In the article, we will consider how to use "Fenistil" with chickenpox.
If we take into account the characteristic symptoms of chickenpox in the form of a watery rash that constantly itches, it becomes clear why doctors recommend remedies that significantly reduce such discomfort. The medicine "Fenistil" with chickenpox will relieve itching, which is important for babies who comb acne, thus opening the gate for infection. In addition, a small white, but quite noticeable scar may remain in place of the healed wound.

So, "Fenistil" is an anti-allergic agent. Drugs in this category reduce the increased permeability of capillaries. They have a mild sedative effect. They are used for the symptomatic treatment of allergic reactions, to quickly eliminate itching in the following situations: insect bites, chickenpox,dermatitis.
Pharmacological action
According to the instructions for use of the Fenistil gel for children and adults, the drug can have an anti-allergic effect due to the active ingredient dimethindene, which provides the opposite effect to histamine. The substance reduces the severity of discomfort in a baby experiencing itching and burning. The agent reduces capillaropathy, which contributes to the penetration of allergens into the bloodstream.
It is important to note that dimethindene can have a beneficial effect on the vascular endothelium, due to which the pressure slightly decreases, the bronchi expand, and the secretion of the glands decreases. In this regard, the use of the Fenistila gel for chickenpox and allergic manifestations for children must be agreed with the doctor.
The active ingredient of the drops begins to work twenty minutes after ingestion, reaches a maximum in the blood after five hours. It is excreted, as a rule, with urine. Therefore, it is used with care among patients who suffer from pathologies of the liver and kidneys.

Composition and release format: gel, drops
"Fenistil" is made in the form of drops intended for oral use, as well as in the form of an ointment and gel. The main component is dimethindene maleate.
"Fenistil" with chickenpox
For the treatment of this disease, doctors prescribe a gel form of the drug in question, which is used externally. Treatment is carried out symptomatic. The agent should be smeared with the emergingrashes. They relieve itching, and chickenpox is easier to tolerate due to this. After the pimples have dried, the use of Fenistil can be stopped.
Antihistamine medications, including this one, are used for children and adults who suffer from all sorts of allergies. A rash with itching in allergic people is usually more pronounced, and the described drug almost instantly relieves people of discomfort. But during the application of "Fenistil" with chickenpox on the skin, one should avoid getting it on the mucous membranes and in the eyes.

The drug is used to treat allergies against the background of urticaria, perennial rhinitis, angioedema, hay fever, food and drug irritation of the stomach. In addition, it can be used to eliminate itching that occurs with dermatosis, eczema, atopic dermatitis, measles, as well as in case of chicken pox, rubella and insect bites. Also, "Fenistil" is prescribed for the prevention of certain allergic reactions as part of receiving sensitizing treatment.
This remedy is not prescribed to patients if they have previously been diagnosed with intolerance to dimethindene maleate along with angle-closure glaucoma, bronchial asthma, benign prostate enlargement, and so on. Also, it is not prescribed in the treatment of women who are in the initial trimester of pregnancy and lactation.
Drops "Fenistil" for children under one year old are prescribed with great care. Also not recommendeduse of the drug when patients have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, because the use of the drug in question may be accompanied by the appearance of episodic sleep apnea.

Usage and dosage for adults
Adults take "Fenistil", as a rule, 20 or 40 drops three times a day. If the use of the drug is accompanied by the development of pronounced drowsiness, then the daily dose is divided into two doses: patients take 40 drops immediately before going to bed and 20 in the morning.
For kids
Consider the dosage of "Fenistil" for chickenpox in children.
When treating with this drug in pediatric practice, its dosage should be calculated taking into account the body weight of the baby: 0.1 milligram per kilogram of body weight per day. When calculating the amount, remember that 20 drops of the drug corresponds to 1 milliliter, which is equal to 1 milligram of dimethindene maleate.
If there are no other appointments, then children from one to three years old take ten or fifteen drops three times a day. And at the age of three to twelve years, fifteen or twenty drops are prescribed three times. It is worth noting that the described medicine has a pleasant taste, in connection with this, it can be taken even undiluted.
Dosage up to a year
What is the dosage of Fenistil drops for chickenpox in children under one year old? Babies should "take" three to ten drops three times a day.
With an excess of "Fenistil" in the body, patients may experience increased excitation of the nervous system, which will be manifested by hallucinations, fever, convulsions or tachycardia. Also, the occurrence of excessive drowsiness along with severe weakness, urinary retention, ataxia, arterial hypotension and the development of collapse is not excluded. Treatment involves detoxification and symptomatic therapy.

Side effects
It can be said that this medicine came to replace the long-known Tavegil. True, even such a modern remedy can cause various side effects in people in the form of nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth, dizziness, headache, agitation, swelling, skin rash, muscle spasm, impaired respiratory function, and so on.
But according to pediatricians and manufacturers, side effects appear in rare cases. In order to prevent possible negative reactions to this drug and effective therapy, it is necessary to carefully monitor the behavior and general well-being of the patient, starting from the first days of use.

Storage conditions
"Fenistil" is stored in a room protected from light, and, moreover, in a cool place. Its shelf life is three years.
If necessary, this pharmaceutical product can be replaced with these medicines:

- Zinc ointment is a safe antiviral agent that dries up acne and relieves itching. They are recommended to apply to the affected areas at least four times a day.
- Fucorcin ointment is designed to fight inflammation. The use of this tool minimizes the occurrence of secondary infections. The ointment can be used in parallel with any pharmaceutical drugs. But it must be applied in a very thin layer. Not applicable for children under three years of age.
- Tablets and ointment "Acyclovir" are used for severe disease in adults. True, you cannot assign them to yourself.
Antihistamines like Cetrin, Diazolin, Dimedrol, Loratadin, Claritin, Tavegil and Suprastin have proven themselves to be excellent. All of the listed drugs can replace Fenistil, they can be successfully used. These medicines relieve or relieve itching. They are capable of exerting a mild sedative effect. However, if chickenpox is being treated for a baby, then you should consult with a pediatrician who knows the child from birth. He must choose the optimal, and at the same time safe remedy.
We looked at how to use Fenistil for chickenpox in children and adults.