Modern pharmaceutical companies produce a wide variety of drugs. Some are produced in the form of tablets, others - syrups and suspensions. Also, drugs can be intended for external use. They have a gel or creamy texture. These include "Interferon ointment". Instructions for its use are presented to your attention in the article.

"Interferon ointment" is available in different containers. It can be glass jars or metal tubes. The drug has the consistency of a thick cream and is intended for external use.
The composition of the drug includes human recombinant interferon in varying amounts. Also, the manufacturer adds additional components. They may differ for each type of drug. Pharmacy chains are in great demand for drugs based on interferon - "Viferon" and "Ointment with KIP".

Purpose: what does the remedy help with?
"Interferon ointment" can be used for treatment and prevention. The drug has an immunomodulatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, protective and softening effect. The ointment is used in the following cases:
- shingles or herpetic eruptions;
- warts and papillomas;
- respiratory viral and bacterial diseases;
- genital mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis;
- in gynecology for the treatment of pathologies of the cervix and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
- atopic dermatitis;
- viral lesions of the skin and mucous membranes.
As a prophylactic, "Interferon ointment" is applied nasally. Before contact with the infected, it is necessary to lubricate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

How to use
In what dosage is "Interferon ointment" prescribed to the patient? The use of the drug for diseases is shown twice a day. The break between applications of the drug should be 12 hours. The medication is taken with a cotton swab or a sterile spatula, after which it is applied to the affected areas with a thin layer. Allow the medication to dry completely before contacting clothing.
For the subsequent application of the ointment, it is not necessary to wash off the existing residues. If such recommendations are given by a doctor, then an antiseptic surface treatment should be carried out. For prevention, the drug is applied to the nasal mucosa with a cotton swab once a day.

Contraindications and side effects
"Interferon ointment" has practically no contraindications. The drug is not used only if the patient has hypersensitivity to its components. The ointment is not recommended to be applied to fungal lesions of the skin and mucous membranes due to the formation of a film over them.
Side effects are not officially registered. Usually "Interferon ointment" is well tolerated by patients. But some consumers still report the consequences of its use. Patients say that the medication causes a burning sensation immediately after application. Itching may also occur. All of these symptoms resolve on their own within a few minutes. Doctors say that such a reaction does not require discontinuation of the drug or dose adjustment. But you must definitely visit the doctor if you experience an allergic reaction to the use of the ointment: swelling, rash, hives.

"Interferon ointment": reviews
Patients speak positively about this drug. The drug allows you to quickly eliminate a viral infection. The ointment shows a good result within 5 days. Consumers also mention the preventive method of using the product. They say that upon contact with a sick person (subject to the use of "Interferon ointment"), infection does not occur. At the same time, the medicine is absolutely safe.
Often prescribed "Interferon ointment" for children. This application is especially relevant forchildren of preschool and school age. It is during these periods that children get sick especially often due to the constant presence in the crowded area. Parents say that sometimes doctors prescribe drugs (pills and syrups) for children to prevent viral diseases. But they cannot constantly stuff the child with medicines. An excellent option in this situation was "Interferon ointment". According to the instructions, the drug has no special contraindications and has a positive effect on the immune system. Doctors also remind that the independent use of any medicines in children is prohibited.
Positive feedback about the drug is also expressed by pregnant women. During the bearing of a child, many formulations are prohibited for use. However, "Interferon ointment" is allowed for expectant mothers. Gynecologists and therapists also talk about this. The drug is not absorbed into the systemic circulation, it does not have a detrimental effect on the liver and digestive tract. Also, the ointment cannot harm the developing embryo in any way.

In conclusion
"Interferon ointment" provides for certain storage conditions. It should be at a temperature not higher than 8-10 degrees. Only in this case, the drug will work effectively and safely for the consumer. You can buy medicine at any pharmacy without a special prescription from a doctor. Watch your well-being and do not get sick!