the product.

vietnamese balm white tiger
vietnamese balm white tiger


Balm, despite a fairly wide range of applications, has some contraindications. These are individual intolerance to the components of the drug and age up to 5 years.

Also recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Be careful when using White Tiger Balm (Vietnam). Try to avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.

Because the drug has a pronounced irritant effect, its application is not allowed on areas where there are scratches and open wounds.

Children under the age of 7,it is recommended to mix the balm with baby or other cream.

If there are allergic reactions to one of the components, the use of the balm must be discontinued.

Otherwise, the Vietnamese balm has no other side effects.

Today there are many fakes on sale, so to get the desired result, purchase the drug of the original production.
